


刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:342 移动端

  Section 1

  1. Music and dancing(音乐/跳舞)

  a. What is your favourite type of music? 你最喜欢什么类型的音乐?

  b. What benits does listening music bring to a person? 听音乐有什么好处?

  c. What sort of equipment do you use to listen to music? 你用什么设备听音乐?

  d. Have you ever been to a live music concert? 你有没有看过音乐演唱会?

  e. Who is your favourite Chinese singer and why do you like him or her? 你最喜欢的中国歌手是谁?你为什么喜欢该歌手?

  f. Who is your favourite foreign singer and why do you like him or her? 你最喜欢的外国歌手是谁?你为什么喜欢该歌手?

  g. What type of music is now popular in your city (country)? 现在流行什么音乐?

  h. To what extent, do you think, your country’s music has been affected by the invasion of the western culture and music? 西方音乐对你国家的音乐文化的影响?

  i. Have you ever been to a music function (或art function)?(音乐聚会)

  j. Do you like dancing? Which style is your favourite? Why? 你喜欢跳舞吗?什么STYLE 是你喜欢的?为什么?

  k. What is the difference between the dance style of old people and young? 老人和年轻人跳舞有什么不同?

  l. On what occasions do Chinese people dance? 中国人在什么样的场合跳舞?

  m. Do often go to discos or pubs for dancing? 你经常去迪吧或迪斯高广场跳舞吗?

  2. Movies(电影)

  a. What type of movies do you prer to watch? 你喜欢看什么类型的电影?

  b. Where do you prer to watch movies? 你喜欢在哪里看电影?

  c. What is the recent foreign film that you had watched? Why did you choose to watch this film? 你最近看过的外国电影是什么?为什么选择看这一部电影?

  d. How the Chinese film industry has developed in the past few decades? 近几十年中国电影产业有什么样的发展和变化?

  e. How the movies are affecting our lives? 电影对我们生活有什么影响?

  f. How to control piracy? 如何控制及处理盗版问题?

  3. Clothing (衣服)

  a. What kind of clothes do you like to wear? Why? 你喜欢穿什么样的衣服?

  b. Where do you buy clothes? 你平时在哪里买衣服?

  c. Simply describe your favourite dress? 简单的描述一下你最喜欢穿的服装?

  d. What is your favourite brand? 你最喜欢的衣服品牌?

  e. How has western culture affected the fashion of your country? 西方文化对你国FASHION有什么影响吗?

  f. What kinds of clothes are popular nowadays? 现在流行什么样的服装?

  4. Reading and writing (读与写)

  a. Do you like reading? 你喜欢看书吗?

  b. What types of books do you like to read? 你喜欢看什么类型的书?

  c. When do you usually read books? 通常你在什么时间看书?

  d. What is your favourite magazine? 你最喜欢的杂志是什么?

  e. Do you often read newspaper? Which newspaper do you prer to read? Why? 你经常看报纸吗?喜欢看什么样的报纸?为什么?

  f. Describe a piece of news you have recently read in the newspaper? 描述一条你最近在报纸上看到的新闻?

  g. Do you prer to write letters or e-mails? 你喜欢写信还是写e-mail?

  h. What are the advantages of writing letters? 写信的好处?

  i. Do you practice Chinese calligraphy? 你练书法吗?

  5. Accommodation and architecture (住宿环境&建筑)

  a. What type of house do you live in? Is it a flat, villa or a house? 你住什么类型的房子?公寓,别墅还是town house?

  b. Do you like your present living environment? 你对你的住宿环境满意吗?

  c. If you have a chance to move to another location, will you migrate or not? 如有机会你会搬家吗?会选择什么样的环境?

  d. Should old buildings (historical architectures) be preserved or not? 是否有必要保护古老的建筑(有历史意义的建筑)?

  e. Are there any historical sites or buildings in your city? 你的城市有没有历史建筑?

  f. What’s your favourite modern building in your city? 在你所生活的地方(城市),你最喜欢的现代化建筑是什么?

  g. Can your city be considered as a city of modern architecture? 你的城市是否是一个建筑方面很现代化的城市?

  h. To what extent, do you think, the weather affects the architecture of a city? 天气与建筑风格有没有什么关系?如有是哪一方面的?

  i. What facilities should a modern building must contain? 一个现代化的楼应该包含什么样的设施?

  j. Do you often visit galleries (art museum)? Why? 你经常去画廊或艺术馆吗?为什么?

  6. Education(教育)

  a. Educational background? 教育背景?

  b. What are your favourite subjects? 你最喜欢的科目是哪一些?

  c. For how long you have been studying? 你学龄有多长?

  d. What are you plans for your further education? 你对你未来的学习有何计划?

  e. What is your opinion on studying abroad? 你是怎么看待出国留学?

  f. What do you think are the drawbacks of your present education system? 你对中国教育系统的看法?有什么缺点?

  g. Do you hope to gain any qualification? 你未来想获得什么文凭?

  h. Are extracurricular activities important for students? 课外活动对学生们重要吗?

  i. What do you think is the best age for students to start learning English (foreign language)?从几岁开始学外语(英文)最合适?

  j. Which language would choose as your second foreign language? 作为你的第二外语你会选择什么语言?

  k. Have you ever taken an English language course? What was it? 你曾经参加过英文培训吗?是什么样的培训?

  7. Family: (家庭):

  a. Family background? 家庭背景?

  b. What do your parents do for living? 你的父母从事什么职业?

  c. Describe the personality (characters) of your parents? 描述一下你父母的性格?

  d. Describe your family tree? 描述一下你的家谱?

  e. Is putting the family tree on the website necessary? 你认为将家谱放在网上有必要吗?

  f. Describe any family news? 说说家庭的新闻?

  8. Job (工作)

  a. What is your job? 你从事什么工作?

  b. Did you ever change your job? 你曾经换过工作吗?

  c. Describe your job? 描述一下你的工作?

  d. What will be your ideal job? 你认为你理想的工作是什么?

  e. What will/did you do with your first salary? 你会(曾经)如何使用你第一笔薪水?

  f. Are you satisfied with the salary that you get? 你对你的薪水满意吗?

  g. What sorts of social benits are employees commonly able to enjoy after their retirement? 职员们在退休后通常能得到何种社会福利?

  h. How is your typical day like? 你的一天是怎么样的?

  9. Hometown:(家乡)

  a. Where are you from? 你在哪里出生?

  b. What is special about this place? What is it famous for? 这个地方有什么特别的?因何而得名?

  c. Do you like your hometown? 你喜欢你的家乡吗?

  d. What are the famous tourist places in your hometown? 在你的家乡最著名的旅游景点是哪里?

  e. How has the life changed in your hometown? 你的家乡有何变化?

  f. What would you suggest a visitor to your hometown should see or do? 你会给一个造访你的城市的游客什么建议?

  g. What is the main industry of your city? 你的城市的主要产业是什么?

  10. Vegetable and fruits(蔬菜水果)

  a. How often do you eat fruits and vegetables? 多久吃一次水果或者蔬菜?

  b. What fruits or vegetables do you especially like to eat? 特别喜欢吃什么水果或者蔬菜?

  c. Is it easy (or, convenient) to buy fruit and vegetables where you live? 你住的地方买水果或者蔬菜方便吗?

  d. Do you think people should eat more fruits and vegetables? 你认为人们应该多吃些水果蔬菜吗?

  e. What are the benits for children from eating fruits and vegetables? 孩子们多吃些水果蔬菜有什么好处?

  f. Is there much difference between the fruits and vegetables that people eat today and what they used to eat in the past? 人们现在吃的水果蔬菜和过去吃的水果蔬菜有什么不同?


  Section number 2 and 3:

  A person who is good at cooking

  You must say:

  Who is he/she? Where is he/she from?

  Describe his/her appearance?

  How did you come to know him/her?

  What is his/her special dish that you have tried/eaten?

  A famous person / celebrity / sport star

  You must say:

  Who is he/she? Where is he/she from?

  Describe his/her appearance?

  How did you come to know him/her?

  Why is he/she famous?

  A person who ever took care of you

  You must say:

  Who is he/she? Where is he/she from?

  Describe his/her appearance?

  How did you come to know him/her?

  How did he take care of you? / What happened?

  A person you like to spend time with

  You must say:

  Who is he/she? Where is he/she from?

  Describe his/her appearance?

  Why do you like to spend time with him/her?

  What do you usually do when you are together?

  Describe a family that had ever visited you

  You must say

  Who are they?

  Why did they visit you?

  How did you treat them?

  Describe a library

  You must say:

  Where is it?

  How big is it?

  Describe the outlook of this library.

  How it works, if you want to borrow a book?


  � Do you like to read books?

  � What kind of books are your favourite and why?

  � Who is your favourite author?

  � How is reading environment of the public libraries in your city?

  � Some libraries now have computers in them; do you think it’s appropriate for a library to have computers?

  � What are the differences between the public libraries and school libraries?

  � How often do you go to the library?

  � Do you have to pay a fee to become a member? Is it appropriate?

  � Are there any books you dislike?

  � Do like to read traditional books or modern books?

  Describe your ideal apartment有时候问描述你现在住的房子

  You must say:

  How big would you like to your ideal house to be?

  How many rooms would you like to have?

  What surroundings would you choose?

  What style of decoration would you choose?


  � Why do people always want to live in big houses?

  � What style of decoration is popular in your city?

  � What is you favourite furniture in your house?

  � How is your relation with your neighbours?

  � How is your neighbourhood? (很多学生不清楚neighbourhood的意思,neighbourhood包含你的邻居和周围的生活环境。)

  � Is a good relationship among the neighbours important for a healthy society?

  � How to keep in good relation with the neighbours?

  � Do neighbours in your community often get together?

  Describe a Chinese wedding

  You must say:

  How a Chinese wedding is arranged?

  What is the procedure of a Chinese wedding?

  What kinds of activities take place in a Chinese wedding?


  � What are the differences between the traditional and modern Chinese weddings?

  � What sort of gifts can be given to the couple on their wedding day in China?

  � What gifts should not be given to the couple on their wedding day?

  � What kind of clothes one should wear on a Chinese wedding?

  � Where does the couple live after getting married? Independently or with their parents? Do you agree or disagree?

  � Should parents quarrel in front of their children?

  Describe a jewelry(其它版本 A valuable possession)

  You must say:

  Where did you buy it and how does it look like?

  How much did you spend on it?

  Why do you like it?


  � What is your overall opinion on the fashion in your country?

  � How to overcome the conflict of class distinction?

  � Only women should wear jewelry? Do you agree or disagree?

  � Do you like to read fashion magazines?

  � Do you often like to go for shopping?

  Describe your favourite movie

  You must say:

  What is the name of this film?

  Why do you like this film?

  What is the story of this film?


  � Where do you prer to watch movies at home or in the cinema?

  � How to control the violence in films?

  � Who is your favourite foreign actor or actress?

  � How often do you go to cinemas?

  � Do foreign movies affect the culture of a country?

  � How the Chinese film industry has developed in the recent years?

  � What sort of movies do you dislike to watch?

  � When do you usually watch films?

  � What’s the worst movie you have had ever seen?


  Describe a course you took (其它版本Training)

  You must say:

  What was the course?

  Why did you take it?

  What did you learn from it? Was it usul or not?


  � What other courses do people like to attend in your city?

  � Is it necessary for students to take part in courses provided by private training centers?

  � Did you ever take an English language course?

  � Are there any vocational schools in your city?

  A kid’s game (其它版本A childhood activity):

  You must say:

  What was your favourite childhood game (activity)?

  How to play it?

  Why did you like to play it?


  � What are the differences between the games played by the children in the past and now?

  � Till what extent do you think is the technology affecting the children?

  � What was your favourite toy when you were a child?

  � What kind of other activities did you prer as a child?

  � Who was the superhero of your childhood?

  � What are the differences between the games played by girls and boys?

  Describe a park (其它版本garden)

  You must say:

  Where is it?

  What facilities does it contain?

  How often do you visit it?


  � Which people usually like to visit parks in your city?

  � What other parks are popular in your area?

  � Are parks an essential public facility?

  � Do you think that parks are a great place for social gatherings? Why?

  � As parks are a public facility, do you think that people should be charged for visiting a park or not? Why?

  Describe your favourite book

  (其它版本favourite book in your childhood?)

  You must say:

  What is the name of the book and author?

  What is the book about?

  What did you learn from it?


  � What kind of books do you prer to read?

  � When and where do you usually read books?

  � What do you think of the e-books?

  � Do you like reading?

  � Do you read or buy pirated books?

  � Do your ever read history books?

  � Do you think learning history is important?

  Your favourite advertisement

  You must say:

  What is you favourite advertisement?

  Where did you saw it?

  What is it about?


  � What sorts of advertisements do you dislike? Why?

  � To what extent does the advertisement and publicity of a product affects the market?

  � Did you ever buy something because you saw it advertised?

  � Do you think that it is appropriate for celebrities to do advertisements? Why?

  � Many people claim that there is too much advertisement on TV, they suggest that there should be a separate channel for advertisements, do you agree or disagree with it? What are your suggestions?

  � Are the advertisements in your country creative?

  � In your opinion what sort of advertisements should be banned?

  Describe a TV programme (you like or dislike)

  You must say:

  What is it?

  What is it about? Describe the programme.

  Why do you like it?


  � Should children watch TV?

  � What are the advantages of television?

  � What influences does TV make on our daily life?

  � What is the most popular TV programme these days?

  � Does TV affect the culture and traditional values of a city?

  � How does TV affect the family life and the relation among family members?

  A picture (其它版本A painting)

  A work of art / piece of art/statue

  You must say:

  What is it about (and when was it taken)?

  Why do you like it?

  Describe the picture.


  � What is the importance of this picture?

  � Do you often take pictures when you are traveling?

  � Do you take the pictures yourself or somebody else does it for you?

  � Do you use the manual camera or the digital camera? Why?

  � What is the use of photographs in advertisement?

  � Why do people use photographs in advertisement or newspaper?

  � When do people in your country hire a professional photographer to take photographs?

  � Why do people use photographs to record their travel?

  � What is the importance of photographs in one’s family?

  � What’s the difference between picture and painting?

  Your favourite sport

  You must say:

  What is it?

  Why do you like it?

  How to play it?


  � How one can master the sport that you like?

  � What can we get from the sports?

  � Do we need violent sports? Do you think that violent sports should be banned or not?

  � What kind of sports do you dislike?

  � Who is your favourite sport star? Why?

  � Do you like extreme sports? Which one is your favourite?

  � What sports are uncommon in your city (country)?

  � How the Olympic in 2008 will affect your country?

  � Are these kinds of big scale events necessary? Why?

  Describe your favourite form of media

  You must say:

  What is it?

  Why do you like it?

  How does it affect our lives?



  A piece of news

  You must say:

  What was it?

  How did you get it?

  Was it good or bad?


  � What is the most popular way of getting news in your city?

  � Do you read or watch news daily?

  � Is it necessary to get updated news?

  � Do you think that media are losing their right to express the truth in news?

  � Do you think that media is becoming more business centered than being informative?

  这题的第三部分问题跟MEDIA的差不多。如果好好准备MEDIA 的话题就没问题了。

  Describe an electronic appliance that you often use at home or office

  新版本:Describe how to operate a machine?

  You must say:

  What is it?

  When do you use it?

  What are the advantages and disadvantages?

  How does it affect our lives?


  � What is the most common commodity of a Chinese family?

  � Do you think that the modern technology is making us lazier than bore? What can we do to avoid this from happening?

  � What is the most useless thing in your house? Why do you think so?

  � What’s the most sought-after commodity nowadays in your city (country)? Why?

  � What electrical appliances do you use to help you do the house chores?

  � Who does the house work in your house?

  An interesting travel

  (其它版本An exciting trip / A city you enjoyed visiting/ A holiday):

  最新版本:Long journey

  You must say:

  What was it?

  Where did you go?

  What did you do?

  Why was it interesting?


  � How do you relax during traveling?

  � What kind of fects tourism brings on the local economy and culture?

  � What do you think the future trend of tourism will be?

  � How the tourism industry of your city has developed in the past few years?

  � What are the most visited sites of your country? Why?

  � What are the differences in the scenery of north and south of China?

  � What do you think is the best season to visit your city?

  � What are the famous tourist spots of your city?

  � Had you ever taken a road trip? How was it?


  A construction over water (新版本)A place near water

  You must say:

  What is the name of this construction?

  Where is it located? / What does it look like?

  When did you go there and with whom?


  � What is the most popular water-site of your city?

  � What is the level of water pollution in your city? What can we do to make it better?

  � Why people always like to live beside the sea or a river?

  � What is your favourite water sport? Why?

  � What are the differences in the architectural style of past and now?

  � What is the major construction architectural style of your city?

  � Do you like traditional style or modern style buildings? Why?

  � How to protect the traditional and historical sites or constructions?

  � Do you think it is safe to construct the buildings near or over water?

  Describe a party you had participated in

  (其它版本celebration / special occasion/birthday party )

  You must say:

  What and when was it?

  Who was there?

  What happened during the party?


  � Are public gathering a common activity in your city?

  � What do people usually do in a part or a gathering?

  � How do people invite their friends and relatives to participate in a party?

  � Can a person who is invited to a party take someone who isn’t?

  � What are the common etiquettes in your country that one should know bore joining a formal party?

  � What are the common gifts?

  � What can kind of gifts should not be given?

  � What are the big festivals of your country and what do people do in different festivals?

  � What kind of clothes one should wear in a formal party?

  � Celebrations such as wedding and birthdays are often times when families gather together, what fect does this have on family relations?

  � What celebration do you think will change the most in the next few years? Why?

  Describe a letter

  You must say:

  Who sent you this letter?

  Why was it sent to you?

  When was it sent to your?


  � Do you think that emails will soon take over the traditional style of writing letters?

  � What is your favourite style of writing?

  � Many people now don’t know how to write formal letters? What can be done to solve it?

  � Which do you think is the most ficient way of communication?

  � Are mobile phones a common tool of communication in your city?

  � Usually when do you write letters?

  � Do you write diary?

  � Do you think writing diary is a good or bad habit?

  � Do you like reading? What kind of books are your favourite? Why?

  A way of relaxation

  You must say:

  What is your favourite way of relaxation?

  Why did you choose it?

  What are the other common ways of relaxation in your city?


  � What are the differences between the ways of relaxation in the past and now?

  � What do people usually do after work in your city?

  � Do you often go to pubs/bars for relaxation?

  � Do you think playing sports is an ficient way of relaxation?

  � What do you usually do when are with your friends?

  � Do you play any board games at home with your friends or family members? And why do you like to play them?

  � Do you think keeping a pet is a good way of relaxation?

  � How do old people relax?

  Describe your favourite animal

  (其它版本 pet / wild animal/ bird)

  You must say:

  What is it?

  Why do you like it?

  Is there any animal that you dislike? Why?


  � How to protect the wild animals? Is it necessary?

  � Illegal wild animal trade is a commonly seen evil act, what can we do to stop it?

  � Do you have a pet? If no would you like to have one? Why?

  � What are common domestic animals of your country?

  � Are there any endangered species of animals in your country? What are they? And how can they be protected?

  � Are you afraid of any animal? Why?

  � Some people claim that using animals for experimental purposes is wrong. What is your opinion on this matter?

  � What would your parents say if you wanted to have a pet?

  � Do you have to get a license for keeping a pet in your country?

  � Which animals are commonly eaten in your country?

  � Do you think eating wild animals is an appropriate thing to do?

  Describe a change in your life (a stage of your life)

  You must say:

  What was it?

  What happened?

  How did it change your life?


  � Do you make your own decisions?

  � If you need help who do you go to?

  � Are friends important?

  � What are the few biggest changes in your city

  � What do you do when you face a difficult situation?

  � Would you prer a challenging life style to a stable life style? If so, why?

  � Is there anything you didn’t want to change but it did? If so, what was it?

  � How has your personality changed in the past few years?

  � What things you want to see changed in your life in the near future? Why?

  Describe a science lesson that you had in school or university.

  You must say

  When and where you attended the lesson?

  How you learned it?

  And explain what you have learned.


  � Of the two branches of learning, the sciences and the humanities, which is the more popular choice of study in your country?

  � Do equal numbers of men and women study science and technology in universities in your country? (Why? /Why not?) *

  � Compared to studying humanities subjects such as history and literature, how important do you think the study of science and technology is?

  � Do you think science is very important?

  � What age do you think is most suitable age for school students to begin studying science?

  � Do you think it&aposs suitable to start teaching science to very young children?

  � Do you think that, sometimes, it might be dangerous for young children to study science? (Give examples)

  � Can you suggest some ways that a school could use to encourage more girls to study science?

  Describe a health problem that you know.

  You must say

  What this problem is?

  What are the causes of the problem?

  How it affects people&aposs health?

  Explain how to solve this health problem?


  � Can you think of any other examples of a lifestyle that is bad for your health?

  � What benits do people derive from doing exercise?

  � What do you think will be the physical fects if children spend their entire time sitting in front of the TV or a computer?

  � Do you think companies should provide more facilities (e.g., a gym) for people to exercise at work?

  � Obesity is a common and growing health problem? What can we do to solve it?

  � What is your attitude towards the new diseases such as S.A.R.S., BIRD FLU and A/H1NI flu?


  A walk with a friend

  A foreign artist

  A skill you are good at / you want to learn

  A cultural performance


  Section 1

  1. Music and dancing(音乐/跳舞)

  a. What is your favourite type of music? 你最喜欢什么类型的音乐?

  b. What benits does listening music bring to a person? 听音乐有什么好处?

  c. What sort of equipment do you use to listen to music? 你用什么设备听音乐?

  d. Have you ever been to a live music concert? 你有没有看过音乐演唱会?

  e. Who is your favourite Chinese singer and why do you like him or her? 你最喜欢的中国歌手是谁?你为什么喜欢该歌手?

  f. Who is your favourite foreign singer and why do you like him or her? 你最喜欢的外国歌手是谁?你为什么喜欢该歌手?

  g. What type of music is now popular in your city (country)? 现在流行什么音乐?

  h. To what extent, do you think, your country’s music has been affected by the invasion of the western culture and music? 西方音乐对你国家的音乐文化的影响?

  i. Have you ever been to a music function (或art function)?(音乐聚会)

  j. Do you like dancing? Which style is your favourite? Why? 你喜欢跳舞吗?什么STYLE 是你喜欢的?为什么?

  k. What is the difference between the dance style of old people and young? 老人和年轻人跳舞有什么不同?

  l. On what occasions do Chinese people dance? 中国人在什么样的场合跳舞?

  m. Do often go to discos or pubs for dancing? 你经常去迪吧或迪斯高广场跳舞吗?

  2. Movies(电影)

  a. What type of movies do you prer to watch? 你喜欢看什么类型的电影?

  b. Where do you prer to watch movies? 你喜欢在哪里看电影?

  c. What is the recent foreign film that you had watched? Why did you choose to watch this film? 你最近看过的外国电影是什么?为什么选择看这一部电影?

  d. How the Chinese film industry has developed in the past few decades? 近几十年中国电影产业有什么样的发展和变化?

  e. How the movies are affecting our lives? 电影对我们生活有什么影响?

  f. How to control piracy? 如何控制及处理盗版问题?

  3. Clothing (衣服)

  a. What kind of clothes do you like to wear? Why? 你喜欢穿什么样的衣服?

  b. Where do you buy clothes? 你平时在哪里买衣服?

  c. Simply describe your favourite dress? 简单的描述一下你最喜欢穿的服装?

  d. What is your favourite brand? 你最喜欢的衣服品牌?

  e. How has western culture affected the fashion of your country? 西方文化对你国FASHION有什么影响吗?

  f. What kinds of clothes are popular nowadays? 现在流行什么样的服装?

  4. Reading and writing (读与写)

  a. Do you like reading? 你喜欢看书吗?

  b. What types of books do you like to read? 你喜欢看什么类型的书?

  c. When do you usually read books? 通常你在什么时间看书?

  d. What is your favourite magazine? 你最喜欢的杂志是什么?

  e. Do you often read newspaper? Which newspaper do you prer to read? Why? 你经常看报纸吗?喜欢看什么样的报纸?为什么?

  f. Describe a piece of news you have recently read in the newspaper? 描述一条你最近在报纸上看到的新闻?

  g. Do you prer to write letters or e-mails? 你喜欢写信还是写e-mail?

  h. What are the advantages of writing letters? 写信的好处?

  i. Do you practice Chinese calligraphy? 你练书法吗?

  5. Accommodation and architecture (住宿环境&建筑)

  a. What type of house do you live in? Is it a flat, villa or a house? 你住什么类型的房子?公寓,别墅还是town house?

  b. Do you like your present living environment? 你对你的住宿环境满意吗?

  c. If you have a chance to move to another location, will you migrate or not? 如有机会你会搬家吗?会选择什么样的环境?

  d. Should old buildings (historical architectures) be preserved or not? 是否有必要保护古老的建筑(有历史意义的建筑)?

  e. Are there any historical sites or buildings in your city? 你的城市有没有历史建筑?

  f. What’s your favourite modern building in your city? 在你所生活的地方(城市),你最喜欢的现代化建筑是什么?

  g. Can your city be considered as a city of modern architecture? 你的城市是否是一个建筑方面很现代化的城市?

  h. To what extent, do you think, the weather affects the architecture of a city? 天气与建筑风格有没有什么关系?如有是哪一方面的?

  i. What facilities should a modern building must contain? 一个现代化的楼应该包含什么样的设施?

  j. Do you often visit galleries (art museum)? Why? 你经常去画廊或艺术馆吗?为什么?

  6. Education(教育)

  a. Educational background? 教育背景?

  b. What are your favourite subjects? 你最喜欢的科目是哪一些?

  c. For how long you have been studying? 你学龄有多长?

  d. What are you plans for your further education? 你对你未来的学习有何计划?

  e. What is your opinion on studying abroad? 你是怎么看待出国留学?

  f. What do you think are the drawbacks of your present education system? 你对中国教育系统的看法?有什么缺点?

  g. Do you hope to gain any qualification? 你未来想获得什么文凭?

  h. Are extracurricular activities important for students? 课外活动对学生们重要吗?

  i. What do you think is the best age for students to start learning English (foreign language)?从几岁开始学外语(英文)最合适?

  j. Which language would choose as your second foreign language? 作为你的第二外语你会选择什么语言?

  k. Have you ever taken an English language course? What was it? 你曾经参加过英文培训吗?是什么样的培训?

  7. Family: (家庭):

  a. Family background? 家庭背景?

  b. What do your parents do for living? 你的父母从事什么职业?

  c. Describe the personality (characters) of your parents? 描述一下你父母的性格?

  d. Describe your family tree? 描述一下你的家谱?

  e. Is putting the family tree on the website necessary? 你认为将家谱放在网上有必要吗?

  f. Describe any family news? 说说家庭的新闻?

  8. Job (工作)

  a. What is your job? 你从事什么工作?

  b. Did you ever change your job? 你曾经换过工作吗?

  c. Describe your job? 描述一下你的工作?

  d. What will be your ideal job? 你认为你理想的工作是什么?

  e. What will/did you do with your first salary? 你会(曾经)如何使用你第一笔薪水?

  f. Are you satisfied with the salary that you get? 你对你的薪水满意吗?

  g. What sorts of social benits are employees commonly able to enjoy after their retirement? 职员们在退休后通常能得到何种社会福利?

  h. How is your typical day like? 你的一天是怎么样的?

  9. Hometown:(家乡)

  a. Where are you from? 你在哪里出生?

  b. What is special about this place? What is it famous for? 这个地方有什么特别的?因何而得名?

  c. Do you like your hometown? 你喜欢你的家乡吗?

  d. What are the famous tourist places in your hometown? 在你的家乡最著名的旅游景点是哪里?

  e. How has the life changed in your hometown? 你的家乡有何变化?

  f. What would you suggest a visitor to your hometown should see or do? 你会给一个造访你的城市的游客什么建议?

  g. What is the main industry of your city? 你的城市的主要产业是什么?

  10. Vegetable and fruits(蔬菜水果)

  a. How often do you eat fruits and vegetables? 多久吃一次水果或者蔬菜?

  b. What fruits or vegetables do you especially like to eat? 特别喜欢吃什么水果或者蔬菜?

  c. Is it easy (or, convenient) to buy fruit and vegetables where you live? 你住的地方买水果或者蔬菜方便吗?

  d. Do you think people should eat more fruits and vegetables? 你认为人们应该多吃些水果蔬菜吗?

  e. What are the benits for children from eating fruits and vegetables? 孩子们多吃些水果蔬菜有什么好处?

  f. Is there much difference between the fruits and vegetables that people eat today and what they used to eat in the past? 人们现在吃的水果蔬菜和过去吃的水果蔬菜有什么不同?



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