


2017/08/07 10:50:53 编辑: 浏览次数:168 移动端







  P1 hometown

  Where are you from? / Where is your hometown? / Where do you come from?

  What do you like about your hometown?

  What is the weather like in your town?

  What changes have taken place in your city in recent years?

  Could you describe sth. about your hometown?

  Is there sth. which still needs to be developed in your hometown?

  P1 Colour

  Which colour do you like?

  What is your favourite colour? Why?

  Do different colours have different meanings in your country?

  What do different colours stand for?

  Which colour do Chinese people like?

  P1 TV programs

  Do you like watching TV?

  How often do you watch TV?

  What kind of programme do you usually watch?

  Is watching TV very popular in your country?

  Do you often talk about TV programmes with friends?

  Can you consider any negative fects of watching TV?

  What programme is popular in your country?

  P1 flowers

  Do you like flowers?

  Can you name some flowers you like?

  Have you ever received flowers from others?

  When do you send flowers to other people?

  Why do people send flowers on special occasions?

  Do different flowers have different meanings? Can you give me some examples?

  P1 Clothes

  What kind of clothes you would like to wear?

  Is there any change in the fashion?

  Where could you buy some clothes?

  P1 language

  Why did you take ielts test?

  Which language do you often speak? Do you think it&aposs difficult to learn english?

  Why some people think it&aposs hard to learn while others not?

  How do you learn english usually?

  P1 Sound

  What kind of natural sound do you like?

  What kind of noise have you ever heard?



  P2 describe the thing you did last weekend (what, where, why...)

  P3 what type of people work in the night?

  is it bad or good for people who work in the night?

  what is your feeling when you are late?

  when you feel time is quite slow?

  do you hope time will be quicker than bore

  is weekend important for people

  Do you think most people in your town work in the work hours and rest in the rest hours?

  What will you do in your rest time?

  What is the importance of holidays?

  Do you think students have too many holidays? Why?

  What is the influence of working on the week-end?

  What measures should the government take?

  P2 describe sth. you bought but seldom use

  P2 describe a shop you like( what is its name, where is it, when you went to the shop, why you think it is special/why you like it)

  P3 what are the advantages of the shop you mentioned? Do you like shopping? what do you like to buy? Do you have any shopping habit? Bigger shop and smaller shop, which one is better? Men and women, who prer shopping? what are the differences of their buying habits?

  what do you think of the recent shopping trend? what is the change in shopping in the future? what is your opinion?

  Do you think children also have buying habits? What is your opinion of saving money? how to save money? Do you think children should also save some money? Through what ways can they have the concept of saving money? Is there any way to restrict children&aposs expenses? Do you think saving may be influencing in the future?

  Do you think people could recycle things to use them again?

  P2 describe a city you live in or visited (when you live/visited, where you live, do you like it, you live in flat or house, why)——也有人说为ideal city

  P3 do you think chinese cities are crowd?

  P3 public facilities, noise pollution, the problem in city

  P3 do you like comics and paintings? old people like to live in villages or cities?

  What is difference between city and village? (facilites, health care)

  Is there any difference between the sounds you could hear in city and village?

  City or village, which one is better? Which one is better for old people&aposs life?

  When is good for a trip? Where could you go for relaxation?

  What do you think of history? What have you learnt from it? Through what ways can you learn history?

  P2 describe a person/friend you admire(what he/she did, why you admire him/her)

  P3 what he will do when he encounters problem? do you think the people you admire will become good examples?

  What are the characters of successful young people?

  P2 describe a school where you studied when you were a child (where it was, what the classroom was like, describe a/ favourite teacher, why you like this school)

  P3 what do you think of this school? are chinese children under great pressure? what is the character of a good teacher? is the quality of chinese education good? how many students you think is appropriate for one classroom? do you think the number of student will affect the quality? then how many is good for quality? bigger class or smaller class, what is the difference and which one you think is better? Which one is easier for children making friends and accepting knowledge? describe other schools where you studied in. how long for your study there? describe another teacher who was impressive.

  P3 what kind of help can computer give you? what is the difference between high school and university? Do you think what we have learnt is usul in working? What kind of courses children students like?


  P2 describe a famous person (e.g. artist, singer, writer...)

  (who he/she is, how do you know him/her, why he/she is famous,what he/she does.

  the 2nd version: who this person is, how you know him/her, in which aspect he/she is well-known, why you like him/her)

  P3 do people around you admire him? are there some famous people in your hometown? why students as chinese majors still learn chinese? say sth. in chinese history. is there any beautiful place in china?

  P3 reading, sports, music, which is good for children? which one is children&aposs favourite?

  how about children learning arts in school? should art be important in education?

  Should they learn in school or at home? Should university students learn this?

  P3 Why you think famous people are famous? how to be famous? what is the advantage and disadvantage of being famous? give an example.

  P3 What kind of music do young people like? Do old people like it? What kind of music do chinese people like?

  P2 describe a famous person overseas whom you want to meet (现在时)

  P3 how to be famous?what is the advantage and disadvantage of being famous? give an example.

  what is the influence on children? What about teenagers? What about society? What do you think of it?

  P3 do other people also know him/her? What is the influence of famous foreign people to your country?

  P2 describe an exciting message you received through telephone or email (who sent you, what it was about, what you did later)

  P3 do you use internet? what about your parents? what about your grandparents?

  P3 say sth. about communication skills. what&aposs the difference of old and young people&aposs talk on a same thing? face to face and sending message, which one is better? (why you think is face to face?)

  P3 what&aposs the difference between fact-to-face and using telephone?

  talk about some communication skills. how to be a good communicator?

  what&aposs the difference between letter and email/cell phone?

  Which one is more important, writing letters or using cell phone?

  do you think letter will be replaced by email/cell phone?

  P2 describe a movie you watched recently(where,why you chose it, what do you think of it)

  P3 Which parts of the movie you like or dislike? what re the influences of movies? Do you think children should watch movies? What kind of movies they should watch? With whom?

  Should parents control the programs children watch? What are the fects of watching TV for children?

  Why movies which can earn a lot of money may not be popular?

  P2 describe a place you visited (when, why you went there, what you did)

  P3 questions about historical sites.

  Where, and through what ways can we learn history? What about children?

  P2 describe a program you watched but dislike(following questions 为过去时)—有同学说也考了你喜欢的节目

  P3 have children spent too much time on TV? in which ways? what is the difference between the programs liked by male and female? what about people with different ages? do you think tv stars earn too much?

  P3 what is the difference between chinese and western programs? any change in the future? Do you think programs of travelling and education will be popular?

  P3 do you like watching tv programs? how did tv programs change these years? what kind of tv programs are there in china? what are the basic skills of tv stars? do you think tv stars earn too much?

  P2 describe sth. you made by yourself

  P3 do you think making things by one&aposs own hands are popular? what are the different styles of hand made things in china and in western countries?

  P2 describe a person who visited you (when, why)

  P3 how does tianjin attract people outside this city? which one is the most important?

  what is the difference between XX and friend&aposs visit?

  P2 describe a park/garden you once went to(where it was, what it was like, why it was good to be there)

  P3 what you like to do in the park? what people living in the city like to do? what are the different ways of relaxing? for people in your hometown, is there any other outdoor entertainment except for going to park? what are the advantages and disadvantages of outdoor activities? do you think the grass land is very important? how to plan the grass land in cities?

  P2 describe a long journey (when ,where, with whom, what/why did you remember in this journey)

  P3 if you have a chance do you like go there again? People choose private cars instead of public transportation, why?

  Although sometimes the trip is short they also use private cars, why?

  Long journey is better for younger people or older people? why?

  What is the difference between business trip and private trip?

  Can we check out the travelling information on internet?


  P2 describe a sport(which level you want to reach)

  P3 say sth. about an international sport. why some countries are good at a certain sport? is the sport course necessary in school? what are the benits for children?

  In the World Cup of soccer game, why there exsits strong teams and weak teams? What do we learn from taking sports?

  P2 describe the greatest change in your town (what was the change, from where you noticed it, describe the change in detail)

  P3 what are the differences between old and new life styles?

  how could you relax yourself?

  P2 describe a quick change

  P3 what is the opinion of young people towards the quick changes of the world?

  what are people&aposs opinion towards jobs and changes in the cities?

  P2 describe a piece of news which makes you happy

  P3 do you think children should also watch the news?

  Who prer watching news, old people or young people?

  What is the difference between the news they watch?

  P2 describe a day which you spent away from your work and study to relax (where you spent your free time, with whom, why you think it was the relaxing time)

  P3 do you think sleep is an important way to relax?

  what are the differences between old people and young people&aposs relaxing ways?

  would you change your relaxing way when you get older and older?

  Where you could relax yourself?

  do you think having more sleep will make a person lazy?


  P2 describe your favourite course/subject in high school

  P2 describe a family which is not your family(老题,请翻看我博客以前机经)

  P2 describe an old person who lived with you(一说为a person who lived with you)

  P2 describe a modern building(老题,请翻看我博客以前机经)

  P2 describe a healthy lifestyle(老题,请翻看我博客以前机经)

  P2 describe a walk with your friend (When, Where, Why you remember) 老题,请翻看我博客以前机经

  P3 Where do modern people often have a walk? Why they go there? How do you think government can encourage people to have more walks? How do you go to school usually? What means of transportation do your friends use? Why modern people drive cars to go to places not far away? What are the differences between transportations in the past and now?








  P1 hometown

  Where are you from? / Where is your hometown? / Where do you come from?

  What do you like about your hometown?

  What is the weather like in your town?

  What changes have taken place in your city in recent years?

  Could you describe sth. about your hometown?

  Is there sth. which still needs to be developed in your hometown?

  P1 Colour

  Which colour do you like?

  What is your favourite colour? Why?

  Do different colours have different meanings in your country?

  What do different colours stand for?

  Which colour do Chinese people like?

  P1 TV programs

  Do you like watching TV?

  How often do you watch TV?

  What kind of programme do you usually watch?

  Is watching TV very popular in your country?

  Do you often talk about TV programmes with friends?

  Can you consider any negative fects of watching TV?

  What programme is popular in your country?

  P1 flowers

  Do you like flowers?

  Can you name some flowers you like?

  Have you ever received flowers from others?

  When do you send flowers to other people?

  Why do people send flowers on special occasions?

  Do different flowers have different meanings? Can you give me some examples?

  P1 Clothes

  What kind of clothes you would like to wear?

  Is there any change in the fashion?

  Where could you buy some clothes?

  P1 language

  Why did you take ielts test?

  Which language do you often speak? Do you think it&aposs difficult to learn english?

  Why some people think it&aposs hard to learn while others not?

  How do you learn english usually?

  P1 Sound

  What kind of natural sound do you like?

  What kind of noise have you ever heard?



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