


2017/08/07 10:41:59 编辑: 浏览次数:64 移动端


  Describe a famous person you would like to meet.

  You should say:

  who this person is

  how you first learned about him or her

  how/why this person is famous

  and explain what you would say to this person.

  If you wanna talk about playground legends, the conversation begins right there. Demetrius "Hook" Mitchell is the legend. You can hear all the stories in the world, but you&aposll never believe it until you see it. He&aposs done inhuman stuff, unreal stuff.

  Hook was by far the best player to come out of Oakland. Demetrius Hook Mitchell is the Bay&aposs most notorious legend. Every cat with at least minimal knowledge of playground ball has a Hook Mitchell story. The tales of his leaping ability are common place. Jumping over cars, bikes and people wasn&apost no thing to Hook. Bore his descent into narcotics hell, Hook was nothing but heavenly. If he&aposd just kept his head straight, he&aposd be in the league right now, dominating.

  Unfortunately, Hook lives in a prison cell now and in other folks&apos memories.

  Several NBA stars who also grew up in Oakland, including Gary Payton, Jason Kidd, Antonio Davis, Drew Gooden, and Brian Shaw, all of whom played with Mitchell on the streets, and were astonished by his skills, but were unable to help him avoid his sorry fate. They describe his unstable home life and the longing for community that drove him to the streets. Mitchell himself is shown playing prison league games, and is surprisingly still able to play above the rim.

  His story, like others, was written on courts between the West and East Bay.



  Describe a time when you were caught in a traffic jam.

  You should say:

  when it happened

  where it happened

  how you passed the time while waiting

  and explain how you felt when you were in that traffic jam.

  我遇到了塞车! I was tied up/held up in traffic.

  早晚上下班时间,大都市freeway的车速比一般道路还要慢,无数车辆拥上来,造成bumper-to-bumper traffic(车的保险杆相互碰撞的交通状况),这时的车速叫snail-paced traffic(蜗牛步行的交通);或者干脆slows to a halt(动弹不得).这种塞车现象可以叫做traffic jam或traffic congestion;更严重的交通状况称为gridlock(严重塞车,僵局)

  素材库 Where&When it happened?

  I was caught in a traffic jam and showed up late to a movie.

  I was stuck in a traffic jam on the way home from work. I listened to my favorite singer&aposs album almost two whole times.

  One day I was tied up in a traffic jam on my way to an appointment in City Center. I got increasingly frustrated sitting there as my mind started replaying all the mistakes I made last week.

  The Longest time I got stuck in traffic was about a year ago. I am living in Beijing and the traffic jams are quite very normal for people living around. So one hour to two three hour traffic jams are quite average but i was stuck in a traffic jam once from 9 pm till 4am. I slept in the car on the main road.

  This is something I really hate. To get stuck in a heavy traffic. When I was still employed, I got stuck in a heavy traffic for several times. The usual 1 and a half hour&aposs trip to the office took me almost 4 hours and it was really traumatic.

  It was a Sunday, but I was caught in a traffic jam. I was in the heart of the district of HaiDian. Rather than lose my cool and curse myself for having been at the wrong place at the wrong time, I was in a good mood and was a bit more rlective than usual.

  I was caught in a traffic jam, believe it or not, the almost 20 minutes I was caught in a traffic jam really, really did disappoint me, it really did. Not that I wanted to stay inside that bus for the rest of my life.

  素材库 how you passed the time while waiting?

  I like waiting, even in traffic jams. It gives me a chance to listen the wonderful variety of radio programming available. Watching other drivers in the jam and wondering what their cell phone conversations are about is also entertaining. Come to think of it, waiting is sometimes better than not waiting.

  During traffic, I usually talk on the cellphone, text message, play with my dog, eat a burger with fries, block my dog from my burger, do some palm reading.

  I usually roll down the windows, turn my music up, bob my head side to side, and belt out. At least I&aposm entertaining to the other poor folks stuck in the jam with me.

  I listen to the radio, make phone calls to my girlfriend or clients or family. If it&aposs stopped, I do news paper word puzzles.

  I usually channel surf the radio, comparing different traffic reports. When I get bored with that, I check out the drivers next to me and imagine what their life story is all about!

  I dream about the day I can leave this place, move to a city where I can buy a house for what it&aposs truly worth and where traffic doesn&apost dictate your ability to get anywhere at anytime in a decent amount of time.

  I usually check out all the other drivers in their cars to see how they match up with the kind of car they drive. Maybe silly, but you can&apost very well do much else that&aposs legal.

  素材库 how you felt when you were in that traffic jam?

  I have never been happy in a traffic jam; it&aposs a pain in the neck. I want to jump out of the car and walk along the tops of all the other vehicles. If I&aposm in a Taxi, I will worry about the taxi fare.

  I had a full tank of gas one time in traffic, and I was by myself, no kids, and I just sat there and relaxed and listened to my music. When there&aposs nothing else you can do, there&aposs the phone. It was actually nice! It doesn&apost bother me in the least, unless I’m trying to meet a deadline where other people are dependent upon me......

  I hate them if I am busy. But love them if I have time. Especially if I have a friend in the car because that&aposs a classic time to sing loudly.

  I don&apost see much point in losing my cool over a traffic jam. I sigh, pick some music that I like out of the CD collection and either try to figure a way around the jam or wait it out.

  I hate traffic jam. It seems like it is taking longer very day to get to work and to go home. It is just getting worse. A year ago it took me 35 minutes to get to work and now it takes me 50 minutes to 1 hour to get to work. It is driving me nuts. I guess it is due to the construction everywhere and the city population is growing rapidly. I have seen some aggressively drivers were speeding and illegally driving the wrong way trying to get to work on time. One driver cut in front of me without turning the signal on. I was close to an accident

  I absolutely HATE when this happens! O.K. that said, generally I first turn up the music and pray for something really good to listen to, then as I crawl along toward the next exit I think of where I am, where I&aposm going and whether it&aposs worth it to get off there. I often take the alternate route. So I learned to be patient by listening to the radio, or call someone on the cell phone. Sometimes I don&apost turn on the radio at all and go deep in thoughts or pray.

  Part 3

  1. When do traffic jams usually happen?

  Watch out for traffic jams - especially in the middle of the city (around Siam Square) and around peak hours (morning and evening rush hour traffic). You can be jammed up really tight and everything will come down to a crawl if not a complete stand still.

  Try not to take taxi during peak hour and on weekend night. You will easily be trapped for 1 hour inside a cab.

  2. What are the causes of traffic jams?

  rush hour, slow moving trucks, construction on the roads, cars with trailers, crash incidents, many pedestrians walking across a street after some sort of large meeting, bad weather, traffic lights malfunctioning, bike gangs, some sort of celebration taking place on a major road involving many vehicles and prohibiting vehicles not included in the celebration to get through, bad road planning, crime scene area prohibiting cars and pedestrians to pass by, many others.

  what cause traffic jams everybody leaving at the same time and heading the same direction

  Lots and lots of cars. Lot and lots of people who sit in the traffic jams and never learn that they are a major cause and insist on taking the same jammed roads at the same damned time. Poorly designed roads allow people to do stupid things in traffic that cause accidents. Stupid people who do stupid things in traffic regardless of the road design.

  3. Do you think the problem of traffic congestion will be eased in the future or will it become worse?

  population is increasing, children are growing up to teenagers and teenagers are growing up to adults, they get older they drive. People are relying on cars too much, this problem will become more and more serious.

  4. What would you suggest as possible solutions to the problem of congested traffic?

  1. reeducate all drivers, especially PUV drivers. strictly disapprove licenses of those who will fail exams.

  2. make PUV drivers salaried employees, not paid based on the number of passengers.

  3. instill road courtesy.

  4. government should have an ficient flood control program.

  5. computerize traffic lights.

  6. instill discipline for both drivers and traffic enforcers.

  7. improve road conditions.

  1. Widen roads, build more skyways.

  2. Build more overpass/underpass for pedestrians

  3. Restrict buses, jeepneys and tricycles from highways or main roads.

  4. Strictly enforce traffic rules and regulations

  5. Mandatory driving tests to all driver&aposs license applicants

  6. Traffic policemen should know how to drive bore they are eligible to direct traffic.




  Describe an enjoyable public event that you went to

  You should say:

  what the event was

  when you went there

  who you went there with

  and explain why you enjoyed this event.

  I visited New York City with my family in 2009 and joined the city’s annual Halloween Parade down the 6th Avenue. It was quite a spectacle. People got all gussied up for the spookiest of the holidays. In fact, there were two ways one can enjoy the event, either as a participant or as an onlooker. If you dressed up in a costume, you can participate in the parade and march down the route. Unfortunately, I didn’t have any costume, I could only watch. As an onlooker, I stood among the packed crowd behind the policebarricades. Some eager fellow on-lookers climbed up trees for a better view. A few even jumped over the barricades when the police turned round. Creepy ghouls and giantpuppets were marching down the street and everyone was cheering. It was so fun and we enjoyed a great deal. Looking back, among all other public events that I went to, this one lt the deepest impression. I think the reasons are two folds. One, we did not have this kind of festivity here in China. It felt so strange to a Chinese guy to watch people dressed as corpses and monsters and even toilets and at the same time enjoy themselves. To the more conservative Chinese minds, the party seemed to be the greatest "cultural shock". Second, I was amazed by the creative designs of the costume. I also felt the worry-free fun and happiness from the people all around me. I will never forget the New Yorkers’ creativity and the “in the moment” attitude. Maybe this is why New York City is so great.

  1. annual (adj.): happening once a year 一年一度的

  2. parade (n.): a line of people moving along so that other people can watch them 游行

  3. spectacle (n.): a very impressive show or scene 景象、壮观

  It was quite a spectacle. (or: It was quite an event) 场面很是壮观啊!

  4. get gussied up: 精心打扮

  5. spooky (adj.): strange or frightening in a way that makes you think of ghosts. 幽灵般的

  6. onlooker (n.): 观众

  7. packed (adj.): extremely full of people. 拥挤的

  8. barricade (n.):路障

  9. creepy ghoul:令人毛骨悚然的鬼怪

  10. puppet (n.): 木偶、人偶、玩偶

  11. festivity (n.): 庆祝

  12. corpse (n.): the dead body of a person. 尸体

  13. conservative (adj.): 保守的

  14. worry-free fun (n.): 无忧无虑的快乐

  15. “in the moment” attitude: 及时行乐的态度




  Describe a long journey you enjoyed.

  You should say

  where you went

  when and why you went there

  what landscapes you saw

  and explain why this was such an unforgettable trip.

  A long journey

  One journey I went on that was very long indeed was my trip around Europe last summer, travelling by train.

  I went for a whole month, going all around Europe from my home country of England east until I got to Eastern Europe, and then back in a loop to Italy. I went so I could see the rich history and culture of the continent, which was practically on my doorstep. I felt it was high time I embarked on a long trip to experience some more of the world and its people.

  Travelling by train I kept myself occupied by looking out of the window at the landscapes as they flashed by. The countryside was mostly fields, but once I got to the Alps then it became beautiful. There were towering cliffs of rocks with fast-flowing rivers cutting between valley walls. I could even see a castle on one of the hillsides. Each city I visited brought a new style of architecture and type of person on the street. I saw medieval cottages, baroque cathedrals and shabby, modern apartment blocks. The landscape varied with each country I came to.

  I’ll never forget this trip because it was the first time I was travelling without a home base. I went with a good friend and we spent a lot of time together. We had memorable conversations on the long train journeys about live, society, religion... all very deep stuff. I also had the chance to see some of the world’s most famous sights like the Eiffel Tower and the Dom cathedral in Cologne. It was fascinating waking up on a moving train knowing that the next stop I got off at was going to present me with a whole new country with many surprises. It was a unique experience.

  Lexical resource 词汇

  all around: 到处

  in a loop: 绕一圈

  continent: 洲

  doorstep: 门口

  embarked: 进行

  occupied: 被占据

  flashed by: 飞过

  the Alps: 阿尔卑斯山脉

  towering cliffs: 高耸的悬崖

  fast-flowing rivers: 急流的河

  hillsides: 山腰

  style of architecture: 建筑风格

  medieval cottages: 中世纪风格的小屋

  baroque cathedrals: 巴洛克风格的教堂

  home base: 本垒 大本营

  Eiffel Tower: 柏林大教堂

  fascinating: 迷人的

  unique: 奇特的副标题#e#


  Describe the ideal home that you would like to live in.

  You should say:

  where it would be ①

  what type of house it would be ②

  how you would decorate it ③

  and explain what why you would like to live in this kind of home ④


  An Ideal Home

  ① Speaking of the ideal home that I would like to live in... Err... It must be in suburban area, far away from the noise, hustle & bustle of the outside world.

  ② Flat, Terraced, Detached or Semi-detached, whatever type of house it would be as I don&apost really care. It must be spacious & bright, this is what I focus on. I hate being in a dark cramped room with a low ceiling, I will be hyperventilating.

  ③ I would love to decorate my house lovingly, as well as casual. I&aposd like to put lots of posters into a picture frame to hang on a wall, and I&aposd also like to put some hooks up and lay musical instruments across the hooks.

  ④ It&aposd be quiet, comfortable and private, like a cozy heaven. The blue walls make me think of the calming vast seas that relax me. The base boards and shutters are white which remind me of the pure white clouds in the sky. The white in my room helps me to have pure and clean thoughts. Soft muted colours of the walls and bright colors of the accents make me feel creative and safe. To live in such an ideal house, I feel totally relaxed.

  Lexical Resource:

  suburban area: 郊区

  hustle & bustle: 熙熙攘攘

  Terraced house: 连排别墅

  Detached house: 独立别墅

  Semi-detached: 半独立式别墅

  cramped: 狭小的

  hyperventilating: 呼吸急促的,喘不过来气的

  casual: 随意,不拘一格的

  cozy: 温馨的

  Soft muted colours: 暗色

  accents: 家居

  feel creative and safe: 感觉有创造力、安全

  totally relaxed: 彻底放松


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  Describe an organization (such as a company, a factory, a government organization...)

  You should say

  where this organization is (or, what type of organization it is)

  how you know about this organization

  what kind of people work there

  and explain what this organization does (= the purpose of this organization).

  Part 3

  What kind of work do people do in your hometown?

  In general, what part of the city are the factories located?

  What are the benits (and disadvantages) of having factories far from where people live?

  What is the government doing to protect the environment (from industrial pollution produced by these factories)?

  What service industries are there in your hometown?

  Are these industries (or, these factories or these companies) all the same size?

  What would you prer to work in, a big organization or a small one?

  What are the benits of working in a small organization?

  What kind of organization would you (or, do you) prer to work in? (Not just whether big or small) * How have these service industries (or all industries, in general) developed in the recent few decades?

  How do you think service industries will develop in the future in your hometown?




  Describe a show or performance that you enjoyed watching.

  You should say

  what kind of performance it was

  when and where you saw it

  who you saw it with

  who the performer(s) was (were)

  and explain how you felt about this performance.

  Sample Answer:

  I&aposm crazy about hip-hop music. My favorite musician is an American rapper- Eminem. I went for his Hip-hop concert in Glasgow 5 years ago. 我特别喜爱说唱音乐,我最喜欢的音乐人是美国一位说唱歌手-Eminem。5年前我去听了他在格拉斯哥的演唱会。

  I remember in 2003, Eminem came to Scotland for his Europe Concert tour and his first station was Glasgow. I went to get the ticket as soon as I heard of the exciting news. Still a wee bit late, it was "on the pitch". 我记得那是2003年,Eminem来到了苏格兰举办他的泛欧演唱会,第一站就是格拉斯哥。我一听到这个激动的消息就马上跑去买票了。还是有一点点迟了,只是买到了站票。

  50 Cent, D12, Marilyn Manson, Dido were all along with Eminem on that tour and performed on the stage. 那次的欧洲行,50 Cent, D12, Marilyn Manson, Dido 都随Eminem一起来了,而且纷纷上台表演。

  The stadium was totally full, lt no one seat empty. 20,000 people at the very best were on the pitch, 70,000 in total more likely. When 50 Cent was on stage, it was pretty tame. But as soon as Eminem came out, all the girls started rushing up towards the stage. I was almost trampled. He played a song with his heart which was written by himself to his daughter. I was blown away by this song, and it was the highlight of the night for me. Eminem played over his time limit, had lots of contact with the audience, and played 3 curtain call songs. We were all surprised when Eminem came back out with the lights up and no back up. 体育场爆满,没有一个空座位。大概两万人站在场地中间,一共有估计7万多观众。50 Cent上台表演的时候,有点闷。但是当Eminem一出来,在场的女孩们全都朝舞台涌去。我差点被踩死。Eminem深情唱了一首他亲自写给自己女儿的歌。我被这首歌彻底震惊了,那也是那一晚演唱会的一个亮点。Eminem的演唱会还延长了,和观众大量的互动,他唱了三首谢幕歌曲。而他伴着灯光亮起最后一次的返场,也让给了我们一个惊喜。

  I must say that it was an AMAZING performance! 我必须得说,那是一次美妙的演出。




  Describe a book you recently read.

  You should say

  what book it was

  when you read it

  why you read it

  and explain what you liked and (possibly) disliked about the book.

  what book it was

  As you may know, many Chinese people love complex love stories and the is perhaps the most popular and well-developed of them.

  when you read it

  I have read the whole novel from the beginning to the end only once 3 months ago, but I like it and I felt myself loss when I finished that novel. I lingered at the last few chapters for long enough to get myself back to a normal life.

  why you read it

  It tells us the difference between Chinese literature and Western literature. At the end of each chapter, there is always a line which says ‘if the reader wants to know what happens next, please read the next chapter’. The line suggests that these chapters were each written separately over a period of time, thus, it functions as a reminder for readers to wait for the next chapter. These were the most developed stages of Chinese fiction writing.

  And explain what you liked about the book

  Moreover, the reason for the novel’s outstanding reputation and distinguishable status is that the novel is ‘the direct way to learn about Chinese culture. You cannot read Laozi or Confucius to understand Chinese society and Chinese people, while the book is the shortcut’. Therore, the language used for this classical work is between formal and colloquial. In addition, the work was completed during Qing dynasty which is the last feudal empire in Chinese history, thus, the language is classical but also quite close to modern Chinese; it is intelligible for Chinese readers without any footnotes. Furthermore, exaggerated expressions are frequently used in the original text to show the author’s irony towards the society.

  Another sample answer:

  what book it was

  Dream of the Red Mansions, written in the 18th century, is undoubtedly one of the most distinguishable classical novels of Chinese literature. The story has been made into numerous mini series and TV operas.

  when you read it

  I have read it (the Chinese version) several times, and have it handy in my palm in case I want to read it. I think I read it the first time when I was in middle school and it was kind of difficult (yes because of the huge number of characters and the sub-plots and so on). But then it got easier and easier. You have to read it and know the stories and the poems because they are so frequently quoted.

  why you read it

  I deeply love the romance between the characters, that’s why I read it that often. I don&apost know much about the English version but it&aposd be dinitely difficult to translate this novel into any other languages. I wonder how one can translate the puns which expressed some deeper meaning, or probably the best way is to skip it or giving some footnotes (which will ruin the novel).

  And explain what you liked about the book

  The main character is Baoyu (寶玉), and his love interest is his cousin Daiyu (黛玉), who is the daughter of his aunt (father&aposs sister). Baoyu finally marries another cousin Baochai (寶釵). Baoyu, bore he comes to this world, was a rock/jade, and Daiyu a plant. The rock used to water the plant. So Daiyu has to pay back the debt to Baoyu with all her tears in this life. (How romantic.) The poems I like best are the two which foretell their fates in Baoyu&aposs dream.

  And the scene bore Daiyu dies, when she buries the fallen flowers, is very very very famous, called "黛玉葬花".

  And there&aposs another famous poem called 紅豆詞, which has been made into a song. Just the other day I was listening to it at a fashion boutique.

  I could go on and on.














  Describe an important traditional event in your hometown.

  You should say:

  what this event is.

  when it happens.

  who participates in this event, what they do.

  and explain how you feel about this event.

  What this event is

  Well, one of the important traditional events in my hometown is Temple Fair, which is now a mass gathering of entertainment and commerce.

  When it happens

  The Temple Fair in my hometown has a very long history, probably dating from Ming and Qing dynasties. And now it usually occurs from the first to the seventh day of the first month on the lunar calendar.

  Who participates in this event and what they do

  The Fair attracts a lot of people. Some are going to sell something, most of which are traditional arts and crafts, while others just go there for fun. There will be feature dragon and lion dances, waist drum dancing, as well as other folk performances, and even some staged traditional wedding ceremonies. Besides, you can taste numerous kinds of local snacks and dishes. Acrobatics and other performers are on hand to keep the crowds entertained throughout the day.

  and explain how you feel about this event.

  For me, I like the Temple Fairs because there are so many games to play, food to eat and performances to appreciate. But what’s more important, it is dinitely a cultural experience, and allows one to see Chinese cultures from a very detailed perspective.


  Temple Fair: 庙会

  mass: 大众的

  commerce: 交流,交际。 贸易,商业。

  lunar calendar: 阴历

  arts and crafts: 手工艺品

  dragon and lion dances: 舞狮,舞龙。

  waist drum dancing: 腰鼓舞蹈

  folk performances: 民间表演

  snacks: 小吃

  Acrobatics: 杂技

  on hand: 在场,即将发生。

  perspective: 观点,看法。

  Part 3

  Traditions & Culture

  Are young people as interested in traditional events as older people?


  Young people are only interested in events that are loaded with music and alcohol. Until they have children no one changes their lifestyles.


  What traditions in China are disappearing or are in danger of disappearing?


  I have to say many traditions are dying out, especially for those traditional crafts; most of them have been replaced by the modern industry.


  How can old traditions be kept alive (= continued)?


  Traditions can be kept alive by keeping practicing and performing them. And they should not only be practiced, but taught to children. Passing them on from generation to generation is the most important part of human nature.


  Is Chinese culture being affected by foreign cultural influences?


  Kinda!! For instance, young people are celebrating Christmas every year, which is not a traditional Chinese festival. It’s hard to say if it is bad or not but the fact is China is becoming a ‘melting pot’. Foreign people are just helping add to that ‘melting pot’.

  有点儿!!举个例子,年轻人每年都在过圣诞节,这不是中国传统的节日。很难说这是好是坏但是中国现在正在变成一个“大融炉”,老外们正在帮忙往炉子里面填东西呢。(melting pot指各种族同化的国家)




  Describe an interesting magazine.

  You should say:

  what the magazine specializes in①

  what information it contains②

  who you think reads this magazine③

  and explain why you think this magazine is interesting④


  解答思路:将①②③作为④的原因,把整个话题卡串联起来,使其make sense. 最后总结,可以谈一下读杂志为自己带来什么好处,如何使自己受益。

  My favourite magazine is called " FalkLands".

  I&aposm a university student who has been in love with history (especially ancient history) for years, and when I discovered this magazine, I was in heaven. It&aposs a weekly magazine. Since I began reading it two years ago, I never missed a single issue.

  It&aposs a comprehensive magazine published in the U.S. it has been translated into several versions. I prer to read the original version. It owns millions of readers around the world. Everything is covered in it, just like an encyclopedia; colonial America, ancient Egypt, you name it, it&aposs probably in here. The photography is breathtaking, and the information is superb. I&aposve spent more than one night up late, just reading through everything. It&aposs quite a good magazine - though I&aposm just speaking from my own perspective. It might not be entirely accurate, but I&aposm not complaining.

  It enlarges my general knowledge and broadens my horizon. I enjoy the feeling of curling up in the sofa with a magazine. Although surfing the Internet is the faster way to get information, you cannot feel the sense of touching paper.

  Trust me. Is it a magazine for pretty much everyone! Go and get it if you like any bit of history, Egyptian or Mayan or American.


  ancient: a. 古老的 古代的

  issue: n. 发行物 期刊

  comprehensive: a. 综合的 理解的

  encyclopedia: n. 百科全书

  colonial: a. 殖民地的

  breathtaking: a. 美极了

  superb: a. 极好的

  read through: vt. 读完(读一遍)

  perspective: n. 看法

  surf the internet: 网上冲浪, 上网

  sense of touching paper: 如乐静所言:‘书拿在手里,有质感!’


  What the name of the magazine

  I often read a magazine named as National Geographics.

  Reading magazines and newspapers is my favorite leisure activities. I often read a magazine named as …

  what the magazine specializes in①

  It&aposs a fashion magazine about dressing and make-ups

  It&aposs one of the most popular magazines in the world, offering updated local and international news and other information on entertainment, technology and something like this.

  what information it contains②

  It presents newsworthy events.

  It is exclusively about world affairs.

  Just like an encyclopedia, it contains such fields as …

  & explain why you think this magazine is interesting④

  The magazine presents in-depth reports and objective articles.

  The magazine boasts abundant information. It never disappoints you when you finish reading it.

  The layout and design of the magazine is neat.

  The glossy cover makes it stand out of other magazines.

  The most attractive thing of the magazine is the well-shot pictures. Some show the charm of magic nature; some pictures themselves tell stories.

  It offers me usul information and good entertainment as well.

  Reading the magazine also arouses my interest in learning English.

  Reading is more imaginative than watching TV or surfing the Internet. I keep the habit of reading magazine for at least half an hour each day. It brings me serenity in mind.




  Describe a famous person you would like to meet.

  You should say:

  who this person is

  how you first learned about him or her

  how/why this person is famous

  and explain what you would say to this person.

  If you wanna talk about playground legends, the conversation begins right there. Demetrius "Hook" Mitchell is the legend. You can hear all the stories in the world, but you&aposll never believe it until you see it. He&aposs done inhuman stuff, unreal stuff.

  Hook was by far the best player to come out of Oakland. Demetrius Hook Mitchell is the Bay&aposs most notorious legend. Every cat with at least minimal knowledge of playground ball has a Hook Mitchell story. The tales of his leaping ability are common place. Jumping over cars, bikes and people wasn&apost no thing to Hook. Bore his descent into narcotics hell, Hook was nothing but heavenly. If he&aposd just kept his head straight, he&aposd be in the league right now, dominating.

  Unfortunately, Hook lives in a prison cell now and in other folks&apos memories.

  Several NBA stars who also grew up in Oakland, including Gary Payton, Jason Kidd, Antonio Davis, Drew Gooden, and Brian Shaw, all of whom played with Mitchell on the streets, and were astonished by his skills, but were unable to help him avoid his sorry fate. They describe his unstable home life and the longing for community that drove him to the streets. Mitchell himself is shown playing prison league games, and is surprisingly still able to play above the rim.

  His story, like others, was written on courts between the West and East Bay.

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