


刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:167 移动端

  2010年12月4日的雅思考试已经过去了,烤鸭们又一次接受了考验,对于这一次的口语考题,在没有大方面的改动的同时更加注意大家在平时的积累,无论是在个人问题的讨论还是深入话题的讨论上都可以体现这一点。我们回顾一下这一次考试Part 1的大概内容,希望对大家下一次考试提供帮助。

  Food & Cooking

  Who usually cooks in your family?

  What’s your favorite hometown dish?

  Can you cook? Why don’t you learn?

  Do you think it is important for children to learn how to cook?

  Do you like to eat out or cook at home?

  What are the benits of eating at home?

  Leisure activities

  Do you often hang out with friends?

  Do you invite your friends to your home?

  How often do you meet friends? What do you usually do?

  What do you usually do at leisure?

  How do you organize time?

  What do you usually do in the evening?

  How do you spend your vacation?

  What do you like and hate to do during vacation?

  What was the last vacation you took?

  What do you do in your free time?

  Do you like reading?

  Did you read a lot in your childhood?

  What do you like to read now?


  What’s your favorite sport?

  Do you like swimming?


  Do most people ride bicycles in Shanghai?

  Why do children like to ride bikes?

  Do you think bike riding is safe in Shanghai?

  Why do people in China think bicycles are important?

  Did you learn to ride a bicycle when you were a kid?

  Do you think it is safe to ride bicycles in a city? Why?

  Why do you think kids need to learn how to ride bicycles?


  Where do you want to visit most?

  Do you like traveling?

  When was the last time you go traveling?

  What would you prepare bore travelling?


  How often do you go shopping?

  Talk about your last shopping experience.

  Why do you like shopping?

  Do you prer to go shopping with friends or alone?

  Do you like shopping?

  What makes you interested in shopping?

  Do you think shopping is a waste of time?

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