

雅思口语真题之2017年12月4日考题Part 2&3回顾(4).

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  Describe a piece of advice

  What kind of advice do you usually follow?

  Who usually give advice?

  Where does the advice lead you?

  How to make young people follow wise advice?

  Nowadays, do the elderly give advice to children or vice versa?

  Is it important to give young people advice?

  Who often give advice in your community?

  Is old people’s advice more important than young people’s?

  A success

  How do you make a success?

  How should we dine success?

  Is result more important than process when you pursue success?

  Does success lead to stress?

  A speech

  Why do people feel nervous when delivering a speech?

  Who should give speeches to children?

  Describe an important conversation you had.

  Are there any communication differences between males and females?

  Do you think communication skills are important?


  Tell me about an experience of helping someone

  Do you often help people?

  Do you think people are less willing to help others? Is it good?

  How should parents encourage their kids to help others?

  Do people usually do volunteer work in China?

  What do you think of the volunteer work in China?

  Describe a sound in nature.

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