


2017/08/07 10:39:30 编辑: 浏览次数:192 移动端



  P2 describe a foreigner

  p3 Do you like communicating with foreigners?

  Are there many foreigners in china?

  Why more and more people choose to go abroad?

  Do you think people like to live abroad?

  What are the differences of cultures between different nations?


  P2 describe a person who speaks another foreign language (who he/she is, what you have learnt from him/her, how do you communicate with him/her, how do you know each other)

  P3 Through what ways we may meet foreigners?

  Do you have difficulties when you talk about culture with them?

  What you may learn after you go abroad?

  Do you think after going abroad you may understand yourself better? Why?

  Do you think the immigration may affect another country? How?

  What about people? What about building?

������ 雅思口语考试是一个非常重视临场发挥的考试项目。2010年的雅思口语考试经典的试题虽然看上去都很平常,但是还是要求大家在自己熟悉的题目和熟悉的事物中发挥自己的真实水平,所以大家一定不能掉以轻心。

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