您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 2017年雅思口语经典试题之音乐.
P2 describe a piece of music/ your favourite type of music (when you listened to it, where you heard it, what style it is,why you like it)
P3 The different meanings of different music?
What is the difference between music which old people prer and young children prer? Why they like it?
Who is your favourite singer?
What is the difference between Chinese and western music?
Do you think men and women in different ages will like music of same style?
Why music is a big business? What kind of music is popular in your country?
P2 describe a type of popular music in your country(what type it is; why people like it; where do people listen to it...)
P3 what kind of music do you enjoy listening? Why?
Why some music become popular?
What do you think about the music business?
What do you think about the rich singers?
Why some singers are rich?
Why you enjoyed listening to popular music at the first time?
What is the opinion of old people towards popular music? And what kind of music they like?
What kind of music should be called popular music?
What kind of music do modern people like?
Will they change their minds when they are getting older? Why?
What kind of music could be popular for a long time?
What kind of music is the most popular in China?
Why some music is popular for long time while other not?
Do you think the internet may affect music?
Do you think KTV is expensive?
Whom you would like to go with? Are males and females go together?
The different meanings of different music?
What is the difference between music which old people prer and young children prer? Why they like it?
Who is your favourite singer?
What is the difference between Chinese and western music?
Do you think men and women in different ages will like music of same style?
Do you think music is a big business? What kind of music is popular in your country?
Do you think all the music company is for earning money? Any for the dream of music?
Why so many people want to be singers?
The singers are earning too much money, do you think it’s fair?
Why music is a big business? What kind of music is popular in your country?
������ 雅思口语考试是一个非常重视临场发挥的考试项目。2010年的雅思口语考试经典的试题虽然看上去都很平常,但是还是要求大家在自己熟悉的题目和熟悉的事物中发挥自己的真实水平,所以大家一定不能掉以轻心。
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲