


2017/08/07 10:39:20 编辑: 浏览次数:259 移动端



  P2 descibe a traditional festival/day you celebrate in your country (what it is, when it is, how do you celebrate)

  P3 Do Chinese have other festivals except the one you mentioned?

  What will you do on other festivals?

  Will other countries celebrate the festival in same way?

  What is the difference between the festival people celebrate in the past and now?

  Do you think money is important?

  Do you think it is worth spending a lot of money on the national day parade?


  P2 describe a traditional/ old / famous story in your country(what it was about, through what ways you knew it, what the meaning of this story is, why you remember it, explain why it is important)

  P3 How do children nowadays know traditional stories?

  What is the significance of the story to your language?

  How did these stories spread in your country?

  How to keep them alive?

  What kind of story do parents tell their children?

  Why some people like writing stories? How about you?

  What kind of people like writing stories?

  Do you think it is important to write stories?

  Do you think the traditional culture is important?

  What is the benit of traditional story?

  Why people like to write story?

  Which kind of person likes to write story?

  Do you think traditional culture is important?


  P2 Describe something you celebrated on some day( What celebration it was, when you celebrate it, where you celebrate it,What was your feeling after the celebration)

  P3 Will people spend a lot of money celebrating it?

  What is the difference between Chinese and western ways of celebration?

  How do young children know traditional customs?

  What is the traditional culture to your country?

  How does your country celebrate the traditional culture?

  How does traditional culture affect you?

  What is the traditional culture in your mind?

  What would happen if a country loses its traditional culture?

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