您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 2017年12月11日-12日雅思口语真题整理(1).
������ 虽然2010年12月11日和12日的雅思口语考试已经过去了,但是作为年收尾的雅思口语考试来说,还是有很大的借鉴意义的。这次的雅思口语真题,来自各地考生的经历,经过澳际小编的整理而成,希望对大家有所帮助。
Part 1 .节日
Part 2.你收到的建议
Part 3.围绕建议的话题,比如你认为父母和朋友的建议,谁的更重要。
Part 1. hometown, daily life,
Part 2. Describe a member of your family who you admire
Part 3. Different between extended family and samall family
how to keep the relationship with family
what different between the relationship with grandparents and with parents
Part 1. what do u like most of ur hometown.
what do u normally do at ur free time.
what color do u like most?
what is the favourite color in ur country.
Part 2.talk about a place u visited that helped u learn about the past.
where was it.
why did u visit it.
what did u see in it.
explain what did u learn about the past from it.
Part 3. do you always visit historical places like museums?
what did u learn from history of ur country?
do u think it is necessary to learn international history?
what do children learn about the past at home?
national history and interational history, which one is more important?
Part 1. name, majoy, how to learn a new language
Part 2. 描述一个你住过的hotel.
Part 3. 关于hotel和travelling的话题 当你初次到一个新地方的时候想住什么样的hotel,希望hotel有什么设施和服务等等
Part 1. 问是学生还是工作 major; 这个major在你国家流行不流行,原因。
你喜欢不喜欢dancing 你会不会dancing ;在年轻人里面流行不流行dancing 。
Part 2.卡片job 问 你想要的工作是啥 在哪工作 为啥
Part 3.你认为是不是应该高中毕业就离开学校去上班 还是应该去读uni为啥
你觉得这些学到的 怎么能用到工作中
be late
help sb
喜欢什么颜色 你国家的代表颜色是啥
Part 1.家乡,博物馆,航空
Part 2.讲一个老师
Part 3.问你政府应该扶持老师吗,怎么样的老师是好老师,老师怎么激发学生学习,都跟老师有关.
Part1.what is your favourite food in your childhodd?
do you collect anyting?
Part2.talk about a sport u would like to be good at.
what sport is it?
what do you have to learn in this sport?
what are the difficuties.
Part3.should companies invest in sports
if companies invest in sports, what will the company gain.
should the fast food companies limited to invest in sports, because junk food is harmful......
Part 1: What do you like most of your hometown ?
What do you do at your free time when you were at your hometown ?
What your hometown should be improved ?
Where do you buy your clothes ?
Did you buy some clothes that you don&apost like ?
Part2: Discribe a trip you went, where, why, how to get there?
Part 3: Long distance trip . Advantage and disadvantage. Public transportation and Private Car. What should be improved for long-term trip?
������ 看了2010年12月11日和12日雅思口语真题,大家是不是对来年的雅思口语的考试方向有了一个把握呢,其实常考的还是那些内容,只要大家准备全面充分加上临时发挥,还是能取得不错的成绩的。
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲