

39个猫的短语 雅思口语高频词汇.

2017/08/07 10:37:04 编辑: 浏览次数:207 移动端



  1.A cat has nine lives. 猫有九条命;不易死

  2.a cat on hot bricks ; a cat on a hot tin roof 坐立不安

  3.All cats love fish but fear to wet their paws. 渴望某物又不愿付出代价

  4.All night all cats are gray. 人在未出名时,很难看出与众不同之处

  5.as bad as a cat 像猫的胃一样大小;猫儿食

  6.bell the cat 为众人利益主动冒险;捨己为人

  7.black cat has run between them 有了嫌隙;反目不和

  8.Care killed the cat. 忧能伤身

  9.cat- and- dog life 争吵不休的

  10.cat burglar 动作迅速的小偷

  11.cat- foot 偷偷摸摸地前进

  12.cat in gloves catches no mice 怕脏又怕累的人一事无成

  13.cat nap 小睡

  14.cat- sleep 假寐

  15.cat typing 搞不清楚状况

  16.catcall 口哨声

  17.cat&aposs- eye 猫眼石

  18.cat&aposs meow; cat&aposs pyjamas 妙极了

  19.cat&aposs paw 爪牙;被人利用的人;傀儡

  20.Curiosity killed the cat. 好奇心足以致命;别太好奇

  21.enough to make a cat speak 事情出人意料;出奇得令人惊讶

  22.Even a cat may look at the king. 身分卑微者也有应享的权利

  23.fat cat 阔佬

  24.fight like Kilkenny cats 两败俱伤;死斗

  25.It&aposs enough to make a cat laugh. 实在太可笑了

  26.land like a cat 安然脱离困境

  27.lead a cat- and- dog life 经常吵架的夫妻

  28.let the cat out of the bag 洩漏祕密

  29.look like something the cat dragged in 一身污渍邋遢

  30.look like the cat that ate (swallowed) the canary 自鸣得意;踌躇满志

  31.play cat and mouse with 愚弄;欲擒故纵

  32.rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨

  33.see which way the cat jumps 静观其变;伺机而动

  34.set the cat among the pigeons 引起骚动;製造纷扰;兴风作浪

  35.the cat gets one&aposs tongue 说不出话来

  36.there is no room to swing a cat 地方狭小

  37.to let the old cat die 平静下来

  38.turn the cat in the pan 变节;反叛

  39.When the cat&aposs away, the mice will play. 阎王不在,小鬼翻天

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