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1. 想法
问题:Are young people more inclined to accept advice from their friends or from their parents?
句型模板-- 意愿,偏好
1) X is willing to …1) X prers…to…
2) X would …if X should…2) X would prer to…
3) X is reluctant to…3) X would rather… than…
4) X is inclined to…
5) X is unwilling to…
Well,most of the young people would prer to ask their friends for some advice,I guess,especially when they have problems about school or personal relationship,you know ,it’s easier to communicate with someone their own age,but when they need help about something like future career,they would rather turn to their parents for help,because parents are usually more experienced about that …
2. 比较
问题:What do you think is the main difference between older people and young people when someone gives them advice?
思路--典型的对比异同(Comparing similarities and differences)型的问题,回答时以语法为基础,要有明显的进行对比的框架来支撑答案,同时要有充足的细节来支持观点。
词汇--(young people)open minded,curious…(old people)carul, conservative…
1) X is (a lot, a great deal of, slightly, a bit…) bigger than Y.
2) X is quite (totally, completely) different from Y.
3) X and Y are different in every way.
4) One of the differences between X and Y is that…
5) In comparison to B, A is quite big …
Well,I have to say that they are different in many ways. But the main one is that young people are more likely to accept advice that are different and exciting, you know,young people are usually curious and adventurous, they would like to try new things. In comparison to the young,most of the older people are conservative and carul ,so usually they would take the more practical advice,I think.
3. 方法
问题:What do you think are the good ways for older people to give advice to young people?
词汇--fective, teaching lessons, set a example,understanding…
It is obvious that there are plenty of ways…
But I believe the most fective way would be to…
Like for instance, if …
It is obvious that there’re plenty of ways to give advice to young people and it varies from people to people, like talking, writing and things like that. But I believe the most fective way would be to actually show them how to do something, you know, like setting a good example, instead of only teaching lessons. Like for instance, if parents would like their children to study more, they should do it themselves instead of watching TV while the children are studying. Besides, trying to understand the young people bore giving them advice is also a good way.
4. 具体建议
问题:If you were to give one piece of advice to young people, what would it be?
思路--建议型问题,给出正面回答后,适当补充细节信息。(需要注意的是:需要在答案中加入虚拟语气的表达,这是得分的一个关键点。同时,考生要了解suggestion与advice的一些不同:suggestion为可数名词,通常泛指一种想法,如:I suggest we eat out tonight ; advice为不可数名词,通常指&aposthe best thing to do&apos,意思更为深入和抽象,如:I advice you not to waste too much of your time on playing PC games. )
1) I&aposd .... (suggest, recommend, say, tell him/her/them) ....
2) Maybe/perhaps/possibly ... + could / should ...
3) It might/may help if ....+ past tense form of verb
4) It would probably + (be a good idea, be usul, help) if + past tense form of verb
5) I .... (suggest, recommend, say) ....
Well,possibly I would advise them not be afraid to make mistakes and never give up their dreams. You know,when people are young,they have plenty of time, so if they made mistakes they would have chances to correct them.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲