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  关于describe 类

  The point I’d like to begin with is that…

  I could start off by saying that….

  A second feature which I should mention is that…. As well as that, I could say that…

  And I shouldn’t forget to mention that…

  I guess I could remark on the fact that…

  Alright, to start with I’ll talk about who the person is. And I think I would have to choose….

  I’ll start off by answering the initial question of …..

  Moving on to the matter of….

  With rerence to the issue of….

  As a final point, if time permits, I could deal with the last question of …..

  Speaking of… In terms of …. As for….. When it comes to ….

  And what I need to emphasize here si that The fact I need to highlight here is that … What I need to stress here is that…. In other world,… That is to say, but in particular, Specifically,…. To be more precise/specific/exact…


  As I see it, several factors contribute to ... In my view, the causes of … are complicated.

  Actually, I believe more than one factors lead to this trend.

  The most significant one may be … The chi contributing factor is…

  A secondary one may be… A subsequent factor could be…

  As a result,… As a consequence,… Consequently,…


  Well, actually, there are a variety of differences between them It seems to me like they are just totally different.

  The most fundamental/significant/essential/obvious one is…

  Unlike….,…. Compared with…,…

  Also,… Besides,..

  So, you see, they are totally different. There are other differences as well, but basically these are the main ones.


  过去:Traditionally,… In the previous centuries,…

  现在:At present,… Currently,…

  将来:It’s very likely that in the future… Who knows, maybe in the future,…


  Actually, they have a lot in common. Well, it seems they are very similar. Honestly, I don’t think there’s much difference between them.


  当遇到不太熟悉的话题是 用这一句话来说明

  To the best of my knowledge

  Is closely linked to


  Things should be done step by step. The initial thing that should be done is …Then,….And probably most importantly,…

  In reaction to …, the government should…

  The most sensible way to confront this would be…

  记得要用otherwise 来强调一下

  Theoretically,… But in actuality,…

  Ideally,… But in practice,…

  Advantages类 替换 merit /favorable aspect / positive feature

  There are a number of benits. It is benicial for a variety of reasons.

  Its most obvious advantage is

  And it’s advantageous because … as well. It’s valuable also because… And of course, it’s positive also due to the fact that…

  And better still,…

  Disadvantage 类 negative aspects/ weaknesses/ drawbacks

  There may be some risks involved. Apparently, some hazards may be involved.

  This is very disturbing because …. This is dinitely alarming simply because…

  And worse still,…


  It cuts both ways-----… but on the other hand,….

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