


2017/08/07 10:16:40 编辑: 浏览次数:228 移动端


  If you could go back in time, what would you do?

  不受欺负型!I would not let that boy from school bully me in my youth...i would also crush my self esteem and make it impossible for me to feel love or make new friends for fear of never being good enough..

  改变历史型!That&aposs an interesting question. Maybe I would go back and try to change something in history. Or, maybe I&aposd go back to my history.

  不想回到过去型!Even if there was such a device...things would change in a parallel universe to ours...The past is history, future is a mystery...that is why we are living in the present.

  戒烟戒酒型!I would stay away from alcohol. It’s my best friend and worst enemy.

  超级自恋型!I would go back, give my teen self a hug and tell her that she is beautiful, unique and special and that one day she will meet a guy who will love her just the way she is so she should just keep being true to herself and not do dumb things in order to get people to like her.

  绝不后悔型!I would do the same thing all over again...I’m proud of what i have done and of my achievements....

  人生因果论!None. I wouldn&apost give myself any advice. I am one of those people that believe that everything happens for a reason. I would never want to change anything about my life. Life lessons are important, especially the ones that brought me pain.


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