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  Satge 1:

  Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?

  I have to admit that I learned to play a variety of instruments such as the violin and the piano, but I quitted the private courses when I found out that I was not really interested in them. At the age of eleven, I started to play the clarinet. It is still my favorite musical instrument now, and I enjoy performing with my clarinet at diverse occasions.

  How do older people feel about younger people&aposs clothing?

  As far as I know, it is not easy for elder people to accept the fashion styles such as Punk or Hip Hop. They might think that the clothes that younger people wear are too expressive. I hope that the elder people would show a bit more tolerance and don&apost totally reject urban fashion styles, because they also wore clothes that were considered as provocative when they were young.

  Which fruits do you like most?

  Is it easy to get fresh fruits and vegetables in the place where you live? In my opinion, there is nothing more pleasant than eating watermelons on a warm day, and that&aposs the reason why watermelon is my favorite fruit. Fortunately, there are two huge markets near my appartment where I can get fresh fruits and vegetables directly from local farmers.

  Do you often go to the cinema?

  Yes, I do like go to the cinema. Watching movies at the cinema creates a wonderful feeling. It is hard to feel the same at home beacause the visual and acoustic fects are just too different.

  Stage 3:

  How should tourists behave when they are travelling abroad?

  Of course, there are several rules that tourists should pay attention to when they are travelling overseas. One has to know what is right or wrong in certain situations. For instance, screaming in a church or interrupting a guide&aposs speech are rude actions that must not occur. However, it doesn&apost mean that tourists are supposed to assimilate. In fact, it would be fine if they just behave in an appropriate way which does not displease the natives.

  Why do people take photos?

  I would say that people take photos for sentimental reasons. We all have experienced some moments that we simply want to keep in mind, and photos are able to help us not to forget them. Personally speaking, I love to capture moments which have a large impact on me. Everytime I look at them, it feels so nice because I see how much I have grown, both physically and emotionally.

  What do you think of adolescent education in your country?

  Honestly speaking, the current adolescent education leaves much to be desired. It can&apost be denied that the Chinese government has done a good job within the past decades, and the students are well prepared for further sudies in the university. However, the educational patterns are so test-oriented that students hardly learn any skills such as using ** or giving presentations - skills that are also of great importance in their careers. In addition, physical education and sex education are usually considered as negligible by the schools, which is not a good thing.

  Do you like to work alone or with others?

  Working with different people is a process that I like very much. I always become wiser after a group project because we communicate a lot and get to know what other people think about an issue. Another benit of team work is that you are always well entertained. If you work alone, you won&apost have that much fun.



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