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  1.What do you think are the differences between home schooling and studying at school?

  There are a lot of differences between them. Home schooling is more personalized and focused on the individual student&aposs needs, whereas the personal attention is not available in schools because there are other students. Studying at home allows the student to spend more time on the subject he is interested in or questions he doesn&apost understand. However, in school, the students can develop their communication skills during the class discussion or school activities. So there are good points and drawbacks in both types of studying.

  2. What do you think learning theoretical material is emphasized more than learning practical skills?

  Learning theoretical material can help you to develop practical skills. I thinks it would be better to keep a balance between theoretical material studying and hand-on experience. But now, most of schools in China put too much emphasis on theoretical teaching because the students are expected to get high marks in exams. Unfortunately, most of the information the students learn in the classroom is not quite usul when it comes to a real job.

  3.Do you think education system in China should be rormed?

  The education system in China is now under rorming. We are noticing the government is trying to make progress in several aspects. You can see the primary schools change their schooling time to 8AM to 4PM instead of 7AM to 5PM. Thus the students have more time to sleep and relax instead of studying intensively. Besides, the schools have adjusted their subjects arrangements by adding some hand-on courses to help students develop practical ability. Personally speaking, experience is the better teacher, if students can be offered courses with lots of usul information and practice opportunities, as you know, a well-rounded education, they will find jobs more easily.



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