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无忧雅思网 2011年6月11日雅思口语Part2预测
颜炜 2011年6月雅思口语Part2预测
Wild animal
Exciting sport
Vehicle you would like to buy
Pollution in your city
Law in China
TV presenter
Quiz show
News story
Birthday party
Important festival
Person in history in your country
Company your friend or relative works in
Old person =a person who speaks a different language=someone you want to spend time with=a famous person from another country=a successful person=an artist (可以借用基本卡片中的work of art一个艺术家,老,外国人就行啦107)
A teacher=Person who helped you =a friend you have known for a long time (借用wild animal95)
A good cook=a family member=a person you lived with (借用hobby, 准备成cooking 96)
A TV presenter (110)
an adventurous person (一个冒险的人)(借用95)
a child (bird, animal, hobby都行)
Newspaper=Magazine (93,95,103)
TV program you like or dislike (quiz show智力问答111页)
Advertisement (111)
Book/story in childhood (119)
Clothes somebody bought for you (99)
A film (119)
Equipment (not computers) (100)
Gift (99)
Old thing in your family (97,101)
Something you would like to save money to buy (100, 103)
A toy (101)
A vehicle you would like to buy (103)
Some equipment that didn’t function well (100)
Something you made by yourself (92,93,97)
A letter or email you received (116,110)
A work of art (107)
City/ part of your hometown you like most/change of your hometown
A historical place (a place that you can learn about the past)
A place with water
A modern building
A place with a lot to noise
Place you want to visit
Restaurant (a place that you go for lunch)
A small shop/department store
A case that you were late
An enjoyable event
A long journey/trip/travel
A trip not as good as planned
Something you celebrated
A walk you took with others
Last weekend
A picnic or meal in the park
A trip you planned but didn’t go for
A special meal
An enjoyable visit from others
Good news from phone
Something that is good for health
A public event
Your favorite subject
A science lesson you learned
An exciting sport (a sport you want to be good at)
A naughty thing you did in your childhood
A piece of advice you got
Ideal job
An activity you enjoy outside the door
Something you want to do for environment
A wild animal
A family that you like (not your own)
A law in China
A piece of interesting news/a news story that made you happy
A leisure activity
Popular music in your country
A skill you learned from internet (something you are good at/a skill you want to learn)
A hobby in your childhood
part 2 重点要新准备的题目
1. your personality。(雅思王口语120页)
2. a conversation on the phone (可以用116,117,生日和婚礼的内容)
3. a friend who tends to be a leader (有领导潜质的朋友),介绍120的性格就行,说成是领导的能力之一。
4. a building in your school or university (雅思王口语142页,P3问题在189页)
5. a series educational TV program (与92页鸟和93动物内容结合)
6. What would you do if you have one day from work or study (结合27张核心卡片中92, 93, 95,96,97, 107都可以)
7. a successful thing you did (结合动物保护,生日,组织婚礼都可以)
9. 你在新闻中了解到的人(都可以结合27个卡片)
part2 你喜欢在哪上学是综合性大学还是专业性大学(university or college) 他们在哪儿他们应该长得怎么样 里面的配置应该怎么样(facilities)
pate3 你认为乡村的学校和城市里的学校有什么不同;学校在未来需要改进么为什么;小孩子家里应该有电脑么;学校应该是有大的体育馆好还是有大的图书馆好
a leisure center
ideal house
a vehicle you would like to buy (这道题要注意,介绍自己想买的车的原因,在妙语连珠的书中有答案)
favorite photo
a company you know about (一定要准备small but successful的公司)
your favorite room in your childhood
a museum
your lifestyle (介绍自己的生活方式)
happy event in your childhood (小时候的高兴事)
unusual experience (一次不寻常经历,介绍旅游,迟到的意外都行的)
special family event
a foreign food you would like to try
a change you would like to make to improve your fitness or health
a peacul place (这个与有噪音的地方是正好相反的)
an adventurous person (一个冒险的人)
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲