


2017/08/07 09:38:45 编辑: 浏览次数:345 移动端


  The seventh lunar month in the traditional Chinese calendar is called Ghost Month. On the first day of the month, the Gates of Hell are open to allow ghosts and spirits access to the world of the living. The spirits spend the month visiting their families, feasting and looking for victims.


  There are three important days during Ghost Month. On the first day of the month, ancestors are honored with offerings of food, incense, and ghost money - paper money which is burned so the spirits can use it. These offerings are done at makeshift altars set up on sidewalks outside the house.


  Almost as important as honoring ancestors, offerings to ghosts without families must be made, so that they will not cause you any harm. Ghost month is the most dangerous time of the year, and malevolent spirits are on the look out to capture souls. This makes ghost month a bad time to do activities such as evening walk, traveling, moving house, or starting a new business. Many people avoid swimming during ghost month, since there are many spirits in the water which can try to drown you.


  The last day of the month is when the Gates of Hell are closed up again. The chants of Taoist priests inform the spirits that it’s time to return, and as they are confined once again to the underworld.


  The cultural event I’m going to talk about may sound a little bit superstitious and scary, but it is one of our traditional and cultural events in most areas.





雅思口语范文:Describe a Family



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