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describe a wild animal
the boars are like a pig, but live in the wild. gray in skin, the boars are usually covered with dark or dakish brown hair, and the ears are pointy but small,the mouths protruding but long, the legs long but slim. Also,boars have relatively smaller heads , darker feet, straighter backs, sharper teeth and shorter tails as compared to normal pigs.
The boars often come out in groups to find food in the early morning or in the late afternnon, and hide inside the forests to stay away from the sunshine during the day
Since the stomaches of the boars are very good cures to people’s stomachaches, and the tough and tensile meat of the boars are liked more by pople that the meat from pigs with some fat, a large number of boars were hunted, hence the chinese government is now listing them as protected animals. Luchily, more and more boars are farm-raised, providing people the luck to have a taste.
That is the wild animal that I would describe.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲