下面是由澳际小编为大家搜索整理的2012年1-4月雅思口语话题物品篇A Gift You Would Like To Give预测的内容,包括了考试话题的内容,非常详细,是按照时间的顺序排列的。下面我们就一起来看看这次雅思口语预测的内容吧。
2012年1-4月雅思口语预测(Part 2) 物品篇
物品 Object
A Musical Show
Describe a musical event you attended or saw on TV that you liked.
You should say:
- what kind of musical event it was
- when you saw it
- where you saw it
and explain why you liked it.
Part 3
People&aposs Musical Prerences
What is the importance of music in people&aposs lives?
Do you think that music adds something to people&aposs lives?
What&aposs your favorite style of music?
What are the differences between the music old(er) people like and the music young people like?
How does music affect people&aposs mood?
Do you think aggressive music has an fect on people?
What kinds of music are popular in your country?
Is Beijing (Peking) Opera very popular?获得更多雅思考试咨询点击进入>>>>澳际免费咨询顾问或联系QQ客服:
Do you think it&aposs good for children to study music?
Is there any difference between children studying music today and in the past?
The Music Industry
Do you think music can become commercialized?
Is the internet having any fect on the music industry?
Do you think this will (or could) have an fect on the music industry?
Being a Pop Singer or Musician
Would you like to work in the music industry?
Many young people go through a stage when they dream of being a being a pop singer or a musician. Why do you think they have this dream?
Do you think it&aposs reasonable to say that since you love music, you would like to make it your profession?
I went to the Strawberry Music Festival this year in May 1. The Strawberry Music Festival was hold in Beijing and I am local here, so it won&apost take me a long time to get there.
Most music played in Strawberry Music Festival was Rock and Roll. But I am not a big fan. I just accompanied my friends there. So I had to clear up something: I liked the musical event not only because of the music but also the people there. For example, I saw the sweetest thing there which isn&apost something you would expect from a rock concert. A mom and dad brought their 4 year old daughter and the dad had her on his shoulders up in front of the stage. She had her hands in the air giving a peace sign and swaying along to the music. Rich Robinson, who hadn&apost smiled all night, broke into a smile when he saw her and threw her his guitar pick. Anyway, the general vibe of the whole thing was pretty fantastic. And at the end, the band seemed genuinely appreciative of the crowd&aposs applause. And that&aposs the funniest thing about the concert in my perspective.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲