

雅思口语范文:Road or Street.

2017/08/07 09:34:59 编辑: 浏览次数:270 移动端

  以下是小编为大家搜索整理的有关雅思口语范文Road or Street 相关信息介绍,每年雅思写作会涉及到Road or Street 方面的考题,所以一下雅思口语范文考生可以借鉴里面的短语、句子或思路,给自己的写作找一些思路和灵感。

  雅思口语考试中关于A Road or Street in Your Hometown话题经常出现,考官一般会要求你Describe a street/road in your hometown等等。下面为大家整理了雅思口语考官关于这类话题的具体问题及参考答案,考生可以提前看一下,再根据自己的实际情况来组织新的回答内容和思路。

  You should say:

  - where it is

  - what the main buildings are on that street/road

  - what you usually do on that street/road

  and explain how you feel about this street/road.

  Part 3

  City Living

  Many people prer to live in a city rather than in a town or in the countryside. What do you think are the advantages of living in a city?

  Do you think cities are more suitable for young people, or old people?

  In some Western countries, old people move out of the city to retire in the countryside. Why do you think they choose to do that?

  Do you think city living has nay disadvantages?

  Why do so many people in cities want to own a private car?


  Nanjing Road, known as the No.1 Street in China, is one of the leading business centers in Shanghai. It is rerred to be the miniature of the history and culture of Shanghai for a century.获得更多雅思考试咨询点击进入>>>>澳际免费咨询顾问或联系QQ客服:

  From the Bund at the east end to Jing&aposan Temple at the west end, the street has a history of more than 100 years. It was originally named Yongquan, the spring in front of Jing&aposan Temple.

  The 1033-metre-long "Pedestrian Walkway of Nanjing Road" houses the China&aposs key commercial shops like Shanghai No.1 Department Store, Yong’an Commercial Building, Lao Feng Xiang Gold & Jewelry Shop, Maochang Optical Shop and Shanghai No.1 Medicine Shop. All these make Nanjing Road a thriving and fascinating commercial hub that attracts both local residents and visitors from at home and abroad.

  Nanjing Road is such a famous place and I am local here, but first, let me get something straight. I will never go there, except for showing my friends around who are travelling in Shanghai. The reason is simple, everything in china close to "famous" means crowded. Not mention Nanjing Road is the key commercial place in Shanghai. Thousands of multinational corporations eagerly do business here. Millions of foreign tourists visit Nanjing Road every year. Go to a place like this I have to take a deep breath, I don’t feel natural and I can’t focus here, so I would rather stay at home and feel relaxed.

  以上即是雅思口语范文Road or Street 话题介绍,大家在备考雅思口语时可以结合以上提到的内容进行练习,俗话说熟能生巧,考生朋友们加油!

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