

2017年7月7日雅思口语Part 1预测(最重点).

2017/08/07 09:24:59 编辑: 浏览次数:299 移动端

  下面为大家搜集和整理的是关于2012年7月7日雅思口语Part 1预测的相关内容,包括了在过去的几个月之中比较重点的雅思口语Part 1考试题目的汇总。大家在备考中熟悉这些题目可以大大提高备考的效率,增加题目准备的针对性,来看看详细内容吧。



  直接获取澳际名师服务点击进入>>>>有问题?找免费的澳际专家咨询! 或者通过在线咨询处留言,把您最关心的问题告诉我们。


  Part 1

  What do you think of clothes? What clothes do you like?

  What clothes do you wear when you are working/in school?

  what is the difference between the older and younger people on clothes? what are the differences between clothes worn in the past and at present? What are advantages of wearing uniform?What are disadvantages of wearing uniform?�

  Describe an item of clothing that was bought for you.

  You should say:

  what it is

  what it looks like

  why it was bought for you

  and explain how you feel (or felt) about it  


  1.Personal Present Situation  work��What kind of job would you prer after graduation?What are your job prospects?What do you do for a living?

  How do you feel at first day of your work?Is�first impression important�at workplace?�

  2.Describe a situation when you had to be polite

  You should say:��what situation it was

  when it was,what happened and explain why you had to be polite.

  3.Describe a natural beauty you would like to visit


  8.Describe a wild animal in your country.  You should say:  what animal it was  what it looked like  where you saw it  and explain what people in your country feel about this animal.


  9.Describe an advertisement that persuaded you to buy a product.

  You should say:

  What kind of advertisement it was

  When and where you saw (or heard) this advertisement  What product you bought  Explain how this advertisement persuaded you to buy that product.  



  Part1�Where are you from? What’s the most impressive/interesting part of your hometown? Has your hometown changed in recent years? Describe your hometown.


  2.Part1,3 Town and city

  Do you live in a city or a town? Do you like to live in the city or in a town? Why?


  Part 1�What type of weather do you like? When are there best weather in China?What kind od weather is suitable for work?How does weather affect people?

  4.Describe an open-air place/Describe a place in the open air that makes you feel relaxed

  7. Food/cook

  Part 1�What kinds of food are popular in your country?What is your favorite food ? What’s your favorite food when you were a child? Can you cook? Do you like cooking? What are the benits of eating home-cooked food?  �

  1.Sports��Part1/3�What kind of sports are popular in your country?Is it good for sportsmen to do advertisemnts? Do you think athletes receive too much money from doing commercials?

  2.Part 1 Lauguage

  How many languages can you speak?�

  Do you think it&aposs important to know more than one languag?

  What is the most difficult part about studying a foreign language?

  How long have you been learning English?

  Would you say it&aposs a difficult language to learn?

  What do you think is the fastest way to learn a language?


  Describe a good thing that can improve your health.  You should say  what it is,  when did you have it.

  whether you like it.  and explain how do you think this thing can improve your health



  Part 1�Do you like traveling? How do you usually travel? Where have you traveled to lately? What kind of places do you like to visit?�

  以上就是关于2012年7月7日雅思口语Part 1预测中最重点的一些题目的列举,部分题目还表明了答题时候的重点。大家在备考自己的雅思口语Part 1考试的时候,可以适当的根据这些话题进行演练。





2012年7月7日雅思口语Part 2预测(最重点)

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