

2017年9月雅思口语话题预测Part 2.

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  雅思考试已经进入到紧张9月份,澳际小编也在第一时间整理了2012年9月雅思口语话题预测,同学们都应该知道雅思口语话题是有Part 1和Part 2两个部分的,雅思口语话题Part 1主要是关于你个人信息的一些问题,而Part 2部分就是一段2分钟的话题陈述,下面就是2012年9月雅思口语Part 2的话题预测。


  ☆Describe a street you like and some buildings on this street.

  ☆Describe an interesting public place. / Describe an interesting place in your hometown

  ☆Describe an ideal house / flat.

  Describe a flat / house / room you lived in when you were a child.

  Describe a workplace, such as a factory, an office or a public place

  ☆ Describe a place you’ll travel to when you have a day off.

  ☆ Describe a beautiful garden / park.

  ☆ Describe a childhood trip / journey.

  Describe a place that is close to water.

  Describe a peacul / quiet place. (Day 8 A: a library 或Day 8 C: a garden)

  ☆ Describe an old building.

  ☆ Describe a change / some changes in your hometown.

  ☆Describe a building in your school.

  Describe a modern building.

  Describe a museum or an art gallery.(Day 10: A)

  ☆ Describe a national building (www.aoji.cn

  ☆ Describe an important building or monument in your country.

  Describe a school you studied at bore. (Day 7 p116)

  ☆ Describe an important city in your country.

  Describe a foreign city you wish to visit.(Maybe London ?(Day 8 D topic9) Or Paris? The Eiffel / ‘aifl/ Tower and the Louvre/‘lu:vrə/ Or New York? the Statue of Liberty, Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, the most expensive street on earth, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, go to Time Square to usher in the New Year, the list goes on and on…)

  Describe a journey that was longer than expected. /Describe a long-distance journey.

  Describe a leisure centre with facilities such as a swimming pool or a fitness center (Day 8).

  Describe a place that helped you learn about the past

  Describe a hotel. (Day 8: A)

  Describe a place where there is a lot of noise. (Day 10: J)

  Describe a historical place in your hometown.

  Describe your favorite part of your city/hometown. / a popular part of your hometown.

  Describe a shopping mall.


  ☆ Describe the happiest person you know.

  ☆ Describe an old friend who lives far away from you.

  ☆ Describe a family member who has passed away.

  ☆ Describe an interesting person in your family’s history.

  ☆ Describe a person you helped bore.

  ☆ Describe someone who helped you study.

  ☆ Describe a person you’ve learned from.

  Describe a teacher who taught you bore.

  ☆ Describe a teacher who taught you a skill such as cooking, biking or swimming.

  Describe the important person to you when you were a child.

  Describe one of your childhood teachers(请注意本题中的动词全部要用过去时).

  Describe a friend who is a leader. (a company leader or a political leader)

  ☆ Describe one of your friends. / Describe your best friend.

  ☆ Describe a friend you haven’t seen for a long time.

  ☆ Describe a famous leader you admire.

  ☆ Describe a famous person in your country.

  Describe a person you’d like to travel with.

  Describe a person you’re familiar with.

  ☆ Describe two people in your family.

  ☆ Describe two people who get on with each other well.

  Describe your personality. (Day 8:D的另类话题部分)

  ☆ Describe a good student.

  ☆ Describe a child.

  Describe a teenager.

  ☆ Describe your neighbour.

  ☆ Describe an adventurous person.(How about talking about a person who likes adventurous sports? You can learn a great deal about adventurous sports from this site: www.aoji.cn )

  ☆ Describe the oldest person in your family. / Describe an interesting old person. ☆ Describe a person who has a healthy lifestyle. (Day 7: Topic 17 / Day 8: B & D)

  ☆ Describe a club or a team you belong to.

  Describe some changes in your lifestyle.

  Describe a TV show host/presenter (p.335以及www.aoji.cn

  ☆ Describe a singer or a band you met recently.

  Describe a wealthy / rich person. (Day 8 B)

  Describe an artist you admire.

  Describe a person in the news.

  Describe a successful person.

  Describe a famous person you’d like to meet.

  Describe a famous person in a foreign country = an international celebrity.

  ☆ Describe a job/an interesting thing you wish to do in the future.

  ☆ Describe a job that can make the world a better place. (现在英美年轻人最时髦的就是找 “green-collar jobs”“绿领儿“工作,也就是能为地球的环保事业做出贡献的工作www.aoji.cn点击任何一个工作,你就能立刻找到对它的详细描述和它所要求的条件)

  ☆ Describe an ideal job.

  Describe a successful small company. ( www.aoji.cn ) (准备这题的时候请顺便把Describe a part-time job you did bore.也思考一下)


  ☆ Describe a river / lake / sea.

  ☆ Describe a place with natural beauty.

  ☆ Describe a walk you took with a friend.

  ☆ Describe a free day.

  ☆ Describe your favorite time of day.

  Describe an experience with bad weather.

  ☆ Describe your favorite weather.

  ☆ Describe your favorite season.

  ☆ Describe your favorite wild animal.

  Describe an animal/ a pet in your city. (不论在任何一个英美城市,狗狗永远都是人们的最爱www.aoji.cn

  Describe things you can do to help improve the environment.(Day 10: J)


  ☆ Describe something that made you laugh.

  ☆ Describe a character in a film / in a TV programme.

  ☆Describe an ad that helped you buy something.

  ☆ Describe your favorite website.

  ☆ Describe a means of telecommunication (mobile phone, e-mail, MSN ...)

  ☆ Describe your favorite sport.

  ☆ Describe an outdoor activity (such as a sport or an outdoor game).

  ☆ Describe a physical activity / exercise that is very popular in your city.

  Describe your favorite leisure activity.

  ☆ Describe a healthy lifestyle.

  Describe something you do to improve your health.

  Describe something you often do in your free time.

  ☆ Describe your favorite foreign film.

  ☆Describe a well-known traditional story/ children’s story (很多儿童故事www.aoji.cn

  Describe a character in a childhood story.

  ☆Describe your favorite photo. (Day 8: D)

  ☆ Describe a foreign song / a piece of foreign music you often listen to.

  Describe a song you heard when you were a child.(有个很逗的网站专门介绍这个www.aoji.cn

  Describe a game you played when you were a child (but not a sport). (Day 8: D)

  Describe something you’ll do this weekend.

  Describe your favorite foreign food / foreign dish. (www.aoji.cn 然后就可以点击进入各国的recipes)

  ☆Describe your favorite dish. (Maybe Kung Pao Chicken? It’s awesome! So hot and spicy … and I love the peanuts and cashew nuts in it! Or maybe you can just describe a dish made by your mom? It’s not really the taste. It’s the thought that counts…)

  Describe a hobby you had/a thing you often did when you were a child. (such as a game or a sport)

  Describe a quiz show.( www.aoji.cn

  ☆Describe a book you enjoyed as a child (such as a storybook)

  ☆ Describe your favorite book. (just a biography of a famous person www.aoji.cn和www.aoji.cn 都详细地介绍受过良好教育的英美人极为熟悉的书籍)

  ☆ Describe a book that you read several times./ Describe a book you would like to read again. / Describe a book you would recommend to others.

  ☆Describe a foreign country you wish to visit.

  ☆Describe an educational TV program (such as an English learning program or a quiz show) / Describe your favorite TV show.

  Describe a TV program you don’t like. / Describe an interesting TV program that you can talk about with your family. (第三部分可能问到:Do you think TV programs play educational roles?)

  Describe an interesting news story in a newspaper/ on TV.

  Describe a party you prepared for others. (Day 10)

  Describe an extreme sport. (Day 8:D)


  ☆ Describe a sports game / match / competition you watched. (www.aoji.cn 任选一种运动点击之后都有最新赛事的详细介绍)

  ☆ Describe a difficult thing that you did well.

  Describe the most difficult thing in your life.

  ☆ Describe an interesting / unusual thing you did recently.

  ☆ Describe something you succeeded in doing. / Describe something you hope you can be successful in.(Day 8 F 3: presentation)

  ☆ Describe something you and other people did together / Describe an occasion when you co-operated with others.

  ☆ Describe a group activity. (a group game, a group presentation or a sports match…)

  ☆ Describe an occasion when others congratulated you. (your graduation ceremony, getting good grades in the final exams, a great classroom presentation, and for married people, your wedding…)

  ☆ Describe a historical event. (从www.aoji.cn上面找答案简化就可以)

  ☆ Describe an event when you needed to be polite.(a job interview,a graduation ceremony, a presentation 等都可以)

  ☆ Describe an occasion when you receive money as a gift.

  Describe some advice/a suggestion your received bore. (最容易准备的估计就是你决定出国的过程中父母和好朋友给你的建议,而且亲身经历能说得更“有料”,同时请参考Day 10十大弱智话题3)

  ☆ Describe a letter you received.(从十天写作里找一封G类的书信进行简化就可以,同时可以介绍一下来信的人和你看信时的感觉)

  Describe a conversation / dialogue (on the phone / mobile phone) that you enjoyed. (同上)

  ☆ Describe a situation when you needed help. (同上)

  ☆ Describe an occasion when you listened to music from another country. / Describe a musical event. (Day 8 F:音乐会)

  ☆ Describe a wedding.(同时也可以用这个话题准备好☆Describe a special family event.以及☆Describe a family photo.)

  ☆Describe a happy marriage. 可以从婚姻持续的时间,两个人各自的性格,两个人的职业,两人怎样支持对方的工作,孩子的情况等方面描述,内容就已经不少了。如果愿意的话还可以再加几个句子:It&aposs a marriage made in heaven.(像中文的“天作之合”) / They are really meant for each other.(像中文的“他们是绝配”) / They&aposve done a lot to build marital bliss.(=They&aposve done a lot to make their marriage a success.他们付出了很大的努力来实现婚姻的幸福等。

  ☆ Describe a couple in a happy marriage.

  ☆ Describe a piece of family news.

  ☆ Describe a memorable birthday party. (Day 10)

  ☆ Describe a happy thing in your childhood. (庆祝生日,过节,去参加婚礼,做游戏等都可以)

  ☆ Describe an exciting event / an exciting experience.

  Describe something that you wish to succeed in.

  ☆ Describe an important festival people celebrate in your country. / Describe a celebration. (Day 8: F & Day 10十大弱智话题第四个)

  ☆Describe a special meal.(Day 10)

  Describe a happy event.

  ☆Describe a piece of good news you heard on the phone or via email.

  Describe an exciting message.

  Describe a practical skill/ something you’re good at.

  Describe a letter you received. (Day 8: F)

  Describe a special family event.

  Describe a skill you wish to learn. (For example, how to use a computer programme, you can also call a computer programme “an application” or simply “an app” / Cooking / making something by yourself)

  ☆ Describe something you learned recently.

  ☆ Describe your favorite subject.

  Describe a skill you learned at school / in university.

  ☆Describe a positive change in your life.

  Describe something you did on your computer(用电脑工作的本质就是使用软件www.aoji.cn 提供了最常见英文软件的基础知识)

  Describe a naughty thing you did when you were a child.(Day 10)

  Describe a sports event.

  ☆ Describe a sport you wish to participate in. (p.279)


  ☆Describe a vehicle you wish to buy.(Day8 : E)

  ☆ Describe an expensive thing you had when you were a child. (an expensive storybook, a remote-controlled toy car / a radio-controlled toy car)

  ☆Describe a childhood toy. (Day 8: a kite, a puzzle拼图游戏,玩拼图游戏叫try to solve a puzzle, 玩魔方叫try to solve a Rubik&aposs Cube. Also, for boys: a toy car, a toy airplane or a toy robot; for girls: a Barbie doll or a stuffed animal …)

  ☆ Describe something you wish to buy that is made in another country. / ☆Describe a foreign product you wish to buy (The new iPad for sure … So many new features like the Retina display (the sharpest tablet screen ever) , a faster A5X processor and a better camera. See iPad in Day 8 E.)

  ☆ Describe a piece of electronic equipment/ an electronic device that is NOT a computer.(Day 8: E)

  ☆ Describe a gift you gave a friend / a gift you received bore. / Describe a gift you will buy for a friend.

  ☆Describe your favorite clothes or accessories(饰物). / Describe an item of clothing (Day 8: E)

  ☆Describe a handicraft. / Describe something that was made by yourself. (Day 8:E or check out this link:www.aoji.cn

  ☆Describe something you lost.

  Describe an expensive thing you want to buy

  ☆Describe something you would buy if you had a lot of money.

  Describe something in your home that was broken or that didn’t work.

  弱智卡片(Day 10)

  ☆ Describe a work of art such as a painting, a drawing or a sculpture.

  ☆ Describe an occasion when you were late.

  ☆ Describe an open-air place. (How about an open-air market or an open-air swimming pool?)

  ☆Describe an piece of old (or antique) furniture / an old thing in your family.

  ☆Describe a restaurant / a small shop you often go to with your family members and friends.

  ☆Describe an interesting shop.

  ☆Describe a science class.

  ☆Describe an exciting experiment.

  ☆Describe a science subject you studied in secondary schoo.

  Describe something that made you angry (or mad)./Describe a bad shopping experience.

  Describe a person who’s good at cooking. (Day 10)

  Describe a good law.

  ☆Describe a special meal.

  Describe a place where you usually have lunch.

  以上就是澳际小编整理2012年9月雅思口语话题预测Part 2,从上面预测可以看到9鱼粉的雅思口语话题又少量新增加的考题,没有标注星号的雅思口语话题表示近期在亚太区出现过但出现的频率较低,雅思口语话题预测Part 2的要点就是语言的丰富度以及流畅度,同学们注意不要太在意一些语法的错误,流畅度在这部分会是一个重点考察的得分点。


  2012年9月雅思口语话题预测Part 1



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