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  92. What do you think will happen if China keeps an open policy? ( 5 - 8 )

  That’s an interesting question. Allow me to explain my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, I think China will develop more rapidly. For example, it will ensure more trade with foreign countries. This in turn will create new businesses and they will be able to provide more people with jobs.

  93. What are you planning to do in the next ten years? ( 5 - 6 )

  Do you have any ambitions? ( 5 - 6 )

  Well, one of the aspects I could tell you about regarding this topic is that I will be studying for the next three years and after that I will find myself a job. After that I really don’t know what will happen to me.

  93. What are you planning to do in the next ten years? ( 7 - 8 )

  Do you have any ambitions? ( 7 - 8 )

  Well, that’s an interesting question. Allow me to explain my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: First of all, I believe it is only a fool who thinks he can predict the future accurately. For example, in today’s world things are extremely fluid, and could change overnight. All that I know for sure is that I will be studying for the next three years and after that I will find myself a job. After that I really don’t know what will happen to me.

  94. What is the first thing you will do when you arrive at a new place? ( 5 - 6 )

  The first thing I usually do when I arrive at a new place is to find out where the nearest Internet bar is situated. I then go there at the first possible opportunity and play some computer games.

  94.What is the first thing you will do when you arrive at a new place? ( 7 - 8 )

  Of course it depends on where that place is, and under what circumstances I would arrive there. Let us say for example that I have arrived in my new dormitory at the University of Adelaide in Australia. The first thing I would then do is to find out where the other facilities like the library, classrooms, and the cafeteria is situated.



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