您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 剑桥雅思9口语部分如何利用?.
雅思剑9在大家的期待下已经粉墨登场。很多“烤鸭” 关注剑9口语话题在接下来考试中是否会出现?剑桥雅思真题口语部分是不是都是已经淘汰的题目?结合剑4到剑9口语真题及2013年1、2月雅思考试情况,澳际小编也在第一时间对剑桥雅思些列真题的口语部分的利用价值进行了深度剖析。
话题来源 | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 2所属分类 |
剑9 Test1 | Games | An open-air or street market which you enjoyed visiting | 地点类 |
剑9 Test2 | Giving gifts | Aperson who has done a lot of work to help people | 人物类 |
剑9 Test3 | Telephoning | Ajourney that you remember well | 事件经历类 |
剑9 Test4 | Bicycles | Something you did that was new or exciting | 事件经历类 |
剑8 Test1 | Neighbors | A Time When You Were Asked to Give Your Opinion in a Questionnaire or Survey | 事件经历类 |
剑8 Test2 | Newspaper and Magazines | A Restaurant That You Enjoyed going to | 地点类 |
剑8 Test3 | Flowers | A Meeting You Remember going to at Work, College or School | 事件经历类 |
剑8 Test4 | Television | A Friend of Your Family You Remember from Your Childhood | 人物类 |
剑7 Test1 | Keeping in contact with people | Aparty that you enjoyed | 事件经历类 |
剑7 Test2 | Laughing | An idea you had for improving something at work or college | 事件经历类 |
剑7 Test3 | Cold weather | A competition (e.g. TV, college/work or sports competition) that you took part in. | 事件经历类 |
剑7 Test4 | Travelling to work or college | Apiece of electronic equipment that youfind usul | 物品类 |
剑6 Test1 | Dancing | Someone in your family who you like | 人物类 |
剑6 Test2 | Musical instruments | Something healthy you enjoy doing | 事件经历类 |
剑6 Test3 | Traffic where you live | Agame or sport you enjoy playing | 物品类 |
剑6 Test4 | Your friends | An important choice you had to make in your life | 事件经历类 |
剑5 Test1 | Your country | A well-known person you like or admire | 人物类 |
剑5 Test2 | Colour | Asong or a piece of music you like | 物品类 |
剑5 Test3 | Entertainment | One of your friends | 人物类 |
剑5Test4 | Clothes | A festival that is important in your country | 物品类 |
剑4 Test1 | Friends | An interesting historic place. | 地点类 |
剑4 Test2 | Food and cooking | An interest or hobby that you enjoy | 物品类 |
剑4 Test3 | Leisure | A river, lake or sea which you like | 地点类 |
剑4 Test4 | Your favourite place | A usul website you have visited | 物品类 |
1、剑9 part one中Games、gifts的话题均出现在2013年1月及2月当第二部分话题卡中:分别变换为A game you liked in your childhood(not sports game);A gift you recently received (o r sent). Part two部分的A person who has done a lot of work to help people变化为A situation you ever helped someone.这几个话题在2013年前几场考试中均以较高频次出现。
2、剑8中雅思口语part one部分的话题neighbors、flower等话题在2012年及2013年1月、2月均考到,只是neighbor的话题在近期考试中出现在第二部分话题卡部分。
3、剑7中的weather、A piece of electronic equipment等话题在2013年1月及2月出现,特别是A piece of electronic equipment这个话题在2013的几场考试中均出现,只是题目加了限制,不能是computer.
4、剑6 part one中的Dancing,Musical instruments,Traffic这三个话题在2012年级2013年1月和2月也均在part one简答题中出现。Part two中的A game or sport you enjoy playing变换为A game you liked in your childhood(not sports game)和A sports game/event you played/watched on TV,在近期考试中也反复出现。
5、剑5part one中Colour,Clothes的话题在2012年也多次考到,color的话题在13年仍然有涉及。Part two中的A song or a piece of music you like、A festival that is important in your country话题变换为A meaningful song和An important traditional event in your country,在2012年9-12月及2013年1-2月均多次考到。
6、剑4 part one中的Leisure话题在2013年1-2月中也多次考到,part two中的A river, lake or sea which you like在2012年9-12月多次考到,13年前几场考试中也有涉及。A usul website you have visited在2013年1月旧题回归,重新回到雅思口语话题库中。
由此可见,剑桥雅思系列真题中的口语话题并不是大家认为的那样已经从题库中淘汰,不再考。剑4到剑9系列的雅思口语话题还是有一定的实战意义,只是有些话题会由part one变到part two或是话题适当变换。
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲