


2017/08/07 08:32:56 编辑: 浏览次数:192 移动端


  1.Are there many parks or public gardens where you live (or, in your hometown)?

  We've got a bunch in our area, some have camp sites, some have small lakes, but they all have playgrounds and walking trails. When we go, we usually have our dog with us, and spend the time taking her on an extra long walk up and down the hills.

  2.Do you often (or, ever) go to a park or a (public) garden?

  I have a three year old so I’m looking into every park and playground. i especially like botanical gardens. We probably go twice a week on average. A little more in the summer. i used to prer to picnic, but now I try to play ball and run more.

  3.How often do you go there?

  Once in a blue moon. I try to, but I'm often busy. Ironically, my busy lifestyle is contributing to my weight gain because I don't go out as often as I used to.

  4.What do you (like to) do when you go to a park or public garden?

  Depends on what parks. If you mean theme parks then yes but if you mean like a play park then no because they are usually vandalized.

  5.What do other people do in these places?

  Some people bring lunch and only spend money to get in and maybe rent the canoe. Some people go for a relaxing hike with pretty scenery and fun stuff to do. Some people go for a lovely date with a lovely person.

  6.When do other people go there?

  Most people go there at weekends. I've been to the central park over a dozen times, and my best luck has been Mondays thru Thursdays, avoiding ANY school holidays like the plague. Even Fridays are noticeably more crowded.

  7.Do you think parks and public gardens are important to a city?

  Sure. For me, they are places for the community to come together, for families to walk in, and for children to play in. Green spaces help make people active. Beyond that, there is certainly an aesthetic value. There’s also the value in the plants creating clean oxygen for people to breathe.

  8.Do you think every city and town should have parks and public gardens?

  Yes. Parks are wonderful places to have some recreation with the fresh air !! They are great places to let an extinct animal survive. Parks can also decrease pollution and provide us a natural life.

  9.What do you think are the functions of parks and public gardens?

  City parks offer an oasis amidst a sea of skyscrapers and concrete. If the park is kept clean, is well tended and landscaped with brilliant green grass, colorful flowers, and clean ponds, a park can offer a place where the city inhabitants can de-stress, exercise and generally get away to nature without going far.

  There are also environmental benits of parks, reducing pollution and cleaning our air - reaping the benits of the trees.


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