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雅思口语怎么练习?对于正在准备雅思口语考试的同学来说,雅思口语的学习是十分重要,澳际小编小面为大家分享一些关于雅思口语的A PHOTO的内容,希望对您有所帮助,大家想了解搞得关于雅思口语的信息,请关注澳际留学。
雅思口语怎么练习?下面就是澳际小编为准备雅思口语考试的同学介绍的关于雅思口语A PHOTO的内容。希望对您有所帮助。
1. I love taking pictures.
They remind me of many life events, happy or sad, exciting or boring.
My family has a habit of taking a family picture every 2 or 3 years.
2. The most special photo I have is a family picture we’ve taken last yearright bore I went to Beijng to start my college.
As usual, it shows mom, dad and me, with me, as always, in the middle.
3. My dad suggested to go to a photo studio to do it instead of the usualroutine of going to a park and snapping a casual picture.
So a professional photographer/ cameraman took it.
4. My dad said it should be special since my college signifies (象征着,标志着)the beginning of my adulthood. And the picture was taken a little bit after my18th birthday, which means a person becomes a grown up in China.
5. This picture is quite special to me because I put it right near mypillow in my dorm. So when I feel homesick, I often look at it, look at mom anddad’s loving and encouraging smiles. When I’m weak and lonely, it gives mestrength, and reassures me that I have a happy family at my back and I shouldfeel gratul for life.
Why do you think taking pictures are important in life? 为什么照相重要?
对美的追求, 对生活的热爱
对于家人,孩子 让他们有机会了解你的更多的侧面.
I think in a sense if you like taking pictures, you're the type of personwho pursues beauty in life and wants to show it in your pictures. It shows yourpassion for life. Through the camera lens镜头, you can display the most beautifulsight of the world around you in your eyes. And you can make so manyunforgettable memories stay. And I believe, years later, when you look at thephotos, you will recall the good old times so vividly in your mind, so timestands still. And for your kids, they get the chance of knowing more about you,about your youth, about your growing up.
If people take a lot of pictures, they will one day be able to rebuildtheir life story just by looking at them. So, yeah, Taking photos is quiteimportant.
通过以上澳际小编为准备雅思口语考试的同学介绍的关于雅思口语的A PHOTO的内容。希望对您有所帮助。从上面的信息中我们了解到一些对雅思口语怎么练习的问题答案,大家有问题可以咨询澳际在线顾问老师,想了解更多信息请关注澳际留学。
澳际培训在国内首家推出专职“学习规划师”和“留学规划师”制度,对学生全程规划、全程跟踪,全程反馈。我们汇聚了国内外顶级名师,平均教学经验在5年以上,并实行八对一尊享服务——课程规划师,留学规划师,阅读教师,写作教师,听力教师,口语教师,语法教师,词汇教师等八位一体。完善的留学服务保证,整合了十年留学服务经验,让我们能将一流培训和申请服务全程有机结合。澳际50%学子都获得TOEFL 100和SAT 2000以上的分数。
1. 免费测评模考,分析申请人的问题,制作考试测评报告和备考指导
2. 结合申请人的申请目标和考试基础,制定考试整体规划及时间安排
3. 提供对申请人有帮助的考试经验和机经等
4. 根据需要提供免费口语模拟和指导服务
5. 免费修改作文4篇
6. 考前心理指导,调整考前心理状态
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲