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� 雅思考试中雅思口语考试有没有什么技巧和方法呢?大家想不想知道呢?其实只要练习得多了就会自然而然的参悟出雅思口语之中的雅思口语技巧了,但是怎么去运用是个问题。


  1. 表达喜好

  I prer A to B because...

  If I have a choice, I will... (a real possibility)

  If I had a choice, I would... (not a real possibility, just wishing)

  For me, A is much more attractive / interesting / prerable than B because...

  I would much rather do / have / eat / listen to / blah blah blah A than B...

  2. 叙述

  When I was a high school student, I went to Guizhou to visit some friends.

  After I graduated from high school, I ...

  During my visit to Guizhou last year, I...

  Last year during the Spring Festival, I went to Guizhou to visit some friends.

  (Also use "Whenever" or "While")

  3. 比较和对比

  A is much better / worse than B.

  A is not nearly as good as B.

  A is not quite as important as B.

  A is almost as tall as B, but not quite.

  When I compare these two items, it's clear that...

  4. 建议

  Maybe, Perhaps, Possibly

  One possibility that I can think of is...

  Another idea to think about is...

  5. 表达观点

  It seems to me that...

  This is only my opinion but...

  After a lot of thought, I have come to the conclusion that...

  I've never thought about this question much bore, but it seems to me that...

  6. 解释

  The reason I believe this is...

  The most important evidence supporting my beli is...

  7. 推测

  I'm not sure what might happen, but one possibility is...

  It's hard to predict the future, but I suppose it / we might...

  8. 分析

  There are several points to consider, first of which is...

  ? We can break this question down into several parts. First...

  Let's look at this step by step. To begin with...

  9. 总结

  Altogether, there were...

  In the end, they had to...

  When we consider all the factors...

  Considering all of these ideas, maybe the best thing would be to...

  10. 修正

  Maybe I'm not making myself clear. I want to say that...

  What I mean to say is...

  What I'm trying to say is...

  Another way to put it is...



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