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  1. Do you think…观点类。想必有经验的广大同学们肯定对此类问题再熟悉不过了。那就请大家回想一下,你们的回答是否又是同一模式的“I think”呢?是否能让考官感受到你的真实情感呢?首先,先让我们来看下对于肯定与否定的观点表述,切记,要发自内心,变得更加真实。如: Yes, dinitely / absolutely / totally / without a doubt / for sure; No, dinitely not / no way / to some extent / not completely 等等。在我们给考官答案的同时请不要有过多的犹豫,我们需要更直接和有力的答案,并且可以把“I think” 替换成I reckon = I suppose = I assume = I believe, 使语言的运用更具有多样性。


  Do you think English is a difficult language to learn?

  Yes, dinitely! I suppose it’s really difficult to remember all the words, especially the long words like “longevity” and “acquaintance”. And whenever I speak, I don’t feel as comfortable as when I use my native language, of course. It’s quite challenging. I believe it requires a lot of practice.

  2. Why…原因类。哎呀,大家看到这个词是不是都要快吐了…老是问我why, 哪来的这么原因可以讲啊。其实考官有时对why的追问,并不是一定想要知道其原因所在,而是希望得到同学们更多细节上的描述,因此前文提到的细节举例原则还是能派上用处滴。但是注意,请把表述变得更显条理性。比如通过“first, in addition, what’s more, on the top of”等词进行原因的连接和递进。想象一下有人一股脑地把一些东拉西扯的原因丢给你,你会有何感受?接着,我们再来看看怎样才能开个好头,既然被问why,那回答中reason就是必须有的啊: …for a number of reasons… / …for a great variety of reasons… / several factors contribute to… / the main reason is that… / the most significant reason might be that… / that’s due to the fact that…


  Why do some people enjoy traveling?

  I believe people enjoy traveling for a variety of reasons. First of all, it’s fun and relaxing. People can forget their work or studies and leave their stress behind. In addition, we can also see some impressive scenery and try some new activities. On the top of it, it can be a great opportunity to learn new things about local history, local specialties and local customs. It’s quite rreshing and enriching.

  3. Compare…比较类。最后再和大家分享一个雅思口语应试中的常见方法-比较,通过比较来突出某一方面的利弊并且进行话题细节的扩展。

  It’s benicial because… / Compared to…, the most obvious advantage is that / It also comes with a couple of problems…

  Do you prer going on short trips or longer holidays?

  Well, I will choose the latter one. Compared to short trips, the most obvious advantage of talking a long holiday is that you will have more time to appreciate your visits and get to see a lot more than if you were only going on a one-day trip. However, of course, a longer vacation will dinitely cost a lot more money.




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