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  1. What styles of clothes do you like to wear?

  2. Do you think it's important what clothes a person wears?

  3. Do you wear the same clothes both at work and after work?

  4. Do you prer informal or formal clothes?

  5. Are you very interested in fashion or clothes fashions?



  1. The style of clothing I like is modern and kinda vintage. I love the modern-vintage look with the denim jacket or crop jacket and shirts.


  2. I think that a person's clothing is important in matters of taste and cleanliness. I'm all for personal style and whatnot, but I don't appreciate it when people look like they've just dragged themselves out of the laundry hamper. I'm not a label snob or anything, far from it.


  3. Yes. I don’t have too many dressing rules. I wear whatever I feel comfy in. I don’t take my uniform off after work and will even have a nap in it, or I will put on pajama pants and leave my uniform top on.


  4. I love to wear casual clothes rather than formal. I would much rather be in a jacket than in a suit. I'm a t-shirt and jeans type of boy. Although I'm trying to get away from that somewhat, I still find it’s easy to move with.


  5. I find that it’s extremely important to find clothes that flatter your specific body type, regardless of whether the particular item is trendy or not. You can buy inexpensive clothings, to "look like a million bucks" without "breaking the bank.



  话题卡:A piece of clothing you like

  Describe a piece of clothing you like

  You should say:

  What it is?

  How often you wear it?

  Where you buy it?

  And explain why you like it.

  对于这类话题,我们首先要对话题卡进行分析,因为很多时候话题卡上的信息就是答题的思路和方向,例如:What it is?这件衣服是什么样的?——How often you wear it?你多久穿一次?——Where you buy it?你在哪买的?——And explain why you like it.解释一下你喜欢这件衣服的原因。从这里我们不难看出,拿到答题卡后根本不需要多做其他的考虑,话题卡上的信息已经足够了,其实就是我们答题的思路,我们只需要把素材整理,对号入座即可。


  雅思口语范文:A piece of clothing you like

  As a young college student, what I favor is sport wear an jeans but in my clothes what I like is a suit my father bought for me for my high school graduation ceremony. (这里介绍的就是这件衣服的来历和样子,高中毕业典礼时爸爸买的衣服)

  My father bought in a local store in my hometown. Indeed, because it is too formal, I seldom wear it and only wear it on some formal occasions like my brother’s wedding ceremony or my friend’s birthday party. (这里则解释的是穿的频率和买这件衣服的地点)

  Despite this, I like it because whenever I see it or wear it I will think of my graduation day in my high school. On that day both of my parents came. They were proud of me for my excellent performance in high school and my admission to the university. I still remembered on that day my parents hugged me saying,”Son, we are proud of you”. For me, the suit stands for my parents’love for me and their pride because of me. And I will do better and will never let them down.(这里则解释的是喜欢这件衣服的原因)




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