


2017/08/07 05:52:25 编辑: 浏览次数:225 移动端

������ 近日,维基解密创始人朱利安阿桑奇在英国自首,这也宣告了一个传奇人物的人生进入了另外一个阶段,但是俄罗斯竟然支持朱利安.阿桑奇应该被授予诺贝尔和平奖,这究竟是怎么回事?


  Russia has suggested that Julian Assange should be awarded the Nobel peace prize, in an unexpected show of support from Moscow for the jailed WikiLeaks founder.

  In what appears to be a calculated dig at the US, the Kremlin urged non-governmental organisations to think seriously about "nominating Assange as a Nobel Prize laureate".

  "Public and non-governmental organisations should think of how to help him," the source from inside president Dmitry Medvedev&aposs office told Russian news agencies. Speaking in Brussels, where Medvedev was attending a Russia-EU summit yesterday , the source went on: "Maybe, nominate him as a Nobel Prize laureate."

  Russia&aposs rlexively suspicious leadership appears to have come round to WikiLeaks, having decided that the ongoing torrent of disclosures are ultimately far more damaging and disastrous to America&aposs long-term geopolitical interests than they are to Russia&aposs.

  The Kremlin&aposs initial reaction to stories dubbing Russia a corrupt "mafia state" and kleptocracy was, predictably, negative. Last week Medvedev&aposs spokesman dubbed the revelations "not worthy of comment" while Putin raged that a US diplomatic cable comparing him to Batman and Medvedev to Robin was "arrogant" and "unethical". State TV ignored the claims.

  Subsequent disclosures, however, that Nato had secretly prepared a plan in case Russia invaded its Baltic neighbours have lt the Kremlin smarting. Today Russia&aposs foreign minister Sergei Lavrov said Nato had to explain why it privately considered Russia an enemy while publicly describing it warmly as a "strategic partner" and ally.

  Nato should make clear its position on WikiLeaks cables published by the Guardian alleging that the alliance had devised plans to dend Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia against Russia, Lavrov said.

  "With one hand, Nato seeks agreement with us on joint partnership, and with the other, it makes a decision that it needs to dend. So when is Nato more sincere?" Lavrov asked today. "We have asked these questions and are expecting answers to them. We think we are entitled to that."

  Lavrov said his attitude towards the leaked US state department cables was "philosophical". "It is interesting to read, including what ambassadors write to provide a stream of information to their capitals," he admitted.

  Dmitry Rogozin, Russia&aposs hardline ultra-nationalist ambassador to Nato, also today voiced his support for the embattled Assange. He tweeted that Assange&aposs arrest and incarceration on Monday at the City of Westminster magistrates&apos court demonstrated that there was "no media freedom" in the west. Assange&aposs "fate" amounted to "political persecution" and a lack of human rights, the ambassador said.

  In London, meanwhile, Russia&aposs charg� d&aposaffaires and acting ambassador in the UK, Alexander Sternik, said relations with Britain had improved since the coalition came to power. He complained, however, about the hostile reaction in the British media after Fifa&aposs executive committee voted that Russia – and not England – should host the 2018 World Cup.

  In a briing to journalists this morning, Sternik said: "While the English bid was technically a strong one, the Russian bid was in line with the well-known Fifa philosophy of opening new frontiers for world football. The vote result was therore quite logical, and while the disappointment of many in England is understandable, the media outrage was a step too far. It&aposs not cricket, as the English say."

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