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����� 英国首相卡梅伦是英国的名人,有关于他的各种传闻也是层出不穷,有好的也有坏的。这不,又有人站出来了,他说卡梅伦是骗子,是不值得信任的人。这是怎么回事,怎么会有人这么说呢?
David Heath, the deputy Leader of the House, said the Chancellor had the “capacity to get up one’s nose” and did not appreciate what it was like to lose �1,000 a year – the value of the cut in child benit for higher earners.
Paul Burstow, the care minister, told reporters from The Daily Telegraph: “I don’t want you to trust David Cameron.” And Andrew Stunell, the local government minister, said he did not know where the Prime Minister stood on the “sincerity monitor”.
Norman Baker, the transport minister, even privately compared the Conservatives within government to the South African apartheid regime, claiming that it was his job to campaign from the “inside”.
The disclosures come on the third day of this newspaper’s investigation into the true feelings of senior Liberal Democrats towards the Coalition.
The deep personal animosity and distrust at the highest level of government between ministerial colleagues can be disclosed today. Their remarks were made during covertly recorded conversations with two undercover reporters posing as concerned Liberal Democrat voters.
In his comments, Mr Heath suggested that the Chancellor, a multi-millionaire, was out of touch with the common voter. “George Osborne has a capacity to get up one’s nose, doesn’t he?” he said.
“I mean, what I think is, some of them just have no experience of how ordinary people live, and that’s what worries me. But maybe again, you know, that’s part of our job, to remind them.”
Mr Baker said some of his Conservative colleagues were “beyond the pale” and also says he does not like the Chancellor.
“I mean, there are Tories who are quite good and there are Tories who are, you know, beyond the pale, and, you know, you have to just deal with the cards you’ve got,” he said.
“I don’t like George Osborne very much … I mean, there are Tories who are all right — Ken Clarke’s all right — there are the ones you can do business with. But what you end up doing in the Coalition … is we play them off against each other.”
Mr Baker also made the bizarre claim that the position of Liberal Democrat ministers was akin to that of Helen Suzman, a South African MP who almost single-handedly sought to change government policy from within the regime in the 1970s and 1980s. Mrs Suzman, who died in 2009, was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and received numerous death threats.
He said: “I always think in South African terms, should you be Nelson Mandela, outside the system, campaigning for it to be changed, or should you be Helen Suzman, who’s my … one of my political heroes actually.”
“Helen Suzman was in the apartheid regime when everybody was male and white and horrible actually … she got stuck in there in the South African parliament in the apartheid days as the only person there to oppose it … she stood up and championed that from inside.”
He added: “You do get your hands dirty by dealing with things you don’t want to do, and sometimes you get results which aren’t quite what you want. But the issue we have to make, the calculation in coalition, is we have to make as a coalition is do we get stuff that we do want which outweighs some of the stuff we don’t want, and that’s the reality of it.”
The comments are likely to infuriate Mr Cameron and Mr Osborne, who are sensitive over claims about their privileged background, which Labour has also tried to exploit.
They were echoed during a separate meeting with Mr Stunell, a junior local government minister, who was one of the key Liberal Democrat figures in the Coalition Agreement talks.
Mr Stunell told the undercover reporters: “I don’t know where I put him [the Prime Minister] on the sincerity monitor. He’s, umm, he’s certainly a very skilled operator. He’s worked his way through the Tory system and he’s, is he sincere? I do not know how to answer that question.”
Mr Burstow added: “I don’t want you to trust David Cameron … in the sense that you believe he’s suddenly become a cuddly Liberal. Well, he hasn’t. He’s still a Conservative and he has values that I don’t share.”
When asked whether Mr Osborne was out of touch, he replied: “Yes, I know, I know, I know. There are going to be some Conservative politicians in particular who are detached from reality. I mean, Lord Young’s comments, a lot of people are unhappy with …”. This was a rerence to his comments last month that Britons had “never had it so good” during the recession, which led to his resignation as Mr Cameron’s enterprise adviser.
Mr Heath and Mr Baker also publicly admit that they oppose the rise in tuition fees, despite voting in favour of the policy in the recent crucial Commons vote. “I’m still wholly against,” Mr Heath said. “I’ll say it perfectly openly, I’m wholly against tuition fees.”
Mr Baker added: “Well, it is a big shock and it’s a big shock to me and I almost resigned over the matter, on that particular one because it was just pretty horrific.”
In today’s recordings, Mr Stunell expresses his hopes that the situation will improve bore the next election.
“We knew from the very start of what we were doing that this financial stuff was going to be really tricky. Difficult. I mean, horrendous … and that clearly the first two or three years were going to be absolutely dire … so it’s not all about cutting, there is going to be some good stuff.”
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