


2017/08/07 05:09:44 编辑: 浏览次数:336 移动端


  1.But because Colonial Williamsburg offers not a segment of the history of a fine art, but a model of an ongoing community, it is intelligible and interesting to nearly everybody.

  [句子主干] Williamsburg offers not a segment„.. but a model„

  [语法难点] 主要语法结构是not---but---,难点在于后面的限定成分,segment of the history of a fine art,model of an ongoing community。

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  [句子翻译] 由于殖民时代的威廉斯堡呈现的不是极品艺术的某一片段,而是呈现一个正在进行的艺术模型,它对每个人来说几乎都是可以理解和有趣的。

  2.(1)That such radical adaptations can occur demands a view of the brain as dynamic and active rather than programmed and static, (2)a supremely ficient adaptive system geared for evolution and change, (3)ceaselessly adapting to the needs of the organism----its need, above all, to construct a coherent self and world, whatever dects or disorders of brain function ball it.

  [句子主干] that„demands a view of„.rather than„..,

  [语法难点] 将此句话分为三部分,第一部分首先是That引导的主语从句,rather than连接两个对比:dynamic and active和programmed and static,第二部分以及第三部分都是对第一部分“radical adaptations”的补充和说明

  [句子翻译] 剧烈的适应可能会发生,这要求我们把大脑看作是动态的,活跃的,以及无比有效的适应性系统,这个系统适应变化和发展,永无止境地调整自己以适应生物体的需要(它首要的需要是构建和谐的自身与环境,无论什么大脑缺陷和疾病降临在它头上),而不是把它看作是预先编制好的,静态的系统。

  3.This sense of the brain’s remarkable plasticity , its capacity for the most striking adaptations, not the least in the special(and often desperate) circumstances of neural or sensory mishap , has come to dominate my own perception of my patients and their lives.

  [句子主干] This sense of plasticity„. has come to dominate my„.

  [语法难点] 在句子的主干之间插入很长的限定成分,its capacity for the most striking adaptations, not the least in the special(and often desperate) circumstances of neural or sensory mishap都是对the brain’s remarkable plasticity的补充说明。

  [句子翻译] 大脑有非同寻常的可塑性,它不仅仅在特定的(常常令人绝望的)神经或者感觉灾难下有惊人的调整能力,这一认识支配了我对病人和他们生活的看法。

  4.For instance, the very woman (1)who had been drawn to him by the penetrating intuition of the female heart(2) he showed in his novels were appalled to discover how insensitive and awkward the real man could be.

  [句子主干] the woman were appalled to discover how„..the real man could be.

  [语法难点] 本句的主要难点在于多个限制修饰成分将句子的主谓割开,其中定语从句(1)修饰的是the very woman;定语从句(2)修饰的是penetrating intuition,这两个定语从句将主语woman与系动词were割开,容易导致主谓混淆,分不清句子主干。

  [句子翻译] 那些因为他小说中对女性极具穿透力的直觉与认识而被他吸引的女性,在显示生活中惊讶的发现他是多么的迟钝与笨拙。

  5.However many directors and high officials of all sorts came and went , he was always seen in the same place , at the very same duty, so that they used to declare that he must have seen born a perpetual titular councilor in uniform all complete and with a bald patch on his head.

  [语法难点] 本句话可以分为三部分,前面两部分讲两种现象,后面一部分是这两种现象所引起的结果,so that是如此。。。以至于;used to do:过去常常做某事,注意与be used to do sth以及be used to doing sth 的区分。

  [句子翻译] 尽管各种各样的主管和高官来了又走,只有他依然待在原来的位置,履行同样的职责,以至于人们过去常常认为他一定是生下来就是一个穿着整套制服,头顶稍秃的终身荣誉顾问。

  6.The Gratul Dead for whom I once wrote songs, learned by accident that if we let fans tape concerts and freely reproduce those tapes---―stealing‖ our intellectual ―property‖ just like those heinous Napsterians -the tapes would become a marketing virus that would spawn enough Deadheads to fill any stadium in America.

  [句子主干] The Gratul Dead„. learned that „.

  [语法难点] 本句的难点在于that后很长的宾语从句,if 后面引导两个动作:let fans tape concerts;freely reproduce those tapes,“stealing” our intellectual “property” just like those heinous Napsterians是对这两种行为的补充说明,the tapes would become a marketing virus是我们允许这两种行为会导致的后果,that引导的定语从句修饰marketing virus

  [句子翻译] 我曾经为之写过歌曲的Gratul Dead偶然认识到,如果我们让歌迷录制音乐会,并且自由复制这些磁带----就像可恶的使用Napsterians(一种允许用户从互联网免费下载音乐唱片的服务)的人一样“盗窃”我们的知识“财产”----这些磁带就会像市场病毒一样四处蔓延,使全美国的所有音乐场都充满“免费入场者”。







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