


2017/08/07 04:41:47 编辑: 浏览次数:322 移动端




  Organic farming practices designed to increase animal welfare can also create a more appealing view of agriculture for outsiders:

  All livestock species are given access to free-range areas or to pastures

  Fewer livestock per hectare are grazed in each field

  More traditional or indigenous livestock breeds are used, which are often more interesting to look at


  As well as the benits to nature and living organisms, the improved rural landscapes that result from organic farming can also lead to wider socio-economic benits, such as increasing the appeal of rural areas and rural lifestyles, making these areas more likely to retain and attract inhabitants at a time of mass migration to metropolitan areas.

  Animal welfare

  Modern consumers generally expect that animals used in food production are provided with the same things that we – as human beings – regard as necessities: good food, good living conditions and good healthcare. As with its different methods of production, organic farming employs some unique and carully tailored principles and practices to achieve these key goals.

  Visit the feed section to find out what organically farmed animals are fed and how this benits the production of organic meat and other animal products. read on

  The husbandry section explains how organic farmers work to improve the living conditions of their organic animals – for example, by providing adequate bedding and housing, and restricting the use of certain practices such as permanent tethering. read on

  The health section explains what organic farmers do to maintain animal health and welfare without relying on synthetic inputs. read

  Consumer confidence

  Consumers like you form the final link in the organic farming supply chain, and great care is taken to ensure that you are provided with high quality, fresh and tasty food and drinks that satisfy your needs.

  Of course, this food should also be produced in an ethical way that respects nature and animal welfare, and to guarantee this a complex system of regulation is in place.

  Visit the logo and labelling section to learn how these distinctions provide guarantees to consumers about how their organic products were produced and processed. read on

  Inspection and certification explains how the various authorities in the EU Member States oversee organic production and the supply process. read on

  The food quality section provides information about the end results of the organic farming process in terms of the qualities possessed by the food that you buy. read on

  Finally, consumer demand presents some valuable statistics about the current state of the EU and world market for organic products. read on

  Society and economy

  Organic farming creates a strong bond between the rural and metropolitan sectors of the European Union and immense social and financial benits for members of these communities.

  Visit the professionalism section to discover how the skills of employees working in the organic farming, processing and retailing sector are helping to achieve the goals of environmental protection, animal welfare and consumer confidence. read on

  Rural development explains how the increasing economic viability of organic enterprises has increased opportunities for rural communities at a time when many are struggling to remain viable places to live, work and retain local populations. read on

  Finally, the working in organic farming section details how and where new positions are being created by organic farming and how people can join the sector.


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