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有一些当下流行的素材也可以是我们备考的雅思阅读素材,本文来介绍下最红雷神之lady gaga,希望对大家备考雅思阅读有所帮助。
Is the World Going Gaga for Lady Gaga? “嘉嘉女神”还是“雷帝嘎嘎”?
要介绍Lady Gaga,可真是件苦差。即使只是名字,也很难找到一个非常精确的翻译,因为对于她,人们的态度向来分明,一是认为她时尚前卫、歌舞了得,是个“女神”“女王”;另一则称其衣着、行为怪异,实属“雷帝”“雷母”。
不过,当搜集了越来越多的资料后,却发现其实许多人对Lady Gaga存在一定的误读。例如,认为她出身不好,以致衣着古怪随便;她音乐素质低,只能靠奇装异服吸引眼球。但其实,Lady Gaga出生于纽约富裕家庭,从小读的都是费用昂贵的贵族学校,而且,她天资过人,4岁无师自通学会钢琴,13岁开始作曲和演出,17岁被纽约大学音乐系提前录取,20岁便签约为Britney Spears等红星写歌。
一边打扮前卫,演出大胆,一边又横扫MTV等各大颁奖典礼,Lady Gaga的出现似乎就是要让这个乐坛不得安宁。有人预言她将是麦当娜的接班人,也有人认为她不过是昙花一现。到底我们该用偶像还是“呕”像来解读这位新星?或者,这位叛逆“舞后”要的就是我们的这种不知所措。
Costumes under Discussion现代“雷母”?
Hostess: Lady Gaga, of course, is known for these crazy 1) outfits. I think a couple weeks ago we were talking about how she showed up with a [an] 2) oxygen mask on her face. Take a look at this “bad boy.” Is it a 3) shawl? Is it a dress? What is going on there? It is 4) Kermit the Frog…stapled all over it. You have to give it to her, though. She knows how to make headlines…
Host: Yeah.
Hostess:…and I’m sure people are looking’ at this wondering what the heck’s goin’ on.
Host: At least she didn’t cover her poker face. I…I like her! I think she’s funny.
Hostess: She is funny. Yeah.
Host: She doesn’t take herself too seriously. She’s got a good sense of humor, and who else do you know dresses up like Kermit the Frog? We should try it one night.
Hostess: Maybe for my Christ ...my Halloween costume.
Host: Just don’t cover your po-po-ker face, yo-yo-po-ker face.
女主持:Lady Gaga,当然啦,就是因这些奇装异服而广为人知的。我想几周前我们还在谈论她怎么脸上戴着个氧气罩上街呢。看看这副“坏小子”形象。那是件披肩么?是件上衣?那是怎么回事。那是青蛙柯密特爬得满身都是了。但你不得不服了她。她懂得如何上头条……
Recipe for Musical Success 音乐女王!
5)Infectious melodies, the biggest debut album of the year and hit singles including one of the best-selling digital songs of all time,…the 23 year-old New Yorker has risen to global fame in barely a year, her “eccentric” outfits dining an image.
Interviewer: You’ve achieved a massive amount of fame in a short period of time, so how has it all been for you?
Gaga: It’s been life-changing, but very exciting for my music, and as a song-writer it’s been a long time coming. I spent two and a half years writing my album, and it’s my greatest hits.
Interviewer: “Just Dance,” “Poker-face”—huge hits; what do you think is the reason why they’ve become so big?
Gaga: I guess I seem to have 6) struck a nerve. I think that my music as well as my performance art offers a sense of 7) escapism. And I think that, especially in America—I can’t speak for the rest of the world—but especially in America, there was a real need for someone to tell a story.
Interviewer: You’re also a song-writer, you write your own stuff, so how does that creative process take place?
Gaga: In all sorts of ways. Inspiration comes to me all day long every day, sometimes, when I’m falling asleep, I have these visions. But it’s not just music—it’s music, it’s the clothing, it’s the stage performance.
Interviewer: Do you think pop music at all has gotten too commercial?
Gaga: Not if I’m around.
Interviewer: Have there been any downsides to fame?
Gaga: No. There are no downsides. I, for myself, am surrounded by very creative and wonderful people, and I’ve always been taught, and it’s funny, because 8) Grace Jones said this to me when I met her—I washed her feet—and I looked up at her, and she said, “No matter what you do in your life, don’t you ever let anybody take your creative people away from you.” And what my creative friends always remind me of is…they say, “Only value the opinion of those that you respect, and anyone that you don’t respect, pay no mind to their opinion about you or anything else.” And that’s how I live my life. If I worried about everything that everyone said, I would not be a good artist. But when somebody that I respect sends me a message via someone I work with and says, “Tell Gaga I loved this. Maybe she should try this,” then I listen.
Speech on Gay Rights 自由女神!
I have seen and witnessed so many things over the past two years, and I can say with such certainty that this is the single most important moment of my career. I am humbled to stand bore all of you here today. I know that some of you have been fighting and doing 9)advocacy work that stems all the way back to the 10)Stonewall riots, and I salute you.
I am also inspired by the masses of all the young people here today. The younger generation—my generation—we are the ones coming up in the world, and we must continue to push this movement forward and close the gap. We must demand full equality for all. They say that this country is free and they say that this country is equal, but it is not equal if it’s “sometimes.” Obama, I know that you’re listening.
Are you listening?!
We will continue to push you and your administration to bring your words of promise to a reality. We need change now. We demand actions now.
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