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  原题摘录:In the past, Australians had a higher opinion of doctors than they do today.原文对应:The high standing of professionals, including doctors, has been eroded as a consequence.解析:本句对应已经很明显了,但是在实际教学过程中,竟然有近三分之一的同学不认识erode这个词的意思。此时,原文中因为有‘as a consequence’这个经典的因果关联词,那么我们完全可以借助它来帮助我们理解此对应句前一句的内容,继而判断erode这个单词的大致意思。先看前一句:‘A better educated and less accepting public has become disillusioned with the experts in general, and increasingly skeptical about science and empirically based knowledge’. 当然,不认识erode的同学,基本也不认识前一句中的‘disillusion, skeptical和empirically’这几个词。但是,仅仅借助主语less accepting public这个否定式论调,加上disillusion的dis否定词缀,外加句中并列词and, 我们不难知道本句大概是否定专家和科学之类的意思,那么题目对应句中的结果as a consequence, 自然也就不甚良好了。本题判断为YES。


  原题摘录:... However, as archaeologists do not try to influence human behaviour, the writer compares their style of working to that of a 27__________.解析:因为该题summary有给出范围是最后两段,加之前面的25题和26题很容易定位,那么27题的定位基本在这两题之后,范围顿时缩小。加之题干中有compare ... to ...这个类比关联词,那么在之后的范围内定位类比关联词,很容易找到‘... is rather like that of the scientist’.原题摘录:Some plastics behave in a similar way to 1__________ in that they melt under heat and can be moulded into new forms.解析:因为summary题为顺序题,且该题为本篇文章的第一种题型,故首题答案在开头段的概率非常高,利用定位词‘... melt under heat’不难找到在文中第二段对应句“Some are ’thermoplastic’, which means that, like candlewax, they melt when heated and can be reshaped.” 利用题中类比词similar, 马上找到文中对应词like, 答案就是candlewax了。


  原题摘录:The writer admits that global warming is a 38________ challenge, but says that it will not have a catastrophic impact on our future, if we deal with it in the 39________ way.A. unrealistic B. agreed C. expensive D. right E. long-termF. usual G. surprising H. personal I. urgent解析:通读题目这句话,借助38题空格前面的’a’这个不定冠词,我们可以排除选项ABCI, 那么38题剩余的选项为5个。借助but这个转折关联词,我们知道后半句所表达的内容与前半句意思反差不小,后半句讲的是“不会对未来产生重大灾难”,重在强调时间“未来”,那前半句是不是要表达全球变暖会带来长期影响?答案为E。至于39题,因为有个条件表达,通读则答案很明显为D。原题摘录:Sometimes the desire to protect ideas seems to have been stronger than the desire to communicate them, particularly in the case of mathematicians and 29________. In Britain, moreover, scientists worried that English had neither the 30_________ nor the 31__________ to express their ideas.解析:29题中有个particularly表示举特例,我们需要很具体的例子,能跟数学家并列的什么人。那么在原文中找到就不难了,因为在数学家的附近就有个doctors, 讲的是相似的内容。剩下的两题,按顺序原则,在29题的后面继续寻找,而且有否定词组neither...nor..., 紧接着的下文中出现否定的内容只有两个lack, 用顺序词first and second引导着。


  原文D段摘录:Newman believes one of the best studies ... . It found that pushing everyone into the city centre was not the best approach. Instead, the proposal advocated the creation of urban villages at hundreds of sites, mostly round railway stations.解析:本段总共只有三句话,所以每句话的大意都建议大家扫读一遍,因为每句话都有可能是主旨句。最后一句话中出现了Instead, 一般来说该词引导的句子都是想要重点突出的内容,而且该引导句肯定与前面的句子意思大相径庭。那么,最后一句既然表达的是建议建立城中村,而且建在火车站周边,往前推一句,“把每个人都推到市中心去并不是个最佳选择”,那么对应选项i. Avoiding an overcrowded centre。


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