


刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:307 移动端


  appetizer 开胃小吃

  rreshments 茶点,小吃

  dinner 正餐

  salad 沙拉

  desert 甜点

  tea or coffee 茶或咖啡

  yogurt 酸奶

  wafer 威化饼

  vinegar 醋

  spice 香料

  pepper 辣椒粉,胡椒的

  curry 咖喱

  condiment (辛辣)调味料

  icing 糖衣

  toast 烤面包

  syrup 糖汁

  sweet 甜食

  confectionery 甜食

  candy 糖果

  toffee 脱脂糖(太妃糖)

  soup 汤

  consomm� 清汤

  broth (骨头)浓汤

  ltovers 剩饭,剩菜

  skimmed milk 脱脂牛奶

  sandwich 三明治

  roughage 纤维食品

  pudding 布丁

  pizza 比萨饼

  pie 馅饼

  oatmeal 麦片(粥)

  milk shake 奶昔

  bun 小圆面包

  loaf (长条)面包

  jam 果酱

  marmalade 柑橘果酱

  ice-lolly 冰棒

  hot dog 热狗

  honey 蜜

  hamburger 汉堡包

  foodstuff 粮食,食品

  flour 面粉

  dumpling 饺子

  dough (生)面团

  diet 日常饮食

  staple 主食

  cream 油脂,奶油

  butter 黄油

  margarine 人造奶油

  chip/ french fries (炸)薯条

  cookie 曲奇饼

  biscuit 饼干


  cutlery 餐具

  ladle 长柄勺

  knife 刀

  fork **

  spoon 勺匙

  teaspoon 茶匙


  are you ready for order?

  may i take your order?

  what would you like to _____?

  would you like anything _____?

  a pizza barber is a hamburger with tomato sauce and cheese.

  is made with tomato sauce and cheese.

  it ‘s a little spicy.

  not too spicy.

  very spicy.

  it’s very good. you’ll like it very much


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