您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 2017年2月雅思口语机经 0206.
Part 1
Is there any special meaning behind your name?
What’s your name?
Why do you get this name?
Is there a certain name that is popular in China?
Is the name important to Chinese people?
Are you a student or at work?
What are you studying for?
Can you tell me something about your student life?
What’s your job?
What are you responsible for?
Do you study part-time while working?
What are the subjects you study?
What’s your major?
Why do people have worked think school life is happy?
Do you think people should get paid when they are required to work on weekends?
Hometown and Accommodation
Where are you from?
Where do you live?
How’s the traffic around your home?
Is it convenient for you to buy fresh vegetables and fruits?
Do you live in a house or an apartment? Which one do you prer?
What’s on your apartment’s wall?
How to improve your home?
Where’s your hometown?
What do you like most about your hometown?
Are bicycles popular in your hometown?
Do you like to live beside the seaside?
What are the facilities in your community?
Which room do you like most?
If you can redesign your home, what would you do?
What’s your flat like?
What’s on the wall?
What can you see from your window?
Are there any fitness facilities near your home?
How often do visitors visit your home?
Do you often watch television (TV)?
How much time do you spend watching television?
What programs do you like to watch?
What&aposs your favourite TV program?
How do you feel about advertisements on TV?
Do you ever watch programs from other countries?
What benits can people get from watching foreign TV programs?
Do you know your neighbours?
Do you think it&aposs necessary to know your neighbours?
What do you think of your neighbours?
How do you get along with your neighbours?
How often do you talk to (or, see) your neighbours?
Magazines and Newspapers
Do you like reading magazines or newspapers?
What kinds of (types of) magazines do you like to read?
Which do you prer reading, magazines or newspapers?
Have you ever read a foreign newspaper (or magazine)?
Do you think reading foreign magazines and newspapers can help you learn a new language?
Weather and Season
How’s the weather in China?
Does weather affect people’s work performance?
What kind of weather do you like ?why ?
How does weather fect you ?
Do you pay attention to the weather forecast?
Do you (know how to) drive a car?
Do you think it&aposs important to get (or, to have) a driver&aposs license?
How important do you think it is for drivers to have good driving skills?
What advice would you give people about safe driving?
At what age do you think young people should be allowed to get a driver&aposs license?
Do you think it&aposs important to have driving classes at school?
Are there many advertisements in your country?
Why do you think there are so many advertisements now? What kind of advertisements do you like?
Have you ever bought anything after seeing (or hearing) an advertisement?
Do advertisements have much influence on people&aposs lives?
Fruits and vegetables
Do you like to eat fruit(s) and vegetables?
Did you like to eat fruit and vegetables when you were a child?
Is it easy (or, convenient) to buy fruit and vegetables where you live?
Do you like flowers?
On what occasions do people give flowers to other people?
When was the last time you gave flowers to someone?
Do you like to have flowers in your home?
Do many people in your country grow flowers at home?
Which city do you want to visit?
Why do you like to visit this city?
What’s your major?
Why did you choose it as your major?
Is your major difficult?
What do you want to do after graduation?
Do you need any special facilities in your school subjects?
What do you like most about your school?
Who can learn a foreign language better? The elderly or the young?
Do girls learn a foreign language more quickly than boys?
What’s your suggestion on language learning?
What’s the most difficult part of language learning?
Do you prer individual learning or group learning?
Mass Media
How do you get news?
Do you think it is important to get up-to-the-minute news?
What do you think of advertisements?
Do you like watching TV?
What’s the different between magazine and newspaper?
Is the information on the Internet reliable?
Talk about the style of shops in your neighborhood?
Do you watch TV everyday?
What kinds of arts are provided by TV programs?
How often do you go shopping?
Talk about your last shopping experience.
Why do you like shopping?
Do you prer to go shopping with friends or alone?
Do you like shopping?
What makes you interested in shopping?
Do you think shopping is a waste of time?
Do you like reading?
How much time (each day) do you spend reading?
Where do you usually do your reading?
What did you (like to) read when you were a child?
What books (or, what things) have you read recently?
Is there any letter you do not want to reply?
Do you often write letters?
When is the last time you sent a letter?
What was the letter about?
Do you ever use the internet?
How (or, where) do you go onto the internet?
What do you do on the internet?
Have you ever bought anything on the internet?
Which style of arts do you like and why?
What do you think about arts? Are they important?
Do you usually go to a music hall or museum? Why?
What’s your favorite art, such as painting or sculpture?
Tell me something about your favorite art.
Tell me something about your favorite music.
What kind of art did you do when you were a child?
Part 2&3
Describe an interesting modern building that you have visited or seen
Are there many modern buildings in your hometown?
Do you prer old buildings or modern buildings?
In what ways do you think modern buildings are better than old buildings?
In what ways do you think traditional (or, old) buildings in China are different to traditional (or, old) buildings in other places?
A City you have Visited or Lived In
What are the most important things that make a city worth living in?
What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a large city?
Do you think there are any possible health problems that could arise from living in a large city?
Describe a place you have visited
Why many people want to live in this place?
There’s many problem in transportation in this place?
So why many people still wants to live in this place?
How this place affects people?
Why people like to live in the city?
Describe a small shop you often go
How do you look upon online shopping?
Are there any changes in the way people shop today and the past.
Is there any difference between the shopping habits of the old and young?
What is the difference between going to the shopping mall and going to a small shop?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping?
Why men don’t like shopping?
Do you often go shopping? Why do you like it?
Do you think that it is good for children to go shopping?
What type of shop is close to your house?
What type of shop do you usually go?
What is the difference between going to the supermarket and going to a small shop?
Introduce a place with a good water resource
What is the importance of water?
Why do people use more water now than bore?
What kind of the policy should the government make to save the water resources?
Why do people like to live in a place close to water?
What can they do if they live close to the water?
Why children like swimming?
Object/ Thing
Describe an article you recently read in a newspaper or magazine.
What do people in China prer to read, newspapers or magazines?
Why do people like reading magazines?
Can you think of any positive and any negative things about magazines for young people?
How do you think magazines will change in the future?
Is there much difference between news articles in newspapers and the news on TV?
Which news articles make a deeper impression on you, those in newspapers or those in magazines?
Describe a TV program
Describe a story from a TV programme
Do you talk about the TV programme with other people?
Do you think the programme will be changed in the future?
How does the programme influence people?
Is it educational?
Your Favourite Subject at School
What do you think of teaching, as a profession (or, as a job)? What are the qualities of a good teacher?
Compare the qualities of a good teacher with the qualities of a bad teacher.
In what ways does a good teacher have an fect on the students?
In what ways does a bad teacher have an fect on the students?
Describe a leisure activity you would like to do (in the future)
What are the most popular leisure time activities in your country?
Do you think it&aposs important for students and working people to have some leisure time?
Some people think that having hobbies is a waste of time. What do you think?
In the future, what changes do you think we sill see in people&aposs leisure activities?
What are some of the more traditional leisure time activities that people in China do?
Do you think children (in your culture) should have more leisure time?
Describe a science lesson that you had in school or university
In general, what is the role of science and technology in society today?
Do you think science is very important?
In what areas is science and technology most important today?
Do you think it&aposs good for (high) schools to have (or, to offer the choice of) science classes?
Do you think it&aposs suitable to start teaching science to very young children?
Why do you think more males than females study science?
A Special Meal
Do you think the growing number of supermarkets will have any negative fects on society?
Have there been any changes in the eating habits of Chinese people in the past 20 or 30 years?
In general, what food do people in China buy when they go shopping for food?
Why do you think supermarkets are becoming more popular in China?
A card or A letter you received
When you received
Who sent you
What was talking about
Why It is important to you.
Describe a piece of good news that you received by phone
Do people in China use telephones (including cell-phones) very much?
Which do you think is better, cell phones or fixed line phones?
Some people don&apost like using cell phones very much. Can you suggest why?
How have cell-phones changed people&aposs lives?
How have communication methods in China changed in the past 20 or 30 years?
Do you think the skill of handwriting might one day (more or less) disappear?
Describe a course that you want to learn in the future
What (personal) qualities do you think teachers should have?
What are the most popular courses that people study today in China?
Which do you think is more usul studying a course in a classroom or getting practical work experience?
Describe a book you liked in your childhood
Why do some books are very popular and people all over the world can read it, while others are less popular?
Is there any difference between the books that men and women read? Why?
What can reading bring to you except relaxation?
What kind of books do children like to read in your country?
What are the benits of reading?
What pleasure can adult gain from reading?
What is the book about?
Why did you read the book first time?
What does the book tell you? What did you learn from the book?
What kind of book do you like to read?
What kind of book should children read bore going to school?
A handicraft u made bore
Why do people make a handicraft?
What kinds of handicraft do you know?
Is it true that some handicrafts are more popular than factory made products?
Old things your family keep
Is it common for families to have something passed down from the ancestors?
Should we keep these things?
Why do families choose something to pass down?
Describe a type of sport you played when you were a child
What type of sport do you usually do?
Do boys and girls play the same sports?
Do you agree that having a sport can make a child healthy?
Is boxing good for health?
What do you think about women joining boxing competitions?
Describe a machine or something electronic you want to buy
What modern appliances do you have in your home?
What do you think of these appliances? Why?
Some people cannot keep up with the development of science and technology. What should they do?
Describe a film
What kind of movie is popular in China? Why?
What is the difference between Chinese movie and foreign movies?
What do you learn from watching movies?
Do you think it is important for a movie to be advertised?
If foreign movies without advertisement, will it still be so success?
Do you think a movie will be success without advertisement? If yes, why?
What kind of people prer to watch foreign movies than Chinese Movies in China? Why?
What is the difference between Chinese and Foreign movies?
Describe an ideal job you would like to do in the future=
What is the job,
what kind of things you can do ,
what&aposs the difference between the job you are doing.
Why do people change jobs?
What kind of people can give career advice to you?
Describe an exciting sport that you know about
Can you give some examples of what is called, &aposextreme sports&apos or sports that are quite dangerous?
Why do you think some people like to do these dangerous activities?
What qualities do people need to do these dangerous sports?
Do you think the government should restrict some of these extreme sports?
How important is sport?
Do you think there is too much sport shown on TV?
Describe a picnic
Do people eat more healthily than bore?
How do you think of traditional food?
Do you think some traditional food is going to be deserted by people?
What can the government do to help people eat healthy and diversified food?
Describe a memorable happy childhood event=
Why do people often recall their childhood?
Is it important to remember the past?
Why is the young generation turning its back on tradition?
Why are children more easily influenced by western culture?
Describe a job
What will people take into consideration when they choose their jobs?
Why do people shift jobs?
Does your company offer any training courses?
What do you think of workaholics?
Why is it difficult for people to land jobs in your country?
Why do people want to get promoted?
What are the disadvantages of doing one job for a lifetime?
Describe an event that you have joined and made you happy
Why are people interested in doing something special?
Which way of relaxation do you like?
Some people think that having a family event will waste a lot of money, what is your opinion?
What family event can make you happy?
Do you think money can bring happiness?
What can make people happy when they are old?
Describe a science class
What do you think of distance learning?
What do you think of home studying?
What should the parents do to help their children if they choose home teaching?
Do your parents help you when you study at home?
Do you think studying at home is a good way to acquire knowledge for adults?
Do you think studying at home is becoming more popular? Why?
Should youngsters learn science? Why?
Do you think boys can learn science better?
When should students learn science?
Should students learn history?
How do we acquire the knowledge of history nowadays?
What’s the point of acquiring the knowledge of history?
Films with historical themes are very popular now. What do you think about them?
Should history films retell authentic stories or should the stories be dramatized?
How do the dramatized stories affect children?
Describe an important conversation you had
Are there any communication differences between males and females?
Do you think communication skills are important?
Describe a journey you would like to take with your friends
Do Chinese people like to travel?
Do people in China prer long-distance travel or short trips?
When Chinese people travel (as tourists), who do they usually go with?
Where do Chinese people like to go when they go on a holiday trip?
Do people in China ever go on trips that are a bit dangerous ?
What do you think are the disadvantages of not traveling?
What are some differences between a business trip and a holiday trip?
Do you think the media has much fect on tourism?
Describe an experience of helping someone
Do you often help people?
Do you think people are less willing to help others? Is it good?
How should parents encourage their kids to help others?
Do people usually do volunteer work in China?
What do you think of the volunteer work in China?
Do people who live in Beijing like to help visitors for the Olympics?
Is English very important when you are helping other people?
Have you been to a foreign country?
Have you helped other people when you were in a foreign country?
Who did you help? Will you help again? Why?
How do you help others in your community?
What can you achieve from helping others?
Whether children should be encouraged to help others?
How can children help others?
Describe a trip that you did not make as you planned
Do different people think of traveling differently?
Are there any differences between business trip and tour?
What technology will be brought along to assist in trip?
Are there and differences between ordinary trips and business ones?
What should you take when you are travelling?
Describe a party you will hold
Who will you invite?
What will happen?
Where will you hold it?
Do you think family party is important?
Why do people in your country usually hold a party?
What do you think about national celebrations?
Do you think they are important?
An Exciting Sport
Why do you think some people like to do these dangerous activities?
What qualities do people need to do these dangerous sports?
Do you think the government should restrict (or, ban) some of these extreme sports?
What are some ways people can (or, could) protect themselves when they do dangerous sporting activities?
Do you think sports (and games) are important?
What sports are most often shown on TV in your country?
Do you think there is too much sport shown on TV?
A person you live with
In China today, what is the structure of the typical family?
Whose responsibility do you think it should be to look after old people - the government&aposs responsibility or the family&aposs?
What do you think are some of the advantages and possible disadvantages of having children, parents and grandparents all living together?
Do you think family relationships are important?
How do you think support from friends and support from parents are different?
What responsibilities do young people have towards their family?
In typical Chinese families, who is the dominant person, the mother or the father?
What&aposs the difference between help from family members and help from friends?
Describe an elder person you know and admire
Do people like to be old?
Do elder people need to be educated?
Is there any lesson for elder people?
Describe someone who visited your family
How do you treat your visitor?
Is it convenient to live in your friend’s house?
What is the difference between living a hotel and living in your friend’s house?
When you visit a place, where do you prer to stay in a hotel or stay in other people’s house?
What kind of service do you want to have in a hotel?
What should be improved in a hotel?
What is the culture of your country in treating guests? What is the difference between this culture then and now?
What do you think about the trend of treating guests in your country?
Describe a famous persona you admire
Describe a person who helped you on an important occasion
What are the advantages and disadvantages of a strong family relationship?
2010年2月雅思口语机经 02062010年2月雅思口语机经 02062010年2月雅思口语机经 02062010年2月雅思口语机经 02062010年2月雅思口语机经 0206以下是我们为大家整理的2010年2月雅思考试的雅思机经,下面是2月6日场次的雅思口语机经,希望能够对广大鸭友有所帮助。
Part 1
Is there any special meaning behind your name?
What’s your name?
Why do you get this name?
Is there a certain name that is popular in China?
Is the name important to Chinese people?
Are you a student or at work?
What are you studying for?
Can you tell me something about your student life?
What’s your job?
What are you responsible for?
Do you study part-time while working?
What are the subjects you study?
What’s your major?
Why do people have worked think school life is happy?
Do you think people should get paid when they are required to work on weekends?
Hometown and Accommodation
Where are you from?
Where do you live?
How’s the traffic around your home?
Is it convenient for you to buy fresh vegetables and fruits?
Do you live in a house or an apartment? Which one do you prer?
What’s on your apartment’s wall?
How to improve your home?
Where’s your hometown?
What do you like most about your hometown?
Are bicycles popular in your hometown?
Do you like to live beside the seaside?
What are the facilities in your community?
Which room do you like most?
If you can redesign your home, what would you do?
What’s your flat like?
What’s on the wall?
What can you see from your window?
Are there any fitness facilities near your home?
How often do visitors visit your home?
Do you often watch television (TV)?
How much time do you spend watching television?
What programs do you like to watch?
What&aposs your favourite TV program?
How do you feel about advertisements on TV?
Do you ever watch programs from other countries?
What benits can people get from watching foreign TV programs?
Do you know your neighbours?
Do you think it&aposs necessary to know your neighbours?
What do you think of your neighbours?
How do you get along with your neighbours?
How often do you talk to (or, see) your neighbours?
Magazines and Newspapers
Do you like reading magazines or newspapers?
What kinds of (types of) magazines do you like to read?
Which do you prer reading, magazines or newspapers?
Have you ever read a foreign newspaper (or magazine)?
Do you think reading foreign magazines and newspapers can help you learn a new language?
Weather and Season
How’s the weather in China?
Does weather affect people’s work performance?
What kind of weather do you like ?why ?
How does weather fect you ?
Do you pay attention to the weather forecast?
阅读全文Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲