


刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:293 移动端



  Part 1


  Is there any special meaning behind your name?

  What’s your name?

  Why do you get this name?


  Are you a student or at work?

  What are you studying for?

  What are you responsible for?

  Do you study part-time while working?

  What are the subjects you study?

  What’s your major?

  Do you think people should get paid when they are required to work on weekends?


  How do you spend your weekend?

  Do you read a lot in your spare time?

  Has anyone sent you a book bore?

  Do you like watching TV in spare time? What kinds of programs do you like?

  What are the ways to relax?

  What do you usually do in the evening?

  Do the people have more time to relax now?

  What kind of shopping do you like?


  What kind of music do you like to listen to?

  Do you think children can benit from listening to music?


  What are the features of your hometown?

  What’s special about your hometown?

  What are some of the changes that have taken place in your hometown?

  Do you like the city you live in?

  Apartment and House

  Do you like the place you currently live in?

  How is your relationship with your neighbors?

  Describe your flat or house


  What is your taste of clothes?

  When do you wear suits?


  Which styles of arts do you like and why?

  What do you think about arts? Are they important?

  What’s your favorite art, such as painting or sculpture?

  Modern Technology

  How often do you use telephone?

  Which do you prer, sending emails or writing letters?

  How often do you usually send or receive emails?


  Why do you learn English?

  How long have you been learning English?

  What do you think is a good way to learn English?


  Do people live longer now? Why is that?

  How about people in the past?


  Does your house have a garden? Why?

  Do you like planting?

  Who plants in the gardens in China?


  How to foster children?


  What’s your favorite food?

  Where do you eat?

  Mass Media

  What’s the difference between magazine and newspaper?

  Is the information on the Internet reliable?

  Part 2&3


  Describe a friend you’d like to spend your time with

  In what way did he/she help you with your academic study or work?

  What are the pressures you have to face in your life?

  How do you deal with them?

  Do you prer to study alone or together with others?

  What would happen if one always works independently?

  What are the disadvantages of working in a group?

  What do you think are the fects of computer and mobile phone on families?

  Which one is more important, family or friends?

  Who should assume more responsibilities in the family?

  Describe an elderly person you admire

  What’s the living situation of the elderly people in China?

  Describe a person who is good at cooking

  Describe a famous person

  Do you want to become famous? Why?

  Describe a person you have helped

  Comment on relationship between neighbors in China

  Do you think richer people are more selfish?


  Describe a long journey

  What should be prepared bore the journey?

  What can people learn through travel?

  Do you prer to travel alone or in group?

  Describe a sport event

  Do Chinese schools place strong emphasis on physical education?

  What are the differences between competition within the classroom and athletic competition?

  What are the advantages and disadvantages of holding sporting events in school?

  Which one is better, team sport or individual sport?

  Do you think it’s a good idea for schools to offer scholarship to students in order to encourage sports among students?

  Describe the stage of your life that you enjoyed most

  How do people give helps to students who will graduate from university soon?

  In China, when do people hold celebrations?

  Describe a change in your life

  What are the changes in your education?

  Describe an educational trip

  What’s the importance of study trip?

  Is it a good way?

  Should parents help children with their study?

  What’s the trend of studying at home?

  Describe a traffic jam

  What are the traffic problems in your city?

  Should different amount of taxes be levied on cars with different engine capacity?

  How has traffic affected our environment?

  What other choices do you have if you are stuck in a traffic jam?

  Can public transport alleviate traffic congestions?

  Do you think the government should take sole responsibility for solving traffic problems?

  Can motorways and highways help to solve traffic problems?

  When is traffic jam most serious?

  What did the government do to solve the problem?

  Describe a successful experience

  Describe a performance

  What are the influences of music on culture?

  What are the influences of wide use of TV on traditional artistic performance?

  Describe the most important stage in your life

  At what age is marriage legal in China?

  At what age should children start to take family responsibility?

  Talk about the generation gap between elderly people and young adults

  What job is deemed suitable for the elderly people?

  What’s the general attitude towards the elderly people?


  Describe a book you have read

  What are the differences of reading habits between teenagers and the elderly people?

  How has technology changed the way people read?

  Describe a piece of art

  What are the differences in the arts liked by elderly people and young adults?

  Should the government support arts?

  What sorts of arts are valuable?

  Describe an advice

  What sorts of advices are usul to young people?

  Do young people prer to listen to parents or their friends?

  Are the advices given by the elderly people usul?

  Describe an advertisement

  Do you think we should restrict advertisements?

  Some of the adverts are not appropriate for children. How to solve this problem?

  What’s the relationship between mass media and advertisements?

  Describe a piece of radio program

  Which one do you prer, radio programs or TV programs?

  Describe a text message you received on your mobile phone

  Describe a TV program

  What are the pros and cons of TV and radio respectively?

  Why do young people prer TV?

  Describe a piece of music

  How has western music influenced eastern one?

  Do you buy advertised products?

  Is the government responsible to build libraries?

  How has means of communication changed over the past decade?

  Describe a special gift

  How do young people help the elderly people?

  Are people now more kindhearted than bore?

  Describe a piece of music you liked when you were a child

  How can teaching children music help them in their early childhood?

  What type of music should people listen to at different ages?

  When is the first time you heard the song that impressed you the most?

  What type of music should people listen to?

  Will music be played in public?

  Describe a toy when you were a child

  Talk about a childhood game

  Describe an interesting speech or lecture

  Who was the speaker?

  Describe your favorite law

  Why do people want to become a lawyer instead of a policeman?

  Are policemen considered a good job in China?

  What makes a good policeman?

  What kind of people tends to commit crimes in China?

  Talk about the occupation of lawyer

  What kind of crimes could be forgiven?

  Describe a speech

  What makes a good speaker?

  What sort of speeches should be made available in university?

  What kind of people should be invited give speeches to kids?

  Describe one clothes you always wear in special occasions

  Have people changed the way they dress?

  Why is uniform compulsory in companies?

  Describe a course you want to learn when you were a child

  Do you think children can learn more at school or at home?

  Do you think adults should be responsible for teaching children academic skills?

  How is learning for children and adults different on computers?

  Describe a childhood activity

  What can kids learn from the activity?

  How has athletic competition shaped children’s character?

  Is competition required in all jobs?

  How should countries cooperate with each other?

  Describe a foreign language you want to learn

  Describe a toy

  Do you think many kids have too many toys now?

  Should girls play with dolls and boy play with soccer games?

  What are the advantages of kids exchanging toys?

  Describe a gift you gave to your friends

  Do Chinese people prer to buy gifts or make them?

  Which do you prer?

  When do Chinese people usually send presents?

  Why do you think homemade presents are better than ones that are bought from shops?

  Do you think it’s a good idea to reward children with their gifts?

  Please list the advantages and disadvantages of rewarding people in a company?

  What are the ways to reward employees?

  Describe something you’d like to learn in the future

  Do kids learn more from home or school?

  Should adults take major responsibilities in kids learning academic skills?

  Describe a piece of interesting news

  Do a lot of Chinese people read newspaper regularly?

  Are people more concerned of international news or domestic news?

  Should TV commercials be more interesting?

  What makes a good journalist?

  Is online news playing an ever increasingly important role in people’s daily life?

  Describe a traditional art

  Name a number of traditional cultural performances

  What are the differences in dancing between boys and girls?

  What’s your favorite music?

  Describe a special thing you want to buy in the future

  Will the special thing help you in your study?

  Do you like to go shopping?

  What are the fective ways of advertising?

  Describe a season

  Talk about the negative influences of global warming

  Describe something that will help you to learn foreign languages

  Talk about the advantages of learning a foreign language

  Describe a large organization

  What are the advantages of large and small organizations

  What’s your view towards the fact that most factories are far away from downtown area?

  What are the advantages of large multi-national companies?

  Why do many people like to work in small companies?

  Describe a book you have read recently

  What books do Chinese kids read?

  What are the ways should parents use to make them like reading?

  What are the differences between traditional reading and online reading?

  What are the advantages and disadvantages of reading and watching TV?

  Describe a phone call

  Talk about advantages and disadvantages of mobile phone

  Do people like to hear people talking loud in public?

  Describe something you would like to learn

  What should kids learn bore they go to school?

  Which one is better, school education or parental education?

  Describe a photo

  Do Chinese people like taking photos?

  When do people take photos usually?

  Why do people tear apart the photos they have taken?

  Describe a piece of law

  Why are there fewer policemen than lawyers?

  What are the differences between policemen and lawyers?


  Describe a workplace

  What are the advantages of working at night?

  Describe a library

  Is it a campus or public one?

  Which parts of the library do you like and dislike?

  Describe a tourist attraction

  What are the types of tourist attractions in China?

  Is the travel with tour guide good?

  Will people change their attitude towards tour guide?

  What measures did the government take to protect tourist attraction?

  Would you recommend this tourist attraction?

  How do people visit historical places nowadays?

  Do you think we should visit historical places for free?

  Do you think people can learn anything from visiting historical places?

  Describe the favorite part in your hometown

  How often do you go there?

  Are there more Chinese people living in the city or in the countryside?

  What are the benits of studying in the city?

  What kind of people likes to live in the city?

  What are the major differences between living in the city and countryside?

  Should more entertainment parlors be built in the city?

  Describe a historical site

  What are the types of historical sites?

  Why do people nowadays dislike visiting a historical site?

  In what ways can people get to know history?

  Do you think TV programs that focus on history can make people interested in history more?



  Part 1

  Personal information & Introduction

  What’s your full name?

  Are you working or studying?

  When do you usually get up?

  What’s the best time of a day?

  Hometown and Accommodation

  Where are you from?

  Where do you live?

  How’s the traffic around your home?

  Is it convenient for you to buy fresh vegetables and fruits?

  Do you live in a house or an apartment? Which one do you prer?

  What’s on your apartment’s wall?

  How to improve your home?

  Where’s your hometown?

  What do you like most about your hometown?

  Are bicycles popular in your hometown?

  Do you like to live beside the seaside?

  What are the facilities in your community?

  Which room do you like most?

  If you can redesign your home, what would you do?

  What’s your flat like?

  What’s on the wall?

  What can you see from your window?

  Are there any fitness facilities near your home?

  How often do visitors visit your home?

  Weather and Season

  How’s the weather in China?

  Does weather affect people’s work performance?


  Why did you choose this career?

  Do many Chinese people shift jobs in a year?

  Do people perform differently at work in summer and winter?

  Would you like to change your job in the future? Why?

  Do you think your job is easy? Why?

  What are the facilities you usually use at work?

  Is your job interesting?


  What’s your major?

  Why did you choose it as your major?

  Is your major difficult?

  What do you want to do after graduation?

  Do you need any special facilities in your school subjects?

  What do you like most about your school?

  Who can learn a foreign language better? The elderly or the young?

  Do girls learn a foreign language more quickly than boys?

  What’s you suggestion on language learning?

  What’s the most difficult part of language learning?

  Do you prer individual learning or group learning?

  Food & Cooking

  Who usually cooks in your family?

  What’s your favorite hometown dish?

  Can you cook? Why don’t you learn?

  Do you think it is important for children to learn how to cook?

  Do you like to eat out or cook at home?

  What are the benits of eating at home?

  Leisure activities

  Do you often hang out with friends?

  Do you invite your friends to your home?

  How often do you meet friends? What do you usually do?

  What do you usually do at leisure?

  How do you organize time?

  What do you usually do in the evening?

  How do you spend you vacation?

  What do you like and hate to do during vacation?

  What was the last vacation you took?

  What do you do in your free time?

  Do you like reading?

  Did you read a lot in your childhood?

  What do you like to read now?


  What’s your favorite sport?

  Do you like swimming?


  Do most people ride bicycles in Shanghai?

  Why do children like to ride bikes?

  Do you think bike riding is safe in Shanghai?

  Why do people in China think bicycles are important?

  Did you learn to ride a bicycle when you were a kid?

  Do you think it is safe to ride bicycles in a city? Why?

  Why do you think kids need to learn how to ride bicycles?


  Where do you want to visit most?

  Do you like traveling?

  When was the last time you go traveling?

  What would you prepare bore travelling?


  How often do you go shopping?

  Talk about your last shopping experience.

  Why do you like shopping?

  Do you prer to go shopping with friends or alone?

  Do you like shopping?

  What makes you interested in shopping?

  Do you think shopping is a waste of time?


  Is there any letter you do not want to reply?

  Do you often write letters?

  When is the last time you sent a letter?

  What was the letter about?


  When do you usually give a present?

  When do Chinese people usually give a present?

  Is it difficult to give a present?

  Have you ever made a gift by yourself to somebody?

  Do you think it is necessary to give expensive gifts?


  Your favorite toy

  Should adults play with toys?

  How do adults entertain themselves in China?


  Is beautiful handwriting important nowadays?

  What kind of music do you like?

  What kind of music do you like?

  Should children learn to play musical instruments?

  Do you like painting?


  How do you maintain health?

  What’s your favorite sport?

  What healthy food do you usually eat?

  Family events

  How do people celebrate their birthdays in your country?

  Are birthdays more important for children than adults?

  Do you think birthday is a special day for people?

  How did you celebrate your last birthday?

  Do birthdays have any special meanings for children?


  How do you get news?

  Do you think it is important to get up-to-the-minute news?

  What do you think of advertisements?

  Do you like watching TV?


  Have you ever visited a museum?

  Is the visit benicial?


  Can you drive?

  Are you allowed to drive a car in your senior high school?

  What is a suitable age, do you think, for your kids to start driving?

  Part 2&3


  Describe a special thing you want to buy in the future

  Will the special thing help you in your study?

  Do you like to go shopping?

  What are the fective ways of advertising?

  Why do you like shopping?

  Where do you usually go shopping?

  How often do you go shopping?

  What are the advantages and disadvantages of modern ways of shopping?

  Are there any differences between the old and modern ways of shopping?


  Do you like writing letters?

  Do you often write letters?

  What do you write?

  Do you usually write by hand or using a computer?

  Do you keep contact with your friends by making phone calls or writing letters?

  Who do you usually receive letters from?

  Do you think hand writing is important nowadays?

  How can children improve their handwriting?


  What are the advantages and disadvantages of adverting?

  Do people usually buy goods after watching advertisements?

  Describe an interesting story you saw on television

  What are the fects of televisions on family life?

  What are the fects of televisions on people at different ages?

  Are there any differences between interviewing online and meeting people face to face?

  Describe a TV program

  Describe a story from a TV programme

  Do you talk about the TV programme with other people?

  Do you think the programme will be changed in the future?

  How does the programme influence people?

  Is it educational?

  Describe a book

  Describe a movie

  How many types of films are there in China?

  What are the mainstream films?

  Are there any differences between watching films in a cinema and at home?


  Describe a library

  Where is the library?

  Is it a campus or public one?

  Which parts of the library do you like and dislike?

  Should children go to public libraries? How about the elderly?

  Does the government have the responsibility to construct public libraries?

  Is it important to learn how to use a library?

  Describe how to use a library.

  How do children benit from going to public libraries?

  How can the elderly benit from libraries?

  Historical place

  Why do people go to historical places?

  Which is your country’s most famous historical place?

  Should people pay entrance fees to historical places?

  Describe a seaside place you want to visit

  How to save water?

  Does the urban area consumes more water than the rural area?

  Does china face the problem of water scarcity?

  Describe a concert hall

  Why is it important to preserve historic buildings?

  Describe your ideal house

  When was it built?

  Should the government invest in maintaining the historical places?

  Should government invest in creating more employment?

  What kind of housing do most Chinese people live in?

  Where is the housing?

  What are the differences between the architectural styles in the different areas in China?

  Should a company design its own buildings?


  Do you think arts are important for people in the modern society?

  Do you think you can make money from your art?

  How do the elderly and the young view arts?

  Describe a handicraft

  Stages in life

  Describe an important conversation you had in the past.

  What was the situation?

  Who did you talk to?

  Why is it important to you?

  Describe a stage of life you enjoyed

  When was it?

  Who did you live with?

  What did you do?

  Why do you think the stage is important or enjoyable?

  When does a child become an adult?

  What cannot you do when you become an adult?

  Do you think the law is reasonable?

  If you want to make changes, when is the timing?

  Describe a happy event in your childhood

  Describe a family event.

  Would it be a shame to forget tradition?


  Describe a science class

  When did you attend it?

  What was it about?

  What do you think of distance learning?

  What do you think of home studying?

  What should the parents do to help their children if they choose home teaching?

  Do your parents help you when you study at home?

  Do you think studying at home is a good way to acquire knowledge for adults?

  Do you think studying at home is becoming more popular? Why?

  Should youngsters learn science? Why?

  Do you think boys can learn science better?

  When should students learn science?

  Language learning

  Describe something usul for your English learning.

  How do you learn a new language?

  Who do you learn with?

  Is learning a second language important?

  Will the learning of a new language change your understanding of local culture?

  In your opinion, which languages will become more popular in the future?

  What are the benits of learning a foreign language?

  Are there any differences between the way the young and the elderly learn a language?

  Educational trip

  Can students benit from educational visits?

  Should schools organize the visits?

  What’s your suggestion?

  What roles do parents play in a family?


  Describe a piece of advice

  What kind of advice do you usually follow?

  Who usually give advice?

  Where does the advice lead you?

  How to make young people follow wise advice?

  Nowadays, do the elderly give advice to children or vice versa?

  Is it important to give young people advice?

  Who often give advice in your community?

  Is old people’s advice more important than young people’s?

  A success

  How do you make a success?

  How should we dine success?

  Is result more important than process when you pursue success?

  Does success lead to stress?

  A speech

  Why do people feel nervous when delivering a speech?

  Who should give speeches to children?


  Tell me about an experience of helping someone

  Do you often help people?

  Do you think people are less willing to help others? Is it good?

  How should parents encourage their kids to help others?

  Do people usually do volunteer work in China?

  What do you think of the volunteer work in China?



  Describe what you wore on a special occasion

  What it was

  Where you bought it

  Whether people thought it was good or not

  Do you still keep it now?

  On what occasions do people wear informal or formal clothes?

  Do you think you can judge people’s character by what they wear? How?

  Describe something special you would like to buy in the future.


  Describe a friend

  Have you ever lived with strangers?

  Are there any difference between the friendship among boys and girls?

  Describe a person who is good at cooking

  Describe a ch

  Describe a famous person you would like to meet

  Who he/she is

  How you knew him/her

  Why would people want to be famous?

  How does fame influence them?

  How would they change after being famous?

  Describe a person who helped you on an important occasion

  Who the person is.

  What was the situation.

  How he/she helped you.


  Sports event

  How do sports benit children?

  How do competitive sports benit children?

  What sports can be done inside a classroom?

  Describe a kind of extreme sports

  Describe a dangerous sport

  Season & Weather

  What’s your favorite season?

  Why do you like this season?

  What do you usually do in this season?

  What jobs are seasonal?

  Who takes seasonal jobs?


  Describe a gift you received

  Describe a thing you want to buy in the future


  Describe a trip that you did not make as you planned

  Do different people think of traveling differently?

  Are there any differences between business trip and tour?

  What technology will be brought along to assist in trip?

  Describe a trip you did not enjoy.

  Are there and differences between ordinary trips and business ones?

  What should you take when you are travelling?


  Describe a piece of law

  Leisure activity

  Describe a picnic


  Design a party you will hold

  Who will you invite?

  What will happen?

  Where will you hold it?

  Do you think family party is important?

  Why do people in your country usually hold a party?

  What do you think about national celebrations?

  Do you think they are important?

  Describe a sports event

  Describe an event that made you happy recently

  Does money make people happy?

  Food and cooking

  Do you usually eat healthy food?

  How should governments encourage people to eat healthy food?

  Science and technology

  Describe a machine or something electronic you want to buy.

  What modern appliances do you have in your home?

  What do you think of these appliances? Why?

  Some people cannot keep up with the development of science and technology. What should they do?

  Describe a tool for English learning

  Do you think it is important to develop science and technology?

  How does scientific research benit space, medical, environmental and information technology?

  Do you think scientists from different countries should share their research findings?

  Who should pay for scientific research? Governments or individuals?


  Describe you job

  What will people take into consideration when they choose their jobs?

  Why do people shift jobs?

  Does your company offer any training courses?

  What do you think of workaholics?



  Part 1

  TV program

  1. What kind of TV program do you like?

  2. How can you get an access to English TV programs?

  3. Do you think English programs are helpful?


  4. How do people spend their holidays?

  5. Do you think it’s important to have a vacation? Why?


  6. Where is your hometown?

  7. Is there any changes in your hometown now?

  8. What is the best thing you have in your hometown?

  9. What is the biggest problem in your hometown?


  10. Tell me something about a happy event.

  11. Tell me something about a happy event in your family.

  12. Do you like your course?


  13. What do you think about the internet?

  14. What are the advantages of internet?


  15. How do Chinese people celebrate their birthdays?

  16. How did you celebrate your last birthday?


  17. What kind of gift do you want to give your friend?


  18. What kind of music do you like?

  19. What kind of music in your country do you like?


  20. Do you have sports?

  21. What is the importance of having a sport?

  22. What kind of physical exercise do you like?

  23. Do you like to go to gym?

  24. What kind of gym do you have near your house?

  25. What kind of facilities for sports do you have in your neighborhood?


  26. What do you usually do in the evening?

  27. Do you like to go out in the evening? What do you usually do?

  28. Do you think weekends are important?


  29. Do Chinese people plant in their garden?

  30. What kind of plants do you want to have in your garden?


  31. What kind of transportation do you usually take?


  32. Would you talk to people whom you met for the first time?

  33. Why do you want to chat with other people?


  34. What kind of clothes do you like to wear?

  35. Do you like to wear formal clothes?

  36. What is your opinion about wearing uniforms?

  37. Can you judge a person by their clothes their wearing?

  Household Chores

  38. What do you dislike about household chores?

  39. Do you think it is necessary for a child to help in household chores?

  40. Do you like to do housework?

  41. What kind of housework do you usually do?


  42. What is your favorite food?

  43. Where can you eat your favorite food?

  44. Do you like to eat nutritious food?


  45. Which part of your house do you like best?

  46. What kind of decorations do you have in your house?

  47. Do you want to change anything in your house?

  Part 2&3


  Describe a person who can cook very well

  Describe an elderly person you respect

  Would elderly people feel bored?

  Would they live longer?

  Describe a teenager

  What are the differences between teenagers and children?

  What are the hobbies of teenagers and children respectively?

  How are they different from bore?

  Do you like shopping? Why?

  Do many people go shopping? Why?

  Will celebrities or famous people affect children?

  How to raise the money-saving awareness of education?

  Does social development exert a bigger impact on the elderly people or teenagers?

  Describe a person who is good at his/her job

  What are the ways college can offer for students to find jobs?

  At what age do you think should people retire?

  Describe a family besides your own family

  What are the differences in the social status of men and women in a family?

  Who dominates the family?

  What would happen to parents after children take up a job?

  Describe a visitor

  Would you live in the hotel or in your friend’s house?

  Describe a kid

  What is the attitude of kids towards the elderly people

  What is the generally shared view of the elderly people towards the way young people are dressed?

  Describe someone you want to spend time with

  Talk about the importance of teamwork

  Describe a friend


  Describe a stage of your life that you enjoy most

  Describe a successful thing

  Describe a holiday

  Describe a family event

  Talk about a wedding ceremony you have been to

  Describe a sport

  Describe a personal experience of being late

  Why do young people like being late?

  Do you think it is important to be punctual?

  What’s the difference between the conceptions of the elderly people and teenagers towards time?

  Do you think modern people are more stressed out than bore?

  Would you forgive someone for being late?

  Describe an experience that you help others

  Object/ Thing

  Describe a speech

  Why different people have different topics?

  What kind of topic can influence children?

  Describe a special clothes

  What kind of occasion should you wear formal clothes?

  Why fashion is changing very fast?

  Describe a thing that you really would like to buy

  Describe a thing that you would like to buy after seeing an advertisement

  Describe an interesting TV program

  Describe a piece of law in your country

  Describe an important letter

  Describe a project or homework in your studies

  Describe a big organization

  Describe a gift you give to someone

  Why do people like to send gifts rather than receiving gifts?

  Describe an occupation

  Describe a film

  What are the educational and entertaining purposes of movies?

  Describe a movie you have seen bore

  What do you learn from it?

  How do you think about the hi-tech part in foreign movies?

  What’s your view towards future movie development?

  Describe a magazine

  How would you obtain news?

  Describe a thing that you want to learn in the future

  How to master computer skills quickly?

  Do you someone to teach you?

  Do you use computer in your everyday life?

  How to use it?

  Why are teenagers interested in learning using computers but the elderly people slow in learning it?

  Describe a photograph

  Describe a game

  Describe a piece of interesting news from newspaper or TV

  Discuss the differences between newspaper and TV

  How to win readership?

  Do Chinese people often read newspaper? Why?

  What can news bring to us?

  Do you often read newspaper?

  Do you like TV news or radio news?

  Do you think there is one day that TV will be replaced by the Internet?


  Describe a book you have read bore

  Why do adults read book?

  How does technology promote the style of reading?

  Describe a performance

  Should government financially assist the preservation of traditional culture?

  Describe a physical activity

  What kind of workout do you engage in?

  Why do many people go to gym?

  Do many kids get fat because they play too much computer games?

  Why do people choose to work out in the gym?

  Should the government spend more time on building up more sports facilities?

  Are companies responsible for constructing sporting facilities for staff members?

  Describe an advice

  What kind of people should offer advice?

  Would you turn to someone else for help if you encounter a particular problem?

  Describe a book

  Why do adults read books?

  How does the technology promote the style of reading?

  Describe a magazine

  What kind of information can you get from it?

  Why do you think it is interesting?

  Do you think mass media is important?

  What are the habits of reading newspaper and magazine?

  Do you think all the news is true?

  What fects will technologies bring to people’s communication style?

  Describe a foreign language you want to learn besides English

  Is it necessary to learn a foreign language?

  Why is it easy for some to learn a foreign language whereas hard for others?

  Would games be helpful to learning a foreign language?


  Describe a favorite place in your town

  Describe a place that you always go in your hometown

  Describe a place that has water

  Why people like to work or live close to water?

  Most children begin to learn swimming when they are very young, are they taught by parents or not? Why? Do you think it&aposs necessary to learn swimming?

  In China what kind of water sports is popular, except swimming?

  What are the differences between swimming and other similar sports game?

  In China, does the water that people use now is different as in the past?

  In China, do people waste water? How to change that situation?

  Describe a tourist attraction

  Describe a place that you have studied or worked bore

  What are the necessary equipments in offices?

  What are the types of letters or emails you have received bore?

  Do you use emails a lot?

  What kind of workplace do you think is enjoyable?

  Which do you think is more important, colleagues or surroundings?

  Should full-time housewives be paid and by whom?

  Describe a place that makes you happy

  Do you think money will make you happy?

  Would you be unhappy without money?

  Do you think writing will make you happy?

  Describe a museum

  Describe a place you can learn arts

  What kind of arts did you learn as a kid?

  Describe a garden you have been to bore

  Do kids play in the garden?

  What do you like to plant in your garden?

  Do you prer to plant flowers or trees?

  Describe a place you can listen to music


  Describe an interesting animal

  Why do people raise pets?

  What are the advantages and disadvantages of raising pets?

  Why is it popular to raise pets?

  What can we use animals for?

  Describe a pet

  Why do you like him?

  Describe an endangered species



  Part 1


  Is there any special meaning behind your name?

  What’s your name?

  Why do you get this name?


  Are you a student or at work?

  What are you studying for?

  What are you responsible for?

  Do you study part-time while working?

  What are the subjects you study?

  What’s your major?

  Do you think people should get paid when they are required to work on weekends?


  How do you spend your weekend?

  Do you read a lot in your spare time?

  Has anyone sent you a book bore?

  Do you like watching TV in spare time? What kinds of programs do you like?

  What are the ways to relax?

  What do you usually do in the evening?

  Do the people have more time to relax now?

  What kind of shopping do you like?


  What kind of music do you like to listen to?

  Do you think children can benit from listening to music?


  What are the features of your hometown?

  What’s special about your hometown?

  What are some of the changes that have taken place in your hometown?

  Do you like the city you live in?

  Apartment and House

  Do you like the place you currently live in?

  How is your relationship with your neighbors?

  Describe your flat or house


  What is your taste of clothes?

  When do you wear suits?


  Which styles of arts do you like and why?

  What do you think about arts? Are they important?

  What’s your favorite art, such as painting or sculpture?

  Modern Technology

  How often do you use telephone?

  Which do you prer, sending emails or writing letters?

  How often do you usually send or receive emails?


  Why do you learn English?

  How long have you been learning English?

  What do you think is a good way to learn English?


  Do people live longer now? Why is that?

  How about people in the past?


  Does your house have a garden? Why?

  Do you like planting?

  Who plants in the gardens in China?


  How to foster children?


  What’s your favorite food?

  Where do you eat?

  Mass Media

  What’s the difference between magazine and newspaper?

  Is the information on the Internet reliable?

  Part 2&3


  Describe a friend you’d like to spend your time with

  In what way did he/she help you with your academic study or work?

  What are the pressures you have to face in your life?

  How do you deal with them?

  Do you prer to study alone or together with others?

  What would happen if one always works independently?

  What are the disadvantages of working in a group?

  What do you think are the fects of computer and mobile phone on families?

  Which one is more important, family or friends?

  Who should assume more responsibilities in the family?

  Describe an elderly person you admire

  What’s the living situation of the elderly people in China?

  Describe a person who is good at cooking

  Describe a famous person

  Do you want to become famous? Why?

  Describe a person you have helped

  Comment on relationship between neighbors in China

  Do you think richer people are more selfish?


  Describe a long journey

  What should be prepared bore the journey?

  What can people learn through travel?

  Do you prer to travel alone or in group?

  Describe a sport event

  Do Chinese schools place strong emphasis on physical education?

  What are the differences between competition within the classroom and athletic competition?

  What are the advantages and disadvantages of holding sporting events in school?

  Which one is better, team sport or individual sport?

  Do you think it’s a good idea for schools to offer scholarship to students in order to encourage sports among students?

  Describe the stage of your life that you enjoyed most

  How do people give helps to students who will graduate from university soon?

  In China, when do people hold celebrations?

  Describe a change in your life

  What are the changes in your education?

  Describe an educational trip

  What’s the importance of study trip?

  Is it a good way?

  Should parents help children with their study?

  What’s the trend of studying at home?

  Describe a traffic jam

  What are the traffic problems in your city?

  Should different amount of taxes be levied on cars with different engine capacity?

  How has traffic affected our environment?

  What other choices do you have if you are stuck in a traffic jam?

  Can public transport alleviate traffic congestions?

  Do you think the government should take sole responsibility for solving traffic problems?

  Can motorways and highways help to solve traffic problems?

  When is traffic jam most serious?

  What did the government do to solve the problem?

  Describe a successful experience

  Describe a performance

  What are the influences of music on culture?

  What are the influences of wide use of TV on traditional artistic performance?

  Describe the most important stage in your life

  At what age is marriage legal in China?

  At what age should children start to take family responsibility?

  Talk about the generation gap between elderly people and young adults

  What job is deemed suitable for the elderly people?

  What’s the general attitude towards the elderly people?


  Describe a book you have read

  What are the differences of reading habits between teenagers and the elderly people?

  How has technology changed the way people read?

  Describe a piece of art

  What are the differences in the arts liked by elderly people and young adults?

  Should the government support arts?

  What sorts of arts are valuable?

  Describe an advice

  What sorts of advices are usul to young people?

  Do young people prer to listen to parents or their friends?

  Are the advices given by the elderly people usul?

  Describe an advertisement

  Do you think we should restrict advertisements?

  Some of the adverts are not appropriate for children. How to solve this problem?

  What’s the relationship between mass media and advertisements?

  Describe a piece of radio program

  Which one do you prer, radio programs or TV programs?

  Describe a text message you received on your mobile phone

  Describe a TV program

  What are the pros and cons of TV and radio respectively?

  Why do young people prer TV?

  Describe a piece of music

  How has western music influenced eastern one?

  Do you buy advertised products?

  Is the government responsible to build libraries?

  How has means of communication changed over the past decade?

  Describe a special gift

  How do young people help the elderly people?

  Are people now more kindhearted than bore?

  Describe a piece of music you liked when you were a child

  How can teaching children music help them in their early childhood?

  What type of music should people listen to at different ages?

  When is the first time you heard the song that impressed you the most?

  What type of music should people listen to?

  Will music be played in public?

  Describe a toy when you were a child

  Talk about a childhood game

  Describe an interesting speech or lecture

  Who was the speaker?

  Describe your favorite law

  Why do people want to become a lawyer instead of a policeman?

  Are policemen considered a good job in China?

  What makes a good policeman?

  What kind of people tends to commit crimes in China?

  Talk about the occupation of lawyer

  What kind of crimes could be forgiven?

  Describe a speech

  What makes a good speaker?

  What sort of speeches should be made available in university?

  What kind of people should be invited give speeches to kids?

  Describe one clothes you always wear in special occasions

  Have people changed the way they dress?

  Why is uniform compulsory in companies?

  Describe a course you want to learn when you were a child

  Do you think children can learn more at school or at home?

  Do you think adults should be responsible for teaching children academic skills?

  How is learning for children and adults different on computers?

  Describe a childhood activity

  What can kids learn from the activity?

  How has athletic competition shaped children’s character?

  Is competition required in all jobs?

  How should countries cooperate with each other?

  Describe a foreign language you want to learn

  Describe a toy

  Do you think many kids have too many toys now?

  Should girls play with dolls and boy play with soccer games?

  What are the advantages of kids exchanging toys?

  Describe a gift you gave to your friends

  Do Chinese people prer to buy gifts or make them?

  Which do you prer?

  When do Chinese people usually send presents?

  Why do you think homemade presents are better than ones that are bought from shops?

  Do you think it’s a good idea to reward children with their gifts?

  Please list the advantages and disadvantages of rewarding people in a company?

  What are the ways to reward employees?

  Describe something you’d like to learn in the future

  Do kids learn more from home or school?

  Should adults take major responsibilities in kids learning academic skills?

  Describe a piece of interesting news

  Do a lot of Chinese people read newspaper regularly?

  Are people more concerned of international news or domestic news?

  Should TV commercials be more interesting?

  What makes a good journalist?

  Is online news playing an ever increasingly important role in people’s daily life?

  Describe a traditional art

  Name a number of traditional cultural performances

  What are the differences in dancing between boys and girls?

  What’s your favorite music?

  Describe a special thing you want to buy in the future

  Will the special thing help you in your study?

  Do you like to go shopping?

  What are the fective ways of advertising?

  Describe a season

  Talk about the negative influences of global warming

  Describe something that will help you to learn foreign languages

  Talk about the advantages of learning a foreign language

  Describe a large organization

  What are the advantages of large and small organizations

  What’s your view towards the fact that most factories are far away from downtown area?

  What are the advantages of large multi-national companies?

  Why do many people like to work in small companies?

  Describe a book you have read recently

  What books do Chinese kids read?

  What are the ways should parents use to make them like reading?

  What are the differences between traditional reading and online reading?

  What are the advantages and disadvantages of reading and watching TV?

  Describe a phone call

  Talk about advantages and disadvantages of mobile phone

  Do people like to hear people talking loud in public?

  Describe something you would like to learn

  What should kids learn bore they go to school?

  Which one is better, school education or parental education?

  Describe a photo

  Do Chinese people like taking photos?

  When do people take photos usually?

  Why do people tear apart the photos they have taken?

  Describe a piece of law

  Why are there fewer policemen than lawyers?

  What are the differences between policemen and lawyers?


  Describe a workplace

  What are the advantages of working at night?

  Describe a library

  Is it a campus or public one?

  Which parts of the library do you like and dislike?

  Describe a tourist attraction

  What are the types of tourist attractions in China?

  Is the travel with tour guide good?

  Will people change their attitude towards tour guide?

  What measures did the government take to protect tourist attraction?

  Would you recommend this tourist attraction?

  How do people visit historical places nowadays?

  Do you think we should visit historical places for free?

  Do you think people can learn anything from visiting historical places?

  Describe the favorite part in your hometown

  How often do you go there?

  Are there more Chinese people living in the city or in the countryside?

  What are the benits of studying in the city?

  What kind of people likes to live in the city?

  What are the major differences between living in the city and countryside?

  Should more entertainment parlors be built in the city?

  Describe a historical site

  What are the types of historical sites?

  Why do people nowadays dislike visiting a historical site?

  In what ways can people get to know history?

  Do you think TV programs that focus on history can make people interested in history more?




  Part 1


  Is there any special meaning behind your name?

  What’s your name?

  Why do you get this name?


  Are you a student or at work?

  What are you studying for?

  What are you responsible for?

  Do you study part-time while working?

  What are the subjects you study?

  What’s your major?

  Do you think people should get paid when they are required to work on weekends?


  How do you spend your weekend?

  Do you read a lot in your spare time?

  Has anyone sent you a book bore?

  Do you like watching TV in spare time? What kinds of programs do you like?

  What are the ways to relax?

  What do you usually do in the evening?

  Do the people have more time to relax now?

  What kind of shopping do you like?


  What kind of music do you like to listen to?

  Do you think children can benit from listening to music?


  What are the features of your hometown?

  What’s special about your hometown?

  What are some of the changes that have taken place in your hometown?

  Do you like the city you live in?

  Apartment and House

  Do you like the place you currently live in?

  How is your relationship with your neighbors?

  Describe your flat or house


  What is your taste of clothes?

  When do you wear suits?


  Which styles of arts do you like and why?

  What do you think about arts? Are they important?

  What’s your favorite art, such as painting or sculpture?

  Modern Technology

  How often do you use telephone?

  Which do you prer, sending emails or writing letters?

  How often do you usually send or receive emails?


  Why do you learn English?

  How long have you been learning English?

  What do you think is a good way to learn English?


  Do people live longer now? Why is that?

  How about people in the past?


  Does your house have a garden? Why?

  Do you like planting?

  Who plants in the gardens in China?


  How to foster children?


  What’s your favorite food?

  Where do you eat?



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