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  版本13:新西兰part1: public transport

  part2 : discribe an interesting shop 1. what is it? 2. why went there? what you bought? 4.why interesting?

  part3: interenet shopping :advantages and disadvantages

  2. 澳洲口语part1 dancing, Part2 a person who you studied with.

  版本14: 澳洲悉尼 UNSW 13:40 sydney time 口语

  P1 cloth,food,news paper

  P2 a special meal(lunch or diner) what do you eat? where do u eat? who do you share with?

  P3 which tpye of reseturant mostly in ur chountry is food important for you? what type food become popular? do people eat the same food all around the year? do people like to change the style in several years? is there any special food in special day in ur country?

  版本15: 澳洲口语:

  part 1: 关于neighbour的问题,young neighbour 和 old neighour.

  Part 2: a recent change happened in a city or a town, what did it look like? what is the change? what benits brought by the changes? your feeling about the change.

  Part 3: what problems brought by the changes? what place you want to travel?

  版本16:澳洲布里斯班 UQ考场 口语

  Party1 喜欢flat还是 house 将来的house 或者flat 是什么样的

  P2 描述一个电影

  P3 人们喜欢在哪看电影 从电影中能学到什么 老年人和年轻的看的电影有什么不通 看老电影的好处


  part 1 工作还是学习,运动

  part2 positive changes in your life。

  Part3 worklife change,speed change,rapid change。各种change。刚问了个貌似印度同学,也是change

  版本18: 太原理工大学,RM402,

  part1: hometown,traveling;

  part 2: a leader you admire;

  part3: the abilities of good leader; do you think we really need a leader; the qualities of a leader should have

  版本19: 成都,RM09,a nice man ,

  part1,问住在flat or house,你希望住哪种,how do you like your room .还有就是public transport,

  part2, a person who taught you sth usul,who what ,how he or she taught,why it is usul.

  part 3,主要就是围绕小孩儿教育的问题,比如从电视上,还是从老师那儿学得多啊,还有小孩儿可以从家长和其他同龄朋友那儿学得哪些。。。。差不多就是这些了 part 2最郁闷,少数几个没准备的话题之一,泪奔,求6呀,阅读做得晕呼呼,直接导致作文半天进入不了状态


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