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Task 1
类别 抱怨信
题目 Write a letter of complaint about a purchased product which did not match with the description.
题目翻译 要求写一封抱怨信关于购买的产品与描述不符。
写作指导 1)交代写信目的 2)说明清楚情况 3)要求或建议
重点表达 I’m writing to you to … Your prompt and favorable attention to my letter would be highly appreciated
题目评价 难度一般
推荐练习 抱怨信 You have bought an mp3 player at a shop, on reaching home, you discover a fault with it. Write a letter to the authority explaining the situation, and ask the problem be put right.
近期考试趋势 近三个月考的是抱怨信,感谢信,投诉信.......
Task 2
类别 教育类
题目 Some people believe that children will have a promising future if they are always rewarded by their parents or teachers when they well-behave. However, other people argue that if the children misbehave, they should be punished so that they could be qualified citizens. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.
题目翻译 有人认为儿童如果被父母和老师表扬,那么他们将会有更好的将来。但另一些人认为如果儿童犯错后受到惩罚,那么对他们将来是有好处的。讨论两方面并给出你的观点。
写作指导 1)正文第一段,陈述一方理由,如 a.奖励对孩子而言是一种鼓励 2)正文第二段,陈述另一方理由,如 a. 严厉的惩罚对小孩有震慑作用 3)正文第三段段,表达自己观点并陈述理由,如 a.要赏罚分明,从小培养孩子判断是非的能力。
重点表达 Incentive, deterring fect, exert impact on ,play a vital role in
题目评价 旧题,难度一般
推荐练习 2007.3.3 A类大作文:Some people think schools should select pupils according to their academic ability, but others believe pupils with different abilities should be educated together. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
近期考试趋势 近三个月考到的话题为社会类、科技类,社会类是考试的重点。






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