


2017/08/06 20:09:03 编辑: 浏览次数:275 移动端


  1. Describe a leader you admire

  Part3 Why do people want to get success? What are the qualities of a good leader? Do you think the leadership is born or nurtured?

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  2. Describe a best friend/ a good friend you have not seen for a long time

  Part3 Do you have many good friends? What is the quality of a good friend? What can make friends break up? How to maintain friendship?

  3. Describe a top student in your class

  Part3 Are you a top student in your class? Do you want to be or not? What are the qualities of a good student? What is the influence of teachers on students?

  4. Describe a famous person?

  Part3 What do you think about being famous? Why do people want to be famous? Do you think the news about celebrities is reliable? Do you believe the news on TV or newspaper?

  5. An older person you want to talk to

  Part3 How is the life of elderly people in China? Do you like to live with elderly people?

  What is people’s attitude towards elderly people in China? What can we do to improve their life?

  6. Describe a person who helped you

  7. Describe an open air place(park/garden) / a natural beauty

  8. Describe a historical place

  9. Describe a shop you often go to

  10. Describe a foreign country place you want to travel to

  Part3 Do you often travel to foreign countries? Do you like travelling in the city or countryside? What do we need to prepare bore we travel? How long do you often travel in a place? What kinds of places do people often choose to travel to? What is the difference between teenagers and elderly people on choosing tourist destinations?

  11. Describe an old building/architecture

  Part3 What is the importance of old building? What can it bring to the city or the people who live in the city?

  12. Describe the place you often go to swim?

  Part3: Who taught you how to swim? Should schools set up swimming course? What is the importance of swimming?

  13. Describe a working place

  14. Describe a house/ an apartment you like to live in

  15. Describe a wild animal

  Part3 Do you like pets? Do you keep pets? Why do people keep pets? What kinds of pets are popular in China? What is the role of animals in your country? How do people treat animals? Should we protect the wild animal? What measures should the government take to protect the wild animal?

  16. Describe a TV program

  What kinds of TV program are available in China? Do you prer to watch movies at home or in the cinema? Why not go to the cinema? why elderly people don’t like going to the cinema? Do you think the TV program is dull or not?

  17. A handicraft you made

  Part3: Would you like to give the handicraft you make to friends as a present? What are popular handicrafts people make now? Do you think it is important for children to learn how to make handicrafts?

  18. Describe your favorite weather/ Describe a bad weather

  Part3 What is the influence global warming has on us? As far as global warming is concerned, what should we do to improve the weather?

  19. Describe communication ways(telephone, e-mail, letter or text messages)

  20. Describe a song you used to listen to when you were in your childhood

  Part3 Is it important for children to learn how to sing? Why should children learn how to sing? When should they stat to learn?

  21. Describe a difficult thing you did well

  Part3: Do you like challenge? What are problems that teenagers are facing in China now? What do you think about ambition?

  22. Describe a special meal

  Part3 Which is more important, lunch or dinner? Is breakfast important? Should we have more meals but less food for each of them every day? Are there any changes in the eating habit of Chinese? What will people’s eating habits be like in the future? Why do people like eating out? What are the benits of eating at home? What is the most important to the development of a restaurant?

  23. Describe a small business you want to own

  Part3 What are the disadvantages of the small business? What kinds of business are easy to for us to get success? Are they easy for us to run?

  24. Describe something you lost

  25. Describe a piece of furniture at your home

  Part3 why do you think people like buying furniture? When people are likely to change their furniture? Do people spend a lot of money on decorating their houses in China?

  26. Describe a thing you want to buy if you have enough money

  Part3 What do you think of money? How important is money to you? What is the difference of people’s attitude towards money between now and in the past? Does money mean the same to adults and children? How could the family educate kids in terms of saving money? What is your happiness?

  27. Describe a movie you like

  Part3 What type of people like watching movies? What kind of movie is the most popular in China? What is the difference between Chinese and Western movies? What will the film industry be in the future?

  28. Describe a book you want to read again

  Part3 Do you often go to the library to read? What kinds of books do people like reading nowadays? What’s the reading habit like nowadays? What are the differences between people’s reading habit nowadays and bore?

  29. Describe an important letter

  Part3 Do you like sending letters? Why do people send letters? Do you prer to send letters or e-mails? Do you think it should be replaced in the future?

  30. Describe an ideal job

  Part3 What kind of job is the most attractive in China? What kinds of are less attractive? What kinds of jobs are enough paid in China? What kind of job do you think should be highly paid? What comes first at work, being happy or getting more salary?

  31. Describe a change in your hometown

  Part3 Do you live the countryside or city? Do you prer to live in the city or countryside? Do you like to live the big city or small city? Why?

  32. Describe a subject you like

  33. Describe an outdoor activity

  Part3 Do you like indoor activities or ourdoor activities? What is the difference? Nowadays people are busy with their work or study, how could we make good use of time to do outdoor activities?

  34. Describe a street in your village or city

  Part3 living in the countryside or city and their differences What do you think about living in the countryside? Advantages and disadvantages, including facilities, education etc

  35. Describe an etiquette

  36. Describe a photo you like

  37. Describe a website you often use

  Part3 How important is the internet to u? What is the influence the internet has on teenagers? what do elderly people often do online? What is the difference between boys and girls when they surf on the internet?

  38. Describe your favorite advertisement

  Part3 what kinds of advertisements can you see in China? What kind of advertisement is the most attractive in China? Who is easily influenced by the advertisement? What kind of advertisement is good?

  39. Describe a happy marriage

  Part3 What is the suitable age for people to get married? What is the attitude of Chinese people towards marriage? Do you think it is reasonable to spend a lot of money on the wedding party?

  40. Describe something made you angry

  Part3 In Chinese culture, do people prer to express their emotions on face or hide in heart? Do you think it is positive or negative? Do males and females have differences on expressing feelings? Are there any differences between males and females when they deal with relationships with each other

  41. Describe a historical event

  Part3 Have you ever learned history in your childhood? Do you think it is important for us to learn history? What do you think about the comment of celebrities on the historical event? What’s its importance?










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