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  下面是2012年5月26日雅思阅读机经的内容,包括了这次考试涉及到的有Island Country in Pacific,Corporate Social Responsibility和Bilingual Children等非常流行的阅读话题。为了更好的备考雅思阅读考试,我们一起来看看这三篇雅思阅读考题的内容吧。

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Reading Passage 1
Title: Island Country in Pacific
Question types: True/False/Not Given; Summary; Short Answer Question
文章内容回顾 讲考古学研究的。大致的意思是:从库克船长环球航海引入,说他到了夏威夷群岛后发现当地土著讲的话是波利尼西亚人讲的语言,感觉非常惊奇,因为两个地方隔得很远。然后在一个岛上,考古学家和他的team找到了历史遗迹,里面有6个没有破损的pottery。记得T/F/NG有说这些pottery是用来煮东西吃的,但原文里面没有提到,所以选了NG。第一篇难度还行,题目跟文章都挺容易,不过第一段讲Captain Cook可能误导了很多烤鸭们。
英文原文阅读 Cook&aposs 12 years sailing around the Pacific Ocean contributed much to European knowledge of the area. Several islands such as Sandwich Islands (Hawaii) were encountered for the first time by Europeans, and his more accurate navigational charting of large areas of the Pacific was a major achievement. To create accurate maps, latitude and longitude need to be known. Navigators had been able to work out latitude accurately for centuries by measuring the angle of the sun or a star above the horizon with an instrument such as a backstaff or quadrant. Longitude was more difficult to measure accurately because it requires precise knowledge of the time difference between points on the surface of the earth. The Earth turns a full 360 degrees relative to the sun each day. Thus longitude corresponds to time: 15 degrees every hour, or 1 degree every 4 minutes. Cook gathered accurate longitude measurements during his first voyage due to his navigational skills, the help of astronomer Charles Green and by using the newly published Nautical Almanac tables, via the lunar distance method—measuring the angular distance from the moon to either the sun during daytime or one of eight bright stars during night-time to determine the time at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, and comparing that to his local time determined via the altitude of the sun, moon, or stars. On his second voyage Cook used the K1 chronometer made by Larcum Kendall, which was the shape of a large pocket watch, 5 inches (13 cm) in diameter. It was a copy of the H4 clock made by John Harrison, which proved to be the first to keep accurate time at sea when used on the ship Deptford&aposs journey to Jamaica, 1761–62. Cook succeeded in circumnavigating the world on his first voyage without losing a single man to scurvy, an unusual accomplishment at the time. He tested several preventive measures but the most important was frequent replenishment of fresh food. It was for presenting a paper on this aspect of the voyage to the Royal Society that he was presented with the Copley Medal in 1776.Ever the observer, Cook was the first European to have extensive contact with various people of the Pacific. He correctly concluded there was a relationship among all the people in the Pacific, despite their being separated by thousands of miles of ocean (see Malayo-Polynesian languages). Cook came up with the theory that Polynesians originated from Asia, which was later proved to be correct by scientist Bryan Sykes. In New Zealand the coming of Cook is often used to signify the onset of colonisation. Cook was accompanied on his voyages by many scientists, whose observations and discoveries added to the importance of the voyages.Joseph Banks, a botanist, went on the first voyage along with fellow botanist Daniel Solander from Sweden. Between them they collected over 3,000 plant species. Banks became one of the strongest promoters of the settlement of Australia by the British, based on his own personal observations. There were also several artists on the first voyage. Sydney Parkinson was involved in many of the drawings, completing 264 drawings bore his death near the end of the voyage. They were of immense scientific value to British botanists. Cook&aposs second expedition included the artist William Hodges, who produced notable landscape paintings of Tahiti, Easter Island, and other locations. A number of the junior officers who served under Cook went on to distinctive accomplishments of their own. William Bligh, Cook&aposs sailing master, was given command of HMS Bounty in 1787 to sail to Tahiti and return with breadfruit. Bligh is most known for the mutiny of his crew which resulted in his being set adrift in 1789. He later became governor of New South Wales, where he was subject of another mutiny—the only successful armed takeover of an Australian colonial government. George Vancouver, one of Cook&aposs midshipmen, later led a voyage of exploration to the Pacific Coast of North America from 1791 to 1794. In honour of his former commander, Vancouver&aposs new ship was also christened Discovery. George Dixon sailed under Cook on his third expedition, and later commanded an expedition of his own. His contributions to knowledge were internationally recognised during his lifetime. In 1779, while the American colonies were at war with Britain in their war for independence, Benjamin Franklin wrote to captains of American warships at sea, recommending that if they came into contact with Cook&aposs vessel, they were to: ...not consider her an enemy, nor suffer any plunder to be made of the fects contained in her, nor obstruct her immediate return to England by detaining her or sending her into any other part of Europe or to America; but that you treat the said Captain Cook and his people with all civility and kindness,...as common friends to mankind. Unknown to Franklin, Cook had met his death a month bore this "passport" was written.
题型难度分析 题型难度组合非常简单,没有复杂的配对题。是非无判断题需要考生花一定的时间去定位信息。后面的两种配对类考题非常简单。定位非常简单,答案也非常明显。
题型技巧分析 首先,从实践来说,无论是剑桥雅思官方的8本出版物剑1直至最新的剑8中我们所接触到的Summary题目,还是像笔者这样常年“以考带研”的培训界人士多次考场实践所遭遇到的Summary题目,都可以明确地传递这样的信息:摘要题的编写能够体现篇章的总体行文结构。虽然有时存在特定题空对其他题空构成所对应passage中具体信息点位置的“穿越”,但不会对实质上的in passage order造成巨大的干扰。唯一的整体例外是剑5 Test 3关于钢化玻璃的那篇Flawed Beauty。 实践中的体验来自于内在机制的运作。理论上讲,如果一个summary不能将哪怕是一部分的篇章结构和要点体现出来,它是没有理由被称为summary的。相对于原文因果倒置、主次不分、时间混乱的一段文字,不可能有效地达到概括的目的。其结果就是我们所往往碰到的题目顺序与行文结构一致的情形。 {结论}����������� Summary总体是是有序的。
剑桥雅思推荐原文练习 剑4Test 2 Passage 1
Reading Passage 2
Title: Corporate Social Responsibility
Question types: Heading; Summary; Matching companies with descriptions
文章内容回顾 讲的是CSR, 也就是现在经常提到的企业社会责任。因为对这方面有些了解,所以做题的时候比较有信心,尽管信心在真正开始对段落大意进行匹配的时候就被ruin掉了。CSR其实就是要求一个企业在社会中,不能只顾着盈利,还需要根据企业自身提点,为社会的某些领域做出贡献。第一段我觉得应该要选today&aposs pressure 对于企业重视CSR的必要性,然后我就只记得例子的匹配了。三个例子:GE、微软、XX Food(不记得最后那个的名字了)。GE投资了很多钱,还recruit了新员工之类的,不过没有直接获利,微软是在三个方面跟美国社区大学进行合作,派遣专家去帮助社区大学的教学,到最后赢得了profit impact,那个FOOD是在各个方面都贯彻了CSR,因为有一句提到“就连他们用以运输产品的车辆都用的是生态友好型燃料”。
题型难度分析 本篇的难度是三篇中难度最高的。段落标题配对和公司描述的配对两种配对题型在同一篇文章中出现,造成这篇文章题型难度非常高。另外,这篇又出现了Summary题型。
题型技巧分析 标准的Summary是由完整,连续的句子构成的段落或段落组,通过句子填空的方式对阅读能力进行考察的一类题型的总称。如果用公式简化,就是 �Summary=Paragraph(s) + Blanks NB�������� 如果是由完整但是孤立的一个个单独的句子构成的一组填空题,就不是Summary而是Sentence Completion。连贯的句流是Summary的重要外在特征。对这一点的不明确,是网上大量考试回忆中Completion(或填空)题型大量泛滥的最主要原因。需要注意的是,即使句子不完整,或者是不连续的多个句子,但如果不完整/不连续的句子间具有一定组合规则(如Notes Completion)那么这种填空题可以看成是Summary的特殊情形,即其变体。 1. 原词 标准Summary存在两种填充答案的形式,分别为原词选词两种。当instructions中使用… from the passage字眼是,即是“原词”形式的Summary。这时,所有填写在留空中的单词都必须在文中出现,而且不允许有任何词形变化,用官方的话来说,就是必须directly来自文章。 2. 选词选词”则是从给定的一个List中挑选合适的答案用于填写,List中的候选词通常以一个文本框的形式出现,相对于“原词”的填词方式,“选词”多了一层转换,因为常常和文中的原始表达有同义替换,这一定程度上增加的了难度。
剑桥雅思推荐原文练习 剑5 Test 1 Passage 1
Reading Passage 3
Title: Bilingual Children
Question types: Summary; Yes/No/Not Given
文章内容回顾 说在加拿大58%的小孩在读幼儿园的时候是bilingual的。然后说在经过调查,发现bilingual 是有利有弊的。但是人们在培养Bilingual的小孩在学其他语言的时候,他们又担心因为多学一门语言而浪费小孩的时间。
题型难度分析 这篇文章的题型难度不高,完全没有配对题出现,可以说是这次考试中最简单的题型组合之一。而匹配的文章话题也是简单的语言类文章。总体而言,题型难度较低。Summary题型第三次出现!
题型技巧分析 Summary题型的解题策略 我们在前面已经了解到,对于Summary的答案来源来说有两种情况。一曰原词,一曰选词。我们先就原词的Summary进一步探讨。 一、原词相对于选词的难度分析 相对于“选词”而言,“原词”并没有一个经过二次处理后的pool of options,因而少了一次被同义替换折磨的机会。对于词汇掌握情况不够理想,阅读理解能力有限的同学来说,这应该算是一件好事。但其实这也是一把double-edged sword。 由于“选词”的Summary直接提供了一个有限的list来供挑选,那么不管如何进行同义替换,终究是在这个圈子里面的词。此外,对于词汇意义、搭配掌握较好,语法分析和阅读理解能力优秀的考生来说,“选词”类型的Summary使得“不看文章直接做题”这样的神话变得不是那么遥不可及。很多时候,通过有效的分析和比较,对于特定空的option可以极大程度缩小范围,甚至有个别考题可以直接解出。 二、原词Summary的出题特征及解析要点 话说回来,针对“原词”的Summary, 我们有什么针对性的解决方法呢?这需要对原词和选词情况下题目编写的特点进行一番分析。 原词”Summary由于必须使用和文章完全一样的表达,使得同义替换的使用相对受限。 我们知道,如果在Summary题型的instructions中看到choose…words from the passage这样的文字,就意味着所填写的答案词必须directly来自原文。这对于出题者会带来什么影响呢? 雅思考试贯穿听、读、写、说四个module的主要测试手段,是通过对paraphrase的主动使用和被动识别来对考生的语言应用能力进行考量。就阅读而言,考生需要具备的是识别书面语中的paraphrase。但这其实不仅仅是对考生而言的一种能力,更是对出题者的一种考验。 一个好的出题者,可以灵活的运用各种语言手段,将同一个概念以不同形式进行转述,从而达到迷惑考生的效果。但有时候考试设计本身会对出题者带来一些限制,导致其无法尽情发挥,这对于考生而言,反而就是一件幸事了。 就paraphrase的常见方式而言,对于目标考察词汇、结构的处理,可以是对该词及该词的直接关系词的词形的变化、词性的变化、词义的变化、词序的变化等等。当目标词和它的直接词都没有使用的限制时,这时的paraphrase是最强大的。而如果本词不能变化,只能对与其产生关系的词进行paraphrase,则同义替换的威力将大大削弱。“原词”的Summary, 就正好是这种情况,这也是为什么很多“原词”Summary的题目部分和对应的文章部分总体存在较大相似度的根本原因。
剑桥雅思推荐原文练习 剑5Test 2 Passage 1
考试趋势分析和备考指导: 雅思阅读一直强调速度,而阅读速度永远是中国考生挥之不去的痛。中国考生擅长句子分析的理解,但是有的时候往往由于过度追求句子的理解而忽视了对大意的把握,因此往往导致考试时间紧张,甚至有一部分考生第三篇来不及做完。因此,这类考生有必要加强对两大速度技能,即略读(Skimming)和扫读(Scanning)的训练。 雅思阅读和其它英语考试阅读部分最大的区别在于前者的题型多样化,而今年上半年的考试较为平均分布的题型又再次印证了这种多样化。因此考生一定要在考试之前对各类题型的解题技巧进行彻底的复习。由于配对题题型必将成为今后雅思阅读的一个重要题型,而且这类题型对考生的阅读技能和英语基本功都提出了很高的要求,因此考生一定要特别注意这种题型的解题方法。 实践证明,知识面相对较广的考生在雅思考试中能比较好地理解阅读文章的背景,从而较一般考生更为容易和正确地解题。由于雅思阅读取材非常广泛,因此考生在备考的时候一定要注意熟悉一些常考的话题,尤其是较陌生的话题,一定要加强相关的阅读。 在现今琳琅满目的雅思参考书中,考生往往会盲目挑选一些雅思阅读辅导材料。但是,剑桥雅思真题集系列由于其信度和效度高,取材和题型皆于目前考试接近,因此考生在复习的时候一定要牢牢把握好这套教材。考生一定要搞清楚剑1-8中每道题目的解法,如果做错一定要及时分析原因。有时间的同学还可以对这套教材中的文章进行精读,以充分明白雅思选文的题材、行文方式和常考的词汇。

�  以上就是关于2012年5月26日雅思阅读机经的全部内容,包括了对这次考试的三篇文章的题目,问题类型和大致内容做的一个整理和分析。大家可以在备考雅思阅读考试的过程中根据自己的实际情况选择一些话题进行背景知识的准备。





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