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Task 1

  直接获取澳际名师服务点击进入>>>>有问题?找免费的澳际专家咨询! 或者通过在线咨询处留言,把您最关心的问题告诉我们。

类别 推荐信
题目 You got a sport event ticket but you are unable to attend. You are writing to offer your friend this ticket. In the letter, you should include: 1. how did you get this ticket; 2. why you can not go to the event; 3. and why you think your friend will enjoy it.
题目翻译 你得到一张体育比赛的票,自己去不了要给朋友。说明自己哪来的票,为什么去不了,你认为朋友会怎么喜欢。
写作指导 � 1)按问题顺序写 2)注意时态,第一二个问题用过去时,第三个问题用现在时 3)突出比赛的精彩
重点表达 I’m writing to you to … Your prompt and favorable attention to my letter would be highly appreciated
题目评价 难度一般
推荐练习 2008.03.08: advise your friends to import a new product in oversea. Say how you got to know it. Why it is worth your recommendation.
近期考试趋势 注意准备咨询信,道歉信和投诉信。

Task 2

类别 政府类
题目 Some people argue that it is the responsibility for the government to help all the disadvantaged people such as unemployed and homeless. Do you agree or disagree?
题目翻译 照顾不方便的人,例如失业者,无家可归者,是不是政府的责任?同不同意?
写作指导 � 1)正文第一段,陈述理由,政府有责任 a.�� 税收于民而用于民,政府的职责是为人民服务 b.�� 有利于维护社会的稳定 c.�� 通过制定一些法规和政策保护这些人的利益 2)正文第二段,社会和个人也有责任 a.�� 没有个人的配合,政府的政策难以实行 b.�� 这些弱势群体的处境很多时候是社会发展的负面影响,如:贩卖儿童,社会对此负很大责任。
题目评价 旧题,难度一般
推荐练习 2009.10: the environment problems facing today&aposs world are so great that there is little ordinary people can do to improve the situation. Government and large companies should be responsible for reducing the amount of damage being done to the environment. Do you agree or disagree?
近期考试趋势 社会类和教育类是考试的重点。







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