


2017/08/06 20:02:28 编辑: 浏览次数:343 移动端


考试日期 2012年10月13日
总体评析 两旧:section 1&2两新:section 3&4
总体评价 填空题数量较大,达到27题,但总体难度不高
Section 1 版本号 场景 题型
V100206 S1 Inquiry Completion + Multiple Choice
一句话简介 一个女的想参加drama club, 了解情况
详细回忆 1-7填空题: 1. Membership limitation: no children 2. Next membership start: October 3. Location: college 4-7 Activities in following months: 4. June: art tip 5. July: drama workshop 6. August: outdoor activities 7. September: planning meeting 8-10单选题: 8. Now and then is a ….. 选:A. comedy 9. Now and then is originally written as ….. 选:C. radio 10. Now and then is good for people ….. 选:C. remember late60’s
重点词汇及扩展 section 1考察了很多重要俱乐部和会员等实词名词的拼写:比如:drama workshop, outdoor activities等,请同学们注意俱乐部场景实词的拼写。
Section 2 版本号 场景 题型
V08139 S2 博物馆旅游景点介绍 Completion
一句话简介 关于加拿大英属哥伦比亚省的恐龙博物馆的介绍
详细回忆 11-20填空题: 11. bones 12. footprints 13. early 14. mineral resources and then … development of local … 15. rest area 16. artificial tour recommended to you 17. blue in color 18. one of the cleanest rivers 19. permit 去玩需要许可 20. by boat
重点词汇及扩展 注意动物和博物馆等场景名词:比如bone, footprint, minerals, artificial等。
Section 3 版本号 场景 题型
New 回收废旧的建筑材料 Multiple Choice
一句话简介 用垃圾做环保砖
详细回忆 21-26单选题: 21. Why does the girl read this article? 选:B. for seminar 22. What does the girl think about the material B? 选:A. entirely recycled 23. 男的觉得很惊讶,因为那个板?选:B. stable 24. 选:B. existed method 25. 材料的优点,选:no chemical reaction 26. 选:A. how much current material … 27-30多选题: 27-28. V板比B板,选:B. 颜色更好;D. 气味更糟 29-30. 关于V板, agree on? 选:AB
重点词汇及扩展 Section 3的选择题考生普遍反映难度较大。
Section 4 版本号 场景 题型
New Advertising Completion
一句话简介 广告对于人们消费的影响
详细回忆 31-40填空题: 31. distance of how far people … is significant 32. sound 33. The smell of chocolate 34. Digital products: flexible 35. reactions 36. Airline advertising … passengers’ own languages 37. Young people don’t buy a newspaper 38. Improving environment 39. example of … an outdoor swimming pool 40. Sceneries like national parks
重点词汇及扩展 平时注重对媒体相关单词的拼写,如digital products, distance, reactions等。


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