

2017年10月20日雅思口语机经Part 2&3.

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  下面是2012年10月20日雅思口语机经Part 2&3考题的分析,并对其中的部分重点题目进行了详细的分析,尤其是各类答题的技巧进行了总结,后面附有对今后雅思口语考试的趋势分析。这些内容对大家的备考帮助是非常大的,大家一起来看看吧,特别是对于马上要参加雅思考试的同学,结合雅思口语机经被考试比较合适的。

Reading Passage 2
Title: 改正错误
Question types: Summary(有选项),填空题
文章内容回顾 本文是关于教育类的,讲了老师的作用是让小孩犯错,说出错误让孩子改进,举了小孩玩积木和古代奴隶小孩的例子。
英文原文阅读 Mistakes Improve Children&aposs Learning Everyone makes mistakes and children are no exception. What&aposs important is how we learn from them. Yet, children grow up in a society that pressures them to be perfect and intelligent - to achieve the highest SAT scores, land prized scholarships, and get into the best universities. Parents reinforce this pressure at home when they cover up children&aposs mistakes, correct homework to improve grades, or drill knowledge into kids until they get it right. Stress is increased when children are constantly praised for their intelligence. How does this focus on perfection and IQ affect learning? And how can we help children and teens believe in themselves by accepting their mistakes and learning from them? A recent Scientific American article, Getting it Wrong: Surprising Tips on How to Learn, supports a number of learning and developmental theories. Historically, many educators have created conditions for learning that do not encourage errors. And parents have followed suit. For example, if we drill children over and over again with the same math problem, they will eventually remember the answer. And if they are lucky, they will remember the answer on a standardized test. This approach to learning assumes that if students are allowed to make mistakes, they will not learn the correct information. However, recent research shows this to be an incorrect assumption. In fact, studies have found that learning is enhanced when children make mistakes! Whether it involves homework, developing friendships, or playing soccer, learning is enriched through error. Making mistakes is part of how kids are challenged to learn to do things differently. It motivates them to try new approaches. Carol Dweck, a professor at Stanford University, studies the importance of challenging children, even if they get things wrong. Her research shows that praising children for their intelligence can actually make them less likely to persist in the face of challenge. She and her colleagues followed hundreds of 5th grade children in New York City schools. One group was praised for their intelligence while the other group was praised for their fort. When the 5th graders were challenged with an extremely difficult test designed for 8th graders, a surprising result occurred. The students who had been praised for their fort worked very hard, even though they made a lot of mistakes. The kids praised for being smart became discouraged and saw their mistakes as a sign of failure. Intelligence testing for the kids praised for their fort increased by 30% while the kids praised for their intelligence dropped by 20%. Dweck&aposs work, described in the book MindSet: The New Psychology of Success reminds parents that glowing, unconditional praise that masks errors and mistakes is harmful to children&aposs development. Being too quick with praise can be as detrimental as correcting homework mistakes that would have provided opportunities for learning. Children make many kinds of mistakes. Some mistakes, like forgetting a homework assignment or not studying for an important test, have expected consequences. Others like lying, cheating, or actions that negatively affect friendships, have more complicated causes and are more complex to remedy. But all mistakes contain seeds of learning. Ten Parenting Guidelines that Help Kids Learn from Mistakes Acknowledge that you don&apost expect your children to be perfect. Let them know your love is unconditional, regardless of their mistakes or lapses in judgment. Don&apost rescue children from their mistakes. Instead, help them focus on the solution. Provide examples of your own mistakes, the consequences, and how you learned from them. Encourage them to take responsibility for their mistakes and not blame others. Avoid pointing out their past mistakes. Instead, focus on the one at hand. Praise them for their ability to admit their mistakes. Praise them for their forts and courage to overcome setbacks. Mentor them on how to apologize when their mistakes have hurt others. Help them look at the good side of getting things wrong! �
题型难度分析 本文题型难度适中,第一种题型是文章摘要题,并且有选项,针对的是文章的前两段,后一种是填空题,要求填一个单词,也是细节题。
题型技巧分析 Summary题,有顺序原则。 先关注instruction字数限制,有些题目在字数限制前,还有段落限制,告诉考生这个题目是针对哪个段落的。 其次,通读summary, 并且划出关键词,主要包括名词,连接词,介词,不定冠词。 然后根据空格前后信息,预测空格上的单词(单复数,可数与否,词性,-ing, -ed, 固定搭配等) 如果是有选项的摘要题的话,还要通读选项。 同时注意无选项的文章摘要题,在写答案的时候,单词一定要是来自于文章中的。
剑桥雅思推荐原文练习 机经:2010年11月20日的儿童识别错误

Reading Passage 3
Title: 欧洲祖先的生活环境
Question types: 段落配标题,配对,填空,选择题(考查主旨)
文章内容回顾 讲过去欧洲祖先的生活环境,极地的民族用火,用动物皮什么的,有一个cave, 科技的演化,火,在5个不同地方的区别。
题型难度分析 这篇文章的题型较多,段落配标题和配对相对较难,填空题较容易
题型技巧分析 选择题的做题步骤 一、阅读指令 (Instruction) 这一步骤主要是针对多项选择而言的。单项选择题的指令没有什么作用,而在多项选择题中,指令中会提示正确选项的数量。在誊写答题卡的时候,一定要注意多项选择题的题号,一个正确选项占用一个题号。这一点对于初次接触雅思的考生来说要特别引起注意。 二、阅读题干,划出定位词 由于选择题考察细节的特点,故题干中的词往往能够提供定位 三、阅读选项,划出核心词 在寻找正确答案之前,一定要事先通读选项,因为选项提供了对原文正确或者是错误的同义转换。但是由于选项较长,不可能一次性全部记住,所以有必要把选项里的核心词划出来,这样可以减轻记忆负担,并且更加有针对性地做题。 四、找到相关句子段落,摆脱干扰找到答案 这是做题的最后一个步骤,也是最重要的步骤。由于选择项的干扰性往往很强,所以对找到的相关句子或段落一定要进行仔细阅读,排除错误选项。甄别干扰项这一步骤是考生解题的关键,很多考生在往往对几个选项犹豫不决,经常跳进题目的陷阱。一般说来,干扰项有如下几个类别: 1、数字陷阱 选择题的特点便是选项进行深度的同义转换。但是如果个别选项中出现了数字,往往意味着这个数字直接来源于文章,没有进行任何同义替换。这种干扰选项对于根本读不懂原文的考生有着致命的诱惑力,因为只有数字是熟悉的,其它的单词都读不懂。数字选项中,数字在文章中都有提及,但经常是通过移花接木的形式出现的,以干扰考生的注意力。 2、相似陷阱 同理,如果题目中出现的个别单词与原文中的用词一模一样,尤其是一些经常被同义替换掉的动词、形容词等,这个选项往往就是干扰选项。 3、偷换概念陷阱 有时候选项中虽然与文中有对应的词,但选项中偷换了关键性的成分(如谓语部分),使得答案错误。 4、搭配不当陷阱 这是最具有诱惑性的选项。这种选项的特点是:选项本身是正确的,但是跟题干却不能形成搭配关系。很多考生看到选项和原文内容相似,甚至还有同义转换,便毫不犹豫地选择了这样的干扰项。
剑桥雅思推荐原文练习 机经:2009年10月11日远古人类的住宿环境

  以上就是关于2012年10月20日雅思口语机经Part 2&3的分析内容,对其中的一些比较重要的经典考题进行了解答的思路解析,并对今后的雅思口语考试趋势进行了预测。大家可以在备考自己的雅思口语考试的时候,针对这些特点进行更加有针对性的准备。

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