

2017年10月27日雅思口语机经Part 2&3.

2017/08/06 20:00:25 编辑: 浏览次数:262 移动端

  下面是2012年10月27日雅思口语机经Part 2&3考题的分析,并对其中的部分重点题目进行了详细的分析,尤其是各类答题的技巧进行了总结,后面附有对今后雅思口语考试的趋势分析。这些内容对大家的备考帮助是非常大的,大家一起来看看吧,特别是对于马上要参加雅思考试的同学,结合雅思口语机经被考试比较合适的。

Part 2&3考题总结
考题总结: People 1. A teenager you know(A child) Part3 What is your attitude towards young and older people? What is the responsibility of young people? Is the life of young people comfortable? What are differences between teenagers and elderly people? 2. A neighbor Part3 How is the neighborhood in China? What are the influences of neighborhood on children? 3. Describe a friend you have just met 4. Describe a person who taught you some usul skill Who he was? What skill he or she taught you? How did he or she teach you? Why do you think this skill is usul? 5. Describe a popular singer. Place 6.Describe a seaside place you want to visit Part 3 How to save water? Does the urban area consume more water than the rural area? Does china face the problem of water scarcity? 7.Describe a museum 8.Describe a natural beauty/ a natural protection area Part3 What benits can we get from the tourist attraction? When you go to other countries, would you like to visit the city or the natural beauty? Do you think tourism can do harm to the local environment? Whether we should take the cell phone when we visit the natural beauty? Should we protect the natural beauty? What measures should the government take to protect the environment? What can an individual do to make contribution to the environmental protection? 9. Describe the ideal flat or house that you would like to live in. You should say: where it would be what type of house it would be how you would decorate it who you would like to live with and explain why you would like to live in this kind of home Part3 In your country, what type of home do most people live in? How are traditional houses different from modern houses? How are the lifestyles different between the big cities and the countryside? Do people from the big cities look down upon rural people? In the future, do you think rural areas will become more attractive as places for people to live in? What’s the difference between houses now and in the past? What about in the future? What are the benits and drawbacks to live in flats? Why are the housing prices so high in China? Do you think the quality of life in the countryside is higher than in the city? How to help people live in the suburbs have the same quality life as city people? 10. Describe an important city in your country. You should say: where the city is what people do there whether you visited bore And explain why you think the city is important. Part3 Which do you think is the better place to live, a city or a village in the countryside? What problems are there from living in a city and living in a village in the countryside? Are the educational facilities in the countryside as good as those in the cities? Are there any differences between people who live in cities and people who live in rural areas? Why do so many people want to live in cities? Is tourism an important industry in China? How can people benit from visiting new places? When many people visit a particular place, what fects can that have on this place? 11. Describe a street/road in your hometown You should say: where it is what the main buildings are on that street/road what you usually do on that street/road and explain how you feel about this street/road. Event 12. Describe a group project you took part in Part3 What is the importance of teamwork? What can you benit from teamwork? Should children take part in some group activities? Is it good to take part in some group activities? What kinds of group activities are popular in your country? What are the qualities of a leader? 13. Describe a wrong decision 14.Describe a competition you joined in 15.Describe an etiquette/ A situation to be polite(you had to be) Part3 What is the etiquette like between you and people you are acquainted with? Is it different from the one between you and strangers? Why parents tell their children to tell a lie in some situations? Are there any differences on being polite, friendly and honest? In what situations do we need to be polite? Honest? Who is responsible to teach children to be polite? Are you polite or honest to your friends? 16. Describe an unforgettable(happy) event in your childhood Part3 What was important to you in your childhood? What made you happy? What often made you sorrow? What do you think about the fact that lots of people like to take photos to memorize the past? 17. Describe a historical/traditional event in your country Part3 What makes people historical in your country? Have you ever learned history in your childhood? Do you think it is important for us to learn history? How can we learn the historical event? What do you think about the comments of celebrities in the historical event? 18. Describe a difficult thing you did well. You should say: when you did it what you did what preparations you made for it And explain what you felt and learned after doing it. Part3 What is the common ambition of Chinese young men? Is it good for a young man to be ambitious, and why? Is it good for a young man to be overly ambitious? Will you choose to be an ambitious man or not? 19. Describe a special meal or dinner you had. You should say: what you ate where you had this meal who you ate with And explain why this was a special meal to you. 20. Describe a science class in the high school. When did you attend it? What was it about? And explain why you talked about this science class Part 3: What do you think of distance learning? What do you think of home studying? What should the parents do to help their children if they choose home teaching? Do your parents help you when you study at home? Do you think studying at home is a good way to acquire knowledge for adults? Do you think studying at home is becoming more popular? Why? What is your favorite subject? Should youngsters learn science? Why? Do you think boys can learn science better? When should students learn science? Should students learn history? How do we acquire the knowledge of history nowadays? What’s the point of acquiring the knowledge of history? Films with historical themes are very popular now. What do you think about them? Should history films retell authentic stories or should the stories be dramatized? How do the dramatized stories affect children? Object 21.Describe a plan you have for the future(but not related to work or study) You should say: what it is why you have this plan what the first step in your plan is what you will need to do in order to make the plan work and explain how you think you will feel after you achieve this Part3 Do you think it’s important for a person to have a career plan? How do most people plan their future education and their future career? Do you think it’s important to include the factor of one’s salary in a career plan? Do you think planning is important? What kinds of personal plans should people make for themselves? In general, how do people make plans? For a person with children, what influence does this have on their personal plans for the future? 22. Describe a song that has (special) meaning for you 23. Describe your favorite book which you want to recommend to your friends. You should say: when you read it what it is about who recommend you this book And explain why you want to recommend it to your friends. Part3 Do people in your country like to read books? What kinds of books are most popular in your country? Do you think reading is important? Do you think paper books will eventually be replaced by electronic books? Some people like to collect books. Why do you think they do that? Do you think compulsory reading in school is a good idea? 24. Describe an interesting family photo Part3 Where do you like taking pictures? Is photography a piece of art? What is the difference between taking pictures by cell phone and camera? Which method do you like? Is it possible that the cell phone can take place of the camera in taking pictures? Are skills required when we take pictures? What are the disadvantages of taking pictures by cell phone? Why do people like to use the software called Ps to beautify pictures? 25.Describe a wild animal/ a situation coming closed to a wild animal Part3 Do you like pets? Do you keep pets? Why do people keep pets? Is it good to keep wild animals in the zoo? Are they happy in the zoo? What is the role of animals in your country? How do people treat animals? Should we protect the wild animal? What measures should the government take to protect the wild animal? What makes the animals endangered? 26.Describe a vehicle you want to own or you would like to buy Part3 Pros and cons of private transportation? What are advantages and disadvantages of the bicycle? Is it dangerous to ride the bicycle? What do you think about the motorcycle? What do people long for cars? What are pros of public transport? What do you think makes people feel happy? Do you think money plays an important part in people’s happiness? 27. Describe an unusual job Part3 What kind of jobs is the most attractive in China? What kinds of jobs are less attractive? What kinds of jobs are enough paid in China? What kind of jobs do you think should be highly paid? What comes first at work, being happy or getting more salary? Why do some people often change their jobs? What do you think about changing jobs? What are the differences between men and women on jobs? Why? 28.Policy or politics 29. Describe one piece of furniture in your house What is it? How does it look like? Where did you get it? And explain why you think it is so different? Part 3: Who bought the furniture in your home? What are the differences between the furniture in office and the ones at home? What are styles of furniture in different countries? 30. Describe your favorite TV program Part3 What kinds of TV programs are Chinese people keen on? Do you prer to watch movies at home or in the cinema? Why do people like watching movies on TV? Do you think the cinema will disappear someday? Why elderly people don’t like going to the cinema? Do you think that people will be isolated from the society if they indulge themselves into the TV program? Are there too many Sports TV programs on TV? What are their advantages and disadvantages? What is the importance of international TV program? What’s the most popular TV program in China? Why? Do you like to watch TV at home or watch film in the cinema? And why? 31. communication skill 32. Describe a thing you want to buy if you have lots of money. 33. Describe a usul skill you have learnt from your parents Part3 What important skills can parent teach their children? What children can learn from staying with their parents? What role do parents and grandparents play in children’s development

  以上就是关于2012年10月27日雅思口语机经Part 2&3的分析内容,对其中的一些比较重要的经典考题进行了解答的思路解析,并对今后的雅思口语考试趋势进行了预测。大家可以在备考自己的雅思口语考试的时候,针对这些特点进行更加有针对性的准备。

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