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Task 1
考试日期: 2012.11.03
类别 感谢信
题目 Write a letter to your colleague for his/her help when you worked overseas.
题目翻译 你从另外一个国家工作回来,给之前一起工作的同事写信感谢他对你的帮助。
写作指导 1)按问题顺序写; 2)解释你刚从另一个国家回来; 3)关于回家的感觉; 4)感谢他的帮助,请他来玩。
重点表达 I’m writing to you to … I am looking forward to thanking you again and maybe enjoying a few drinks together at an early date. I sincerely appreciate your help.
题目评价 难度一般
推荐练习 After having been involved in an accident, you were looked after by another person. Write a special letter to express your thanks.
近期考试趋势 友情信,申请信,投诉信为复习重点。
Task 2
考试日期: 2012.11.03
类别 家庭教育类
题目 It is better for children to grow up in the countryside instead of cities. Do you agree or disagree?
题目翻译 儿童在农村成长比在城市成长更好。你同意还是不同意?
写作指导 双边中立: 正文第一段写儿童在城市成长的好处: 1. 儿童在大城市成长可以接受更好的教育而且有机会进入更好的学校。Children who live in big cities can receive better education and more chances to enter into top schools. 2. 儿童在大城市成长可以接受更好的医疗保障,保险以及养老金。receive better health care, insurance, and retirement pensions 正文第二段写儿童在农村成长的好处: 1. 儿童在农村成长可以接近自然,带来美好的童年回忆。Little kids spend their time amongst nature creating childhood memories 2. 农村污染少,对儿童身体健康有益。Countrysides are less polluted, which is good to children’s health.
重点表达 Little kids spend their time amongst nature creating childhood memories, receive better education and more chances to enter into top schools. receive better health care, insurance, and retirement pensions.
题目评价 旧题,难度一般
推荐练习 Some people prer to live in a small town. Others prer to live in a big city. Which place would you prer to live in? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer
近期考试趋势 社会类是考试的重点。


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