

2017年12月1日雅思口语机经Part 1.

刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:252 移动端


考试日期: 2012121
Part 1考题总结
考题总结: Self-introduction and personal information 1. Name What is your name? Is there any special meaning of your name? Is the name of a person very important? 2. Hometown What is your hometown? Is there anything special in your hometown? Do you often go back to your hometown? What transportation is available in your hometown? Are there any changes in your hometown? How do you like your hometown? 3. Jobs Do you enjoy your work? What job are you doing? What is your responsibility? What do you want to do after graduation? What do people change jobs? What jobs are the best for people? 4. Education Where did you study when you were in primary school? What kind of school is it? Which was your favorite subject? Do you still contact your primary school friends? Have you visited your primary school after graduation? How did you choose your major in university? 5. Hobbies Do you like playing computer games? What kind of computer game do you prer? Why do you like playing computer games? How do you spend your spare time? Do you have a computer? Do you collect anything? Do you like shopping? 6. Painting Do you like painting? Why do you like painting? What can you learn from painting? 7. Dancing Do you like dancing? How many hours do you spend watching TV every day? 8. Photo Do you like taking photos? Why do people want to take photos? How to organize your photograph? How do you store your photos? Do you hang your photos on the wall? Why do people take photos? Where do people take photos? 9. Weather What do people wear in different seasons? What is the weather like in your country? What kind of weather do you like? What kind of weather do Chinese people like? 10. Sports What’s your favorite sport? Why do you like it? What is the most popular sport in your country? What are the advantages of regular exercise? Why should people do sports? 11. House& Apartment Do you live in a house or an apartment? Do you like living in house or apartment? What kind of people prer to live in apartment? What kind of people prer to live in house? What kind of room do you like? 12. Travel Do you like travelling by car? What kind of car do you like? 13. Driving Can you drive? What car do you want to buy? Where do you go on holidays? Would you like to travel more in the future? Clothing & fashion Which is your favorite color? Do you like expensive clothes? 14. Activities How often do you go out in the evening? Do you like listening to music? What kind of music do you like? What TV program do you like to watch? What toys did you have when you were a child? Do you play alone or with your friends? Did you watch a lot TV when you were a child? Do the children in your country love watching TV? 15. Relatives Do you have many relatives? When you were a child, which of your relatives do you see most often or spend the most time with? When you were a child, did you play more with your friends or with your relatives? In the future, do you think you will have more opportunities to see your relatives than you do now? Who do you feel is the most important member of your family? Who do you feel is the most important relative? 16. Toys What toys did you like to play when you were a child? Do you think you learned anything from playing with toys? Did you prer to play with those toys alone or with other children? If you had children, what toys would you give them? 17. Colors What’s your favorite color, and why? Do you always wear clothes in your favorite color? Are there any colors that have a special meaning in your country? What color would you choose to paint the walls of your room? What kind of color do you dislike? 18. Food Which do you prer to eat, lunch or dinner, and why? Do you think there are any benits from eating breakfast? Are you willing to try some new food? Which do you prer, eating one big meal or eating several small snacks? What do you consider to be a healthy diet? In the past few years, have there been any changes to what people in your country eat? 19. Flower Do you like flowers? What are the most popular flowers in China? On what occasions do Chinese people send flowers to others? What special meanings do flowers have? What is the national flower in China? And do you like it or not? Do you know how to grow flowers? 20. Mass media Do you prer TV news or news on the radio? Do you think the mobile phone is important? How do you often use the mobile phone? Do you prer to make phone calls or send messages? What are the disadvantages of the mobile phone? What can the mobile phone bring us in the future? Do you often use the computer? When do you often use the computer? How important is the computer to you? Do you often send e-mails?


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