

2017年2月23日雅思口语机经Part 2&3.

2017/08/06 19:55:31 编辑: 浏览次数:254 移动端

  下面是2013年2月23日雅思口语机经Part 2&3考题的分析,并对其中的部分重点题目进行了详细的分析,尤其是各类答题的技巧进行了总结,后面附有对今后雅思口语考试的趋势分析。这些内容对大家的备考帮助是非常大的,大家一起来看看吧,特别是对于马上要参加雅思考试的同学,结合雅思口语机经被考试比较合适的。

Part 2&3考题总结
考题总结: A person you want to talk to A friend you haven&apost seen for a long time; A famous person (in your country); A happy person; A happy couple; a children&aposs game you used to play when you were a child the best gift you have received a recent change in your life a good parent you know a library an important plant in your country someone who became your close friend after the first time you met each other a garden an experience when you were late a film about real people or event a neighbor of yours a gift you have given to others an occasion when you helped someone a vehicle you want to buy a wrong decision you have made a cafe you often go to an experience when you were late a book you want to read again a sporting event on TV a perfect holiday something you do to relax yourself a meal you enjoyed the most a team project you joined a city or town you have visited a person with an important job a show or performance you enjoyed a plan about your future a crowded place you have been to a usul website a science class you enjoyed in your primary school a movie or book about the future a meaningful song
雅思口语趋势分析和备考指导 2013雅思口语新话题分析: 1)物品题A movie or book about the future是之前考过的a foreign movie的变种卡。大部分描述未来的电影都是美国大片,大家可以提前准备一些自己熟知的电影。同时要积累电影相关词汇,如science-fiction movie科幻片,Hollywood blockbuster(好莱坞大片)等。 2)A person who has an important job. 此话题大家可以主要从teacher, policemen, doctor等职业入手描述,当然如果大家描述farmers也可以,这样显得话题独特。

  以上就是关于2013年2月23日雅思口语机经Part 2&3的分析内容,对其中的一些比较重要的经典考题进行了解答的思路解析,并对今后的雅思口语考试趋势进行了预测。大家可以在备考自己的雅思口语考试的时候,针对这些特点进行更加有针对性的准备。

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