

2017年1月12日雅思口语机经Part 2&3.

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  下面是2013年1月12日雅思口语机经Part 2&3考题的分析,并对其中的部分重点题目进行了详细的分析,尤其是各类答题的技巧进行了总结,后面附有对今后雅思口语考试的趋势分析。这些内容对大家的备考帮助是非常大的,大家一起来看看吧,特别是对于马上要参加雅思考试的同学,结合雅思口语机经被考试比较合适的。


Part 2&3考题总结
考题总结: Person A person who helped you A person who taught you a technique A famous person A good student A character in my childhood story leader you admire Place An old building A place of work A place you often go for holiday event a positive change a special event you can enjoy with family object website culture you’d like to know hobbies a foreign film that you enjoyed watching the kind of book you want to read again others what would you do when you have a day off a family event/an important celebration in ur country the bad weather that you have experienced bore sth you learnt from another country/culture your favorite school subject an item of clothing or jewelry you wear in a special occasion Food Describe a foreign cuisine. Shopping a special thing you want to buy in the future Will the special thing help you in your study? Do you like to go shopping? What are the fective ways of advertising? Why do you like shopping? Where do you usually go shopping? How often do you go shopping? What are the advantages and disadvantages of modern ways of shopping? Are there any differences between the old and modern ways of shopping? Media Do you like writing letters? Do you often write letters? What do you write? Describe a meaningful letter or card. Do you usually write by hand or using a computer? Do you keep contact with your friends by making phone calls or writing letters? Who do you usually receive letters from? Do you think hand writing is important nowadays? How can children improve their handwriting? Advertisement What are the advantages and disadvantages of adverting? Do people usually buy goods after watching advertisements? Are there any differences between the advertisements in magazines and those on TV? What are the fects of televisions on family life? What are the fects of televisions on people at different ages? Are there any differences between interviewing online and meeting people face to face?
雅思口语趋势分析和备考指导 2013雅思口语新话题分析: 1)物品题A movie or book about the future是之前考过的a foreign movie的变种卡。大部分描述未来的电影都是美国大片,大家可以提前准备一些自己熟知的电影。同时要积累电影相关词汇,如science-fiction movie科幻片,Hollywood blockbuster(好莱坞大片)等。 2)A person who has an important job. 此话题大家可以主要从teacher, policemen, doctor等职业入手描述,当然如果大家描述farmers也可以,这样显得话题独特。 3)A speech or talk you have listened to. 此话题需要描述自己听过的演讲。其实这个不限范围,是视频的或是现场的都可以,大家可以发散思维。关于演讲的词汇大家要注意积累,比如talkative(口才好的),inspiring(鼓舞人心的),motivational(激励的)等等。 4)An important message you received. 这个话题与我们之前考过的a happy family new话题类似,属于此话题的变种话题。

  以上就是关于2013年1月12日雅思口语机经Part 2&3的分析内容,对其中的一些比较重要的经典考题进行了解答的思路解析,并对今后的雅思口语考试趋势进行了预测。大家可以在备考自己的雅思口语考试的时候,针对这些特点进行更加有针对性的准备。

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